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Sunday, October 20, 2013

EBT Card Users Threaten Rodney King-Style Riots

EBT card users are threatening to stage Rodney King-style riots in Los Angeles if the electronic food stamp system crashes again, following Saturday’s failure which prompted looting at several Walmart stores.



  1. So they are going to riot because they don't get what they didn't earn!

    Ain't America grand!!

  2. So now it becomes clear what those helicopter tests downtown were preparing for.
    No wonder the stock piling of ammo has been going on.

  3. You would be foolish to think they wouldn't. It's just in their nature. That's his they were raised.

  4. Let them riot and just like last time they will crap up even more their already crapped up neighborhoods. We cannot worry nor waste one second on a segment of society that hasn't evolved into civilized human beings.

  5. Hopefully, every shopkeeper will be well armed and defend their property per castle doctrine and/or stand your ground laws.

    If these same shopkeepers are well trained in the use of their firearms (true gun control) and get one-shot-one-kill results, the country will be significantly less populated and better off!

  6. Sad. But the quick fix is to have shop owners ready with squirt bottles or super soakers full of gas or charcoal lighter fluid and soak any would be rioter or robber and then set the human garbage on fire. Cheaper than bullets and very persuasive.

  7. shove the EBT cards where the sun doesnt shine

  8. Hey, The welfare system is for you to LIVE IN! It's there for when you need temporary help!! So, Go out and get a job and then you can get off of that stuff and budget your money like the rest of us!! Sorry, but I do not feel sorry for you!! The EBT cards are not for you to live on! We the taxpayers are tired of paying for you!! Again, Go get a job!!!!!! Just for your FYI: If it wasn't for the Private Sector the Public Sector would not have any money!! Think about that!!

  9. Maybe they can steal TV's again

  10. If they riot and destroy their neighborhoods, guess who gets stuck footing the bill to re-build? That's right--the working taxpayer! How about next time, DON'T rebuild for them!

  11. Lmao i get food stamps, and dont care how anyone feels about it. Lets just say i will get what i can....876.00 isn't that bad. Think i will eat steak tonight how about you? Black people do it why can't I. Im a single mother of 4 and i am going to take what I can.


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