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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blast From The Past: Harry Reid Claimed Income Taxes Are "Voluntary"


  1. These old idiot's should be forced to retire, they are senile!

  2. They don't make kool-aid like that anymore!

  3. No, in THIS case, he is correct. Research it. I think you will be very surprised what you find. And you might even kick yourself.

    1. You 10:35 am apparently have no better understanding of the question addressed to Harry deaf & dumber Reid then he did. Here's a flash, try NOT paying your taxes. Your assets, both monetary and real will be frozen and taken from you until the federal government reaches their undetermined personal saturation point. They determine that amount, not you, nor does the original amount they tell you, that you owed them. Knowing that directing this information to you is moot. Please, just stop paying your taxes today, claim 25 or more dependants and get a really fat paycheck for a while, like most of the immigrants are doing. Then come back here with your tale of woe, in a couple of years, after you save up enough taxed money to buy a new computer.

  4. Well, isn't he correct? You only pay income tax if you work, and nobody is forced to work (although maybe they should be).

  5. Harry hasn't consulted a dictionary lately, or so it seems.

  6. Obama Crooked Furious FourOctober 16, 2013 at 10:50 AM

    No wonder they call him Harry WHOREHOUSE Reid, the Leader on the Democrat Party. Right next to King Barry Obama and Queen Nancy Pelosi and Hillary "Benghazi" Clinton. So dear democrat and liberal voters, are these "Your Leaders"? Is this the best you can come up with?
    We all would be better off being led by a blind dog than these CROOKS.

  7. This lying whack job is the loudest voice representing the Democratic party. Obama is enslaved to adhere to all this nut thinks up and tells him what to do. North Carolina has already stopped any new welfare until the budget bill is passed, expect other states to follow. Of course the liberals cry about the poor little starving children, but conveniently forget to mention the gazillions of healthy lazy low rent pigs already suckling at the trough of FREE.

  8. don't work and you don't pay it's that simple. wait for a democrat to give you everything for free!

  9. I consider it voluntary, as well.

  10. 11:20 AM

    Another bag of hot air. When people like you have no valid argument, out come the insults, misdirection and panicky diarrhea of the mouth.

    There are people who have done EXACTLY what you so maliciously suggested, went to court and won.

    If you bothered to heed my advice to research this topic you may have found some interesting information.

    I'm sure you wouldn't know what to do with it IF you are capable of recognizing such.

    The powers that be love people like you. You live your life by believing rumors and half truths. Too lazy to do even the smallest of tasks to find the truth.

    But that's fine. Don't educate yourself. Stay ignorant and be blissful. BTW, do you live in a trailer park or do you just have the stereotypical mindset?

  11. Tell Wesley Snipes it's voluntary.

  12. 6:38 PM


    and tell oj knives are sharp.

    I can point you to the truth but I can't make you read it.

  13. 9:41-Thank you for that,but you are much too deep for me.


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