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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Jury Awards $250K In Case of SWAT Team Shooting

A federal jury has awarded $250,000 to the father of a Maryland man killed by a SWAT team serving a search warrant at his home.

The Baltimore jury last week found that four officers from the Cambridge police department violated Andrew Cornish's constitutional rights by failing to "knock and announce" their presence.

The officers entered Cornish's apartment at 4:30 a.m. on May 6, 2005 to search for evidence of illegal drugs. The lawsuit says Cornish was awakened by the intrusion, grabbed a knife for protection and was shot in the head.



  1. the father will get very little after legal fees and taxes

  2. There are no taxes for such awards. typically the loser pays additional for legal fees separately

  3. typically the loser pays additional for legal fees separately

    October 16, 2013 at 2:56 PM

    and I think we can safely say these four are losers.

  4. October 16, 2013 at 2:56 PM

    and I think we can safely say these four are losers.

    October 16, 2013 at 4:51 PM

    I think you are the cop hater that posts on here and drools every Joe posts an article like this. Please do us a favor and sign your name so you can look you up on the Judiciary Case Search to see why you hate cops so much.

  5. Punk got what he deserved.

  6. 7:09, you need to go back to school. Or quit drinking so early. Nobody hates the cop him/her self, it's what they become when they put on that badge and become professional buttheads.

  7. The article says they are upset that the SWAT team came in the early hours of the morning. I guess they should have called or sent a letter to ask what time would be convenient to stop by?

  8. October 16, 2013 at 7:09 PM

    Why do you boneheads always think someone is a "cop hater" when they criticize the police? And you think the guy got what he deserved?

    That's one of the problems with you guys. Your mindset is that you not only allowed to enforce laws, you think you are allowed to execute judgment as well.

    That is totally false. You don't have that authority. Never have and never will. You are just people with a uniform and a badge. You don't have extra rights than anyone else. You are far from perfect, and your judgments are not always sound.

    And you show even MORE arrogance assuming that only one person feels like I.

    I wish I could take credit for ALL the things said against police abuses on here, but I am not the only one that sees them. Sorry.

    And people who believe in liberty and police accountability MUST have a criminal background, as you suggested? More arrogance and in this case, more ignorance.

    If you would do your jobs, and stop with this false notion that you are mini-gods, life would be much easier for all involved.

    But you and your ilk are typical mindless mannequins. 4 cops wrongfully kill someone, are punished, and you STILL defend them and blame the victim.

    Instead of telling you my name, why don't YOU tell us YOURS? Maybe we can get rid of yet another bad cop.

  9. 5:47...SMACK THAT ACE.....I'm alaways amused by cops who call others out, then post "anonymously". And one doesn't have to have a criminal record to be OUTRAGED all the videos and court records documenting the goonish, thuggish, overbearing and overreacting police force behavior. A gun and a badge DO NOT give anyone permission to beat, rob, rape, and murder whomever they please. CITIZENS go to PRISON for what the police do EVERY DAY. The facts may upset you. Sorry. Now, sign your name, sissies.

  10. Hmmmm, let see now...

    1) The guy was committing crimes enough to obtain probable cause by a judge to issue a search warrant.

    2) Search warrants are typically executed late at night or early in the morning to gain the element of surprise to keep the officer's safe.

    3) The suspect grabbed a knife upon the officer's entering.

    4) Had the suspect not been engaged in illegal activity, the police would not be executing a search warrant on his house. Therefore, he created his own situation. Don't do illegal stuff. The cops won't search your house and shoot you when you storm them with a knife in hand.

  11. It's amazing how society has come to crap on controls of itself. Police are necessary to maintain order in society. Without police society would deteriorate into a wasteland of lawlessness.

    If a person didn't commit crimes against society and didn't do illegal junk in his house, the warrant probably wouldn't have been signed by a judge. When the cops enter your house on a search warrant, don't approach them with a knife.

    This is a classic case of darwinian principle.

    The next time someone is rockclimbing and falls of a cliff and dies, who is the family going to sue, gravity? You take a risk committing serious crimes.. sometimes it doesn't work out well.


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