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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ireton & Co. Have Some Splainin To Do!

1.12.040 Financial disclosure statements to be filed by the candidate or treasurer.permanent link to this piece of content
The candidate and/or treasurer shall file a complete and accurate financial disclosure statement detailing the contents of the account books no later than seven days prior to the primary election and seven days prior to the general election. The financial disclosure statement shall include, but not be limited to, the name, address, amount of contribution and the date all contributions were received. Contributions of in-kind materials or services shall be valued as stated in Section 1.12.020(B). Each financial disclosure statement filed shall also contain a full and complete record of expenses and list any expenses incurred but not yet paid.
A final financial disclosure statement shall be filed no later than forty-five (45) days after the date of the general election. After payment of all campaign expenditures, any surplus funds shall be paid by the treasurer to either: (1) the city of Salisbury to help defray the expenses of the election; (2) a charitable organization as defined in the Annotated Code of Maryland, Business Regulation Article, Title 6 as amended from time-to-time; or (3) a political club, committee, or party of the candidate's choice.
No financial disclosure statements shall be required if the contributions received total less than six hundred dollars ($600.00) for the primary and general elections; however, a statement under oath shall be filed by the candidate and treasurer that no financial disclosure statement is required pursuant to this section. Such statement, if applicable, shall be filed seven days prior to the primary election and seven days prior to the general election.
Each financial disclosure statement shall include a representation certifying under oath that the contents of the statement are true and correct and shall be signed by the candidate and treasurer.
The foregoing provisions shall also apply to unsuccessful candidates.


  1. I don't understand, so someone explain to us numskulls

  2. Shoremaster of Delmarva?

  3. 3:58 I would be glad to if I understood it myself.

  4. it means base on this, ireton is a vendor and paid himself or something to that note...

    It says check number and vendor name and it says 131=transfer to committee ireton for maryland,

    how can it be a vendor?

  5. Girls just wanna have fun ahh Girls just wanna have fun...girls, girls...October 22, 2013 at 5:52 PM

    1st he has to take the banana out of his mouth to speak

  6. I don't think you can take the "vendor" label literally because it says the funds can be transferred to "a political club, committee, or party of the candidate's choice."
    So he sent it to the committee to re-elect himself, which means, I would gather, he will be running for re-election again in the future?

  7. Joe you're gonna have to spell this one out. Did Ireton violate election law, or is it just that he's using over $2,000 of the money he ostensibly collected to run for mayor for other purposes.

  8. He's using what was donated to his mayoral run for a run at a state office. God help us all, we don't need another educator in Annapolis giving all of our hard earned tax dollars to the BOE.

  9. Looks like Ireton has a statewide committee set up for electing himself to another office. Norm Conway's seat likely, since that's what the rumble has been for years.

    Nothing illegal that I can see. Just the spend-happy, tantrum-throwing mayor licking his chops over higher political office, dreams of being governor eventually no doubt.

    He ain't downtown with these parties to celebrate downtown then. They are thinly disguised meet-and-greet build-the-base parties. That explains the other politico names on that invitation you posted.

    The wife and I are glad to be somewhere else.

  10. More news missed by the Daily Times.

  11. I think what this says is he can NOT transfer this money to himself even if it is for another election.

  12. Ireton For Maryland Committee was formed in May and registered as a candidate committee with the Maryland State Board of Elections.
    The Election Participation is listed as Gubernatorial. No specific office is listed. Rumors were that Gansler was considering Ireton as Lt. Gov. due to Ireton's appeal with the LGBT crowd.

  13. It's transferred to another election committee. That's what the law says is an option.

    He's his party's loyal pretty boy. If they need him as a front man, they'll sell him for a seat at the table.

    If they don't need him, they'll sell him down the river.

    It would be the same no matter the party.

  14. I am trying to move out of the city because I think anything I may have worked towards or for is useless

  15. The funds were mailed to Bill & Laura Duck's mailing address; what's the significance of that?

    1. Bill Duck is his campaign finance manager. These people are delusional. Ireton might garner votes in the city but he won't get the votes he needs in the county to carry the seat in Annapolis.

  16. 11:32 Bill Duck is his treasurer.

  17. yeah, not as many democratic voters in the county. good lucky Yimmy.

  18. Ireton ran for mayor just as a stepping stone. Sickening.


  19. Sorry; can't make a civil comment about this character's character. Mom's instructions from back in the day.


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