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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Rascovar Commentary: Perry vs. O’Malley – Early Presidential Showdown?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is poaching in Maryland. He’s camouflaged his Wednesday visit as an economic development pitch — including a $500,000 TV and radio ad blitz – to get companies to move from Maryland to low-tax, pro-business Texas.

He’s not fooling anyone.

It’s all part of Perry’s nascent presidential campaign for 2016. His move-to-Texas gambit comes with plenty of media coverage and new fund-raising contacts. He’s done it in other states that just happen to have important primaries like California, New York, Illinois, Missouri and Connecticut, where Perry needs to connect with Republican voters well before the 2016 GOP primary heats up.



  1. rick perry is good at what he does. being gov. which he will no longer be soon. i like his ideas and all. good republican. but, bad national canidate.
    maybe a senate run or something. but, he truely disappointed me when he ran for president in 2012, and i was in the beginning all for him.

    o'malley will not win the dem. presidential nod, either. but could get a v.p. nod or cabinet post if dems. win the whitehouse again. scary thought...judge on the supreme court...........

  2. At least he is spending some money in Maryland that did not come from Maryland taxpayers.

  3. good for him, he is doing more than our governor is doing to promote business

  4. 9-16-13
    You are certainly doing Perry a disservice by mentioning his name on the same breath as OweMalleys`.
    Perry doesn`t have to convince anyone he is the better candidate for his record in Texas speaks for itself. He doesn`t have to FOOL anyone as to the solvency of the state of Texas as their economical advantage is visible North of the Md./Del. line that demonstrates the hostility of the business enviorment in Md.
    OweMalley is the poster child for adopting another four years of OweBama. Bob Aswell

  5. 330-When you go on a stage on an nationally televised debate, and forget the agencies of the federal gov't you plan to eliminate, and than half to look to the other candidates and ask THEM for help...Perry will never win a national election. Sorry. Too many blunders and missteps. I think he'd do very well as a Congressman though, and he should focus his efforts on that.

  6. O Malley won't even be in contention.

  7. Hate to see it happen, but hillary will walk away with it.

  8. 3:51 i agree Perry is not a good rep candidate.except when compared to omally the libtarded communist Perry wins hands down...o mally's blunders are far worse..his actions speak volumes

  9. 433-Yeah O'malley is just another in a long line of MD Dem failures. I seriously doubt O'Malley will get anywhere near a nomination, he doesn't have the chops for it.

  10. It shouldn't take much to get businesses to relocate to ANY state other than Maryland (and possibly California). O'Moron has already made life difficult for all Maryland residents and companies have been moving out for quite a while now.


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