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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hero Dog Saves Baby From Abusive Babysitter

When 7 month-old Finn Jordan was being abused by his babysitter, no one was around to report her. No one but the family dog, that is. Killian, a shepherd mix, suddenly started acting violent towards the babysitter, alerting Finn’s parents to danger. He was normally a friendly dog so they knew something was up.

After the dog tipped them off, the parents left an iPhone in the room with Finn and the babysitter, recording what happened. When they came back to check the recordings, they heard crying, verbal abuse and slaps.



  1. Thought it was illegal to tape someone without their permission?

  2. 12:35 audio is illegal in MD but not video without sound.

  3. depends on state law 12:35.

  4. I think you are missing the point here.

  5. Listen to your dog.. You will learn a lot.

  6. I don't think anyone is missing the point at all 2:06. Actually it's good to point out that this may not be legal in MD since "fruit of the poison tree" (obtained in illegal ways) isn't allowed as evidence and informs people as such when trying to catch things like this. They will know to use video exclusively and no sound.

  7. Well apparently "they heard crying, verbal abuse, and slaps" so if sound is illegal I would say that their recording is illegal. Granted, illegal or not, the babysitter would not walk away from me unmarked.

  8. U got it 3:59! Just thank God this was found out!!!! And yes, dogs Know much more then they're given credit for!!

  9. Humans tend to judge the intelligence of other creatures by comparing them to humans.Any species' intellect is not inferior to our own simply because it is different.God intentionally gave everything a different type of intelligence to cover all bases.

  10. This event was reported in South Carolina. Not Maryland.

    South Carolina has one-party consent laws, so the use of an iPhone was not illegal.

    Be sure to check the link labeled "More" before assuming this was a local story.

  11. Thank God for that Dog!!
    Animals try to tell us things every day. We just don't or can't listen. They are in service to this country with the military and the police. They are animals that are loyal. The more I see of people .. the more I love my Dog.

  12. And by the way,they know when you are not feeling well,and when you are upset about something.

  13. Our furry family members know more than we could ever imagine. Dogs can hear & smell things long before we can. If your normally friendly dog is acting strange around a new friend, take note of it. May turn out that the friend is the one with the 4 legs.

  14. Nice to hear positive input about man's best friend and how they continue to be our heroes!


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