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Sunday, September 22, 2013


Officials say one gunman is dead and two others may be at large in the shooting of at least 10 people, with 'multiple victims deceased.'



  1. If there are more than one involved then they can't pass this one off as workplace violence.

  2. 'We are confronting yet another mass shooting,' This is how Obama started his speech. This has to be a lie guns are not allowed in DC.

  3. My prayers go out to all that are involved . please liberals don't use this tragedy for your political game.

  4. The media is clueless, hey are speculating and reporting rumor. Have they not learned a lesson from Sandy Hook and Boston.

  5. I think these people were upset over no Health Insurance.

  6. Cue the leftist Democrats and media who will immediately use this as an opportunity to promote Gun Control-aka Gun Confiscation. Never let a good crisis go to waste libs.

  7. How many times can one person say ummm, ahhhhhhh when giving out information. Someone send that chief to a public speaking class.

  8. What happens if they are terrorists? Will Obama acknowledge it?

  9. I know this area well. I go right by this shipyard when I travel to northern VA as it's usually quicker and less traffic than the Beltway.
    The area surrounding it resembles a war zone. Abandoned boarded up residences, stripped vehicles lining the streets and what most likely is chop shops abound. There is a charter school very close. Lots and lots of places to hide if in fact more gunmen are at large.

  10. It looks like the second gunman on the grassy knoll has surfaced in the D.C. area.

  11. all these shooting are no more than a government conspiracy.

  12. War on hold.....back to the gun grab agenda

  13. I'm so sick of the politicians and news anchors telling us "not to rush to judgement" .....we need to assume that it is terror related!

  14. 3:12-staging a shooting in an area that already bans guns doesn't do you any good.
    They would have to have someone go postal at a gun range and kill everyone there for any point to be made.
    All this shooting does is gives pro-gun people all the evidence they need to support the position that laws that ban guns only harms people, not helps them.

  15. Guns ARE allowed in D.C. Where have you been?

  16. 4:18- the shipyard is a "no gun zone" as is the policy in all military installations unless personal is authorized and authorization only comes if that individual can prove a specific threat.
    This law was enacted under Clinton. Jeez----where have you been? It was all over the news after the Ft Hood shooting.

  17. Well, I hope he had at least undergone a background check. If he had full tactical gear and an AK, he must have. And a permit in case he had a handgun. The Media would never mention it, though. It would look bad on the liberals!

  18. 439-Have you never been to the Navy Yard? Obviously you haven't. The guards at the entrances are armed with AR-15's.

  19. Yes I have many times 5:42 and it's around 60 acres with one entrance to get in. I'm a retired (civilian) employee of a Coast Guard yard so had many opportunities to visit and even worked on occasion at this very Naval yard.
    It is my understanding that the guards at the gates were some of the victims. Suspect shot his way through them and then had free reign in the ensuring chaos.

  20. @4:18

    You try getting a gun into DC. Their licensing scheme was overturned by the Supreme Court, but never replaced. So it is unconstitutional but still in place.

    There are several reports of people with guns in DC being arrested. One was a veteran driving through. Another was Adam Kokesh, who intentionally loaded a gun on July 4 to protest DC's illegal gun laws. He is sitting in prison, denied bail.

    Additionally, carrying an empty shell can get you arrested. Some day, a tourist will have one on their keychain and get arrested when they go trough the Capital's metal detector. It's only a matter of time.

    Washington DC is the worldwide headquarters of the corporate United States. If the general population understood that their country doesn't really exist, and they could be armed at corporate HQ, their hold on power would be severely challenged. No way they will let that happen.

  21. Anonymous said...
    4:18- the shipyard is a "no gun zone" as is the policy in all military installations unless personal is authorized and authorization only comes if that individual can prove a specific threat.
    This law was enacted under Clinton. Jeez----where have you been? It was all over the news after the Ft Hood shooting.

    September 16, 2013 at 4:39 PM

    I have been reading and getting facts, sir.

    One report is that he took the guards weapons and used them, not his own.

    AND, to the other guy, I did not say it was not difficult to obtain legal weapons in D.C., I said it IS POSSIBLE, which it is.

    There are tens of thousands of legally registered firearms in D.C., some of which were grandfathered in. And carrying ammo, spent or otherwise, will get you arrested IF you are not legally allowed to possess it.

    Some of you should really do your own research instead of repeating rumors and half-truths, just so you can APPEAR to be correct.


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