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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Zimmerman: Guilty Of Not Being Black

‘We are outraged and heartbroken over today’s verdict,” NAACP president Benjamin Jealous said in a statement moments after a jury of six women found George Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter.

That’s what it has come to for the NAACP. The Zimmerman case wasn’t about due process. It wasn’t about Trayvon Martin’s family having their day in court. The NAACP didn’t care about the trial, it wanted a conviction — and the law be damned. The facts be damned. Justice be damned.

And the NAACP isn’t finished with George Zimmerman. It now wants to deny him one of the most fundamental civil rights we as Americans possess — the right not to be tried a second time for the same crime. “We will pursue civil-rights charges with the Department of Justice,” Jealous added in the post-verdict statement.



  1. Guilty of being found innocent!

  2. Mob justice is what a pure Democracy is. It is why the United States of America is a Republic. There is a difference.

  3. Just a comment from an older man ;
    I was born in 1943 , fought in a war in 1967-1968.
    I have watched the progress of the colored population since civil rights was born.
    It appears to me that the issue is :
    1. African Americans are led by a few blacks who want a civil war.
    2. It appears to me that they also think that they are above our present laws.
    3. The unrest that Sharpton has created is only because he was wrong from the beginning and just won't admit it.
    We , as white people have given till we can't give any more.
    This outrage over Trayvon is pathetic and only a political move from the left.
    I will say this , if George gets tried again for this so called crime , we will be at war.
    We cannot and should not allow this to happen in America.
    You can back us against the wall , but watch out when we respond.
    It is sad that a man is dead , but I will defend myself and my family , even if I have to kill.
    David killed Goliath and I'm sure he is in Heaven.

  4. Only in America can a brown guy shoot a black guy and the white guy gets blamed for it.

  5. Brilliant,7:56! That's one of the best comments I've seen since this whole circus started.

  6. Lets March for Zimmerman...


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