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Saturday, July 20, 2013


Rapper Jay Z and his wife, R&B singer Beyonce, joined the Rev. Al Sharpton and Trayvon Martin’s mother at a Saturday rally for Martin in Harlem, N.Y.—one of at least 100 protest gatherings scheduled to take place across America.

Sharpton’s National Action Network organized the “Justice for Trayvon” rallies and vigils outside federal buildings from New York and Los Angeles to Wichita, Kan., and Atlanta, where people stood in the rain at the base of the federal courthouse, with traffic blocked on surrounding downtown streets. Most rallies were scheduled for noon local times.

Jay Z with Justin Timberlake dedicated the song “Forever Young” to Martin during their closing number at Yankee Stadium Friday night: “Everybody put a cell phone and light it up,” Jay Z said according to TMZ, “let’s light the sky for Trayvon Martin tonight in here.” 



  1. I remember how all the white people rioted when OJ. Simpson was acquitted. Do you?

  2. We should rally for Zimmerman now!

  3. How about all the white people that are killed by black people?? How about the young man, Stevie Thomas, in Princess Anne?? I don't see that making the national news, or people fighting in the streets over it, and the President sure didn't comment on it. Also I guess its ok when a black kills a black, that happens everyday just as a white killing a white. When will the NAACP stop making everything about race when a white man does something to a black man when black men do it to white men ALL THE TIME! It's not just about race it's the lifestyle you live and the people you associate with!

  4. 1154PM - There really is no comparison to OJ in this case. He murdered two innocent people (one being his wife) in cold blood but because the glove did not fit, he was let go. But we all know he Murdered them and NOT in self defense. George Zimmerman was SELF DEFENSE with thug Trayvon the problem!

  5. What losers. Let's disregard the criminal justice process. The same thing black people accuse others of all the time when they get convicted in a court of law. You can't have it both ways. Get over it. I don't see any of them helping to decrease murders of blacks in major cities. Oh wait, not unless they are murdered by someone white.

  6. This is an outrage. They will not be happy until Zimmerman is. Dead.

  7. These people are playing into the hands of their supreme leader Nobama this is exactly what he wants CIVIL UNREST! This hype is dividing this country and needs to be put to bed now. Trouble is most of the people pushing the issue have no idea why they are pissed off!

    It's time to lock and load and protect your own at all cost.

  8. Racial rabble rousing. Who is the racist here??

  9. 4:48-Actually Zimmerman rallies are going on at this very moment.I was just reading where numerous arrests have been made,but the rallies proceded full speed ahead.


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