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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Asiana To Proceed With TV Station Suit, But NTSB Is Off The Hook

Asiana Airlines says it will proceed with its planned lawsuit against an Oakland, California, television station, but it's not going to pursue legal action against the National Transportation Safety Board.

Over the weekend, the Korean airline had said it would sue both entities after an intern at the NTSB mistakenly confirmed "inaccurate and offensive" names as those of the pilots of Flight 214, which crash-landed nine days ago at San Francisco International Airport.

The bogus names that phonetically spelled out phrases such as "Something Wrong" and "We Too Low" were read during KTVU's noon broadcast Friday. The airline called the report "demeaning" and said it was "reviewing possible legal action."



  1. Totally hilarious!

  2. They too funny.No can sue.

  3. There should not be a law suit on this. There should be an Academy Award.

  4. No suit. Something about parody/fair use??

  5. That's funny, I don't care who you are!

  6. Rush kept playing it over and over today on his show.He said she'd been punked.

  7. lol get a life it was a joke ,ting tong.

  8. Not surprised that someone on here listens to Rush.. SMH

  9. we all listen to rush Moron.h

  10. Wasn't PC...

    but funny, funny, funny

    Station verified with NTSB that it was accurate (will meet a due diligence test). Posted apology fast and unprompted.

    Airline wants this out of the public ASAP; it is ripe for getting them sanctioned as frivolous if they sue.

    Their biggest problem will be explaining how 4 experienced pilots blew the approach on a clear day; that should keep them busy!

  11. All jokes aside,not much more has been said about the blinding light seen by the pilots just before the problems began.Has anyone determined if the plane was on auto pilot during this episode?

  12. I am of Asian decent and yes the crash was tragic. I have to admit that I did find the broadcast pretty damn funny. Serves the media right for always trying to be the first with new info. I applaud the intern for pulling this one off.


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