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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Unions Frantically Searching For A Way Out Of Obamacare

As we inch closer to the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), union leaders around the country are frantically looking for a way to avoid having to comply with the massive new law.

Teamsters chief James Hoffa, UFCW chief Joseph Hansen, and UNITE-HERE chief Donald Taylor last week penned a letterto Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Democratic Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) begging Congress to change the law before it shatters “not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”



  1. they want you dependent on the govt so when you don't listen or like what they so or say, wham-o no more food or water or life basically...

    you do as i say or die...

    Always remember that the govt need some of us not all of us... so you could be the one to go... oh but it can't happen to you right? until it does...

  2. The unionites need to be reminded that they voted for and supported this while not knowing the full ramifications - simply because it was a Democrat agenda. Meanwhile, the more informed electorate and their constituents were warning of the consequences.

  3. The unions have always strongly supported Obama and the Democrats. They are now getting what they paid and voted for, and they don't like it. Most part time workers don't pay union dues so Obamacare is costing them money. How many of these union chiefs have called for the law to be repealed?

  4. Well, Nancy did say that we had to pass the bill to find out what was in it. Now we know. I say, screw the unions on this one.

  5. The unions supported Obama 100% on this and everything else that he dreams up. They should be the ones that suffer the consequencies the most.

  6. Maybe the union members should start supporting other parties instead of following the democratic party off the cliff like a bunch of lemmings.

  7. Hoffa should have read it before Nancy P. passed it. He could have done us all a favor and had her disappear.

  8. Imagine that, the Unions not liking something that Obamabama and Pelosi pushed through. How is that?

  9. The unions are a large part of the reason this idiot is in the white house. The unions should be the first in line to sign up for this worthless obammiecare.

  10. HaHaHa-TOLD YOU SO-- you peons and the rest of you intellectually inferior Obama supporters.
    The dittie from sung by the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz comes to mind-If I Only Had a Brain.
    Your man is a loser. Every thing he has every touched had turned to crap.

  11. Unions need to just go away. They hammered this legislation home, put all of their effort into speaking to get it passed, and NOW they don't like it.

    Every union in the US should have Obamacare before anyone, make them the guinea pigs for the rest of the country.

  12. Everyone is now forced into two 20-25 hour a week jobs with no benefits, INCLUDING UNION WORKERS! "Can I say, as a Conservative, "I told you so"?

    You guys rammed it through with blood, mud, and midnight deals, and now you have to pay the piper.

    All the while, we were warning you that we had actually READ the bill, and you marched on.

    Now, swallow, idiots!

  13. 6:42. Don't know where you get your facts from but as a unionized worker ( here on the shore) I'm working 40 to 60 hrs per week and no sign of slowing down. Being union is way more then following a certain political party and trust me not all of us voted BO . But since you want to hate on unions and union workers I hope you enjoy your minimum wage job ! IDIOT!!!

  14. Um.. didn't the unions support Obammie and Obammiecare with votes and millions upon millions of dollars in campaign funding??


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