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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Al Sharpton Finds New Love In A Decades-Younger Westchester Stylist

Al Sharpton has a new, decades-younger, attractive main squeeze.

The civil rights activist and MSNBC star, 58, is dating 35-year-old Aisha McShaw, a Westchester “personal stylist” who has been seen on Sharpton’s arm at several recent black-tie affairs, including the White House Correspondents Dinner in April and President Obama’s holiday party in December.



  1. CAN YOU SAY perv, AND Wasn't he married, HOW would the church react....REV AL.

  2. His face somehow looks photoshopped on his body....or vice versa....

    1. Im with you. Look around the ears. Plus his hands are a little suspect.

  3. He's only 58?? Looks more like 78 to me

  4. Oh yeah....that's love alright....two of em

  5. Sold his sole to the devil. by the looks of him his time is near.

  6. You go Al! Will you share she is HOT!!!! Money buys anything!!

  7. He sold the bottom of his shoe to the devil?

  8. That kind of crap broke jessie Jackson's back.

  9. I ain't mad at him for that.

  10. *le sigh*

    Ya'lls just jealous. There's nothing perverted about it. I'm sure she's making him very happy, and vice versa

  11. The Boy is losing weight fast.

  12. That head can't be realtea?

  13. I see you Big Al! Tell these haters pimpin' ain't easy!

  14. Ya'lls just jealous. There's nothing perverted about it. I'm sure she's making him very happy, and vice versa

    July 17, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    It's not jealousy friend. It's moral disgust. It happens all the time. Him doing it is not the first time it's ever been done, not by a long shot.

    It's just like Jesse Jackson too. They preach how upright they are but when the light comes on we find out different. They are both hypocrites. Shysters. They say what people want to hear, then take their money and do whatever they want to do in private, which goes against everything they say in public. Get it?

    An upstanding person would not do these things. They both claim to be such but as you can see for yourself, it is not the case.

    No intelligent person could ever be jealous of that or any other thing these two are doing. And it's not limited to just these two. There are others that are just as bad as them.

    So try a different approach. This one has crashed and burned.

  15. @1:04

    Don't hate the player, man. Hate the game.

    Your "moral disgust" sounds like jealousy to me.

    And sure, they are shysters, I'll even agree with you on that.. but that's what you are really upset about isn't it?

    Not that an older man is with a younger woman? They are both adults, aren't they? They are both happy? Then what business is it of ANYBODYS to be nosy and in their personal life being all judgy? Isn't being a nosy busy body, and judging others JUST the kinds of things good "moral" Christians should really have "moral disgust" about? I seem to remember sitting through quite a few sermons on both of these topics. An upstanding, intellegent person would not judge another or be a busy body.

    Get it?

    So try a different approach, because yours just crashed and burned.

  16. 58? Dang he must have AIDS

  17. Get it?

    So try a different approach, because yours just crashed and burned.

    July 18, 2013 at 6:33 AM

    Wow, you're just too clever for me. My feelings and morals must be wrong because you say so. You know me better than I do.

    You're also a perfect example of what I posted elsewhere about SOME blacks are difficult to talk to. Not saying you're black, because I don't know, but you have the same traits.

    Thank you for correcting me. I'm sure I will be a better man for it.

  18. @11:00

    You're also a perfect example of what I posted elsewhere about SOME blacks are difficult to talk to. Not saying you're black, because I don't know, but you have the same traits.

    July 18, 2013 at 11:00 AM

    Wow... somebody's racist grapes taste sour now don't they? You got served and you're racist little feelings are all hurt about it.

    ... And you had the GALL to argue that you stood on the moral high ground. Thank you, for exposing yourself for who you really are!

    I once again, agree with you that Sharpton is most likely a shyster. But that has nothing to do with you being jealous that Sharpton got saddled up with a beautiful younger woman...

  19. Gold digger knows what time it is!!!

  20. as if he wasn't already sleezy enough!

  21. 2:20 PM

    If that's what floats your boat

  22. Go, Al.. If you can, Do it..

  23. Damn - she might be putting us all out of misery soon. Rev Al's looking a little too old and rickety for that babe.

  24. Where does he preach anyway?


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