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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Delegate Seeking to Make History In Bid For Governor

Montgomery County Delegate Heather Mizeur is making good on her promise, and is kicking off a campaign for the Democratic nomination for governor.

Mizeur issued a statement Tuesday night saying she will kick off her campaign on Wednesday.

Her campaign stops include an appearance at the Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield, which is an annual event that draws many Maryland politicians and candidates.

Mizeur is seeking to become the first woman governor in state history, and the first openly gay governor in the nation.


  1. That makes me want to move to another state.

  2. She's a MAN! And she looks about as democrat as they get! YUK!

  3. Mizeur would make a great governor. 2:40 see ya

  4. wheres the story about o'malley being a male governor that likes to screw everyone in his state?

    wheres the story about the male candidate that loves the ladies? why isnt that newsworthy? yet, this filth and who she sleeps with is considered newsworthy? BAH!

  5. 7-17-13
    Ultra Liberal,Black, Queer. In Maryland there is NO where to go but UP!

  6. The good news is there is a qualified, conservative, Republican candidate on the ballot with an equally qualified LtGov candidate.

    Simply another election for the citizens of this socialist-becoming-state to lose!

  7. Maybe I should run as a heterosexual female. gross.

  8. I guess there are NO democrats that represent normal people anymore.

  9. If you don't like her simply because of her sexual preferences, you are a dying breed of American. What happened to us all being created equal? I'm not saying I like her (she is a Democrat after all) but signing her off for being gay is truly un-American.

  10. Really amazing the hateful comments you see on this site. If you disagree with this woman's politics, fine, but to attack her appearance and sexual orientation? No wonder the Shore continues to keep its reputation as a hillbilly backwater.

  11. Looks like she was going to have a sex change, but could not decide what sex to change to. Welcome to the Banana Republic.

  12. 507, No, she's butt-ugly, too! Of course, I'm a man, and she is REALLY not trying to attract one of us! I mean, she is really working tirelessly toward that. Oh, her qualifications? All she's running on is what she's said:

    1) Gay
    2) Democrat
    3) Delegate with a voting record

    Sorry, but 3 strikes...

  13. I could care less that she's a woman, or that she's gay. If that's all she has to run on, she's not qualified for the position. She should really focus on issues and her strategies to deal with them. For heaven's sake...it's 2013. Get over the gender and lifestyle stuff already.

  14. 507, no, we are not a dying breed. We have always been here as the majority, and the proof is in the actual population reproduction numbers; you know, what is commonly known as the CENSUS?

    She's an ugly fag hag, admit it.

  15. Anonymous said...
    If you don't like her simply because of her sexual preferences, you are a dying breed of American. What happened to us all being created equal? I'm not saying I like her (she is a Democrat after all) but signing her off for being gay is truly un-American.

    July 17, 2013 at 5:07 PM

    Not only is she gay she looks like a man and wants to be a man. She is one mentally disturbed Shim.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Maybe I should run as a heterosexual female. gross.

    July 17, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    Another HUH??

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you don't like her simply because of her sexual preferences, you are a dying breed of American. What happened to us all being created equal? I'm not saying I like her (she is a Democrat after all) but signing her off for being gay is truly un-American.

    July 17, 2013 at 5:07 PM

    I believe you have that backwards. Saying evil is good, and good is evil is the REAL un-american stance. Blatantly displaying your sin does not make anyone a hero. But it does put one on a collision course with God. Do any of you remember Him?

    God is going to replace our leaders with babies, since those so openly oppose Him will fulfill His prophecy. A child will lead them.

    If this country and it's people do not repent, we are in for a world of hurt. We will be punished as was Sodom and Gomorrah.

    But the gays and some others are not worried about it since they don't believe there is a God. The ones what do believe will be punished right along side of them for allowing it to happen.

    When the time comes, we will be separated from each other, like weeds and wheat. The weeds will be thrown into the everlasting fire and the wheat will go on to heaven, if their name is in the book of life.

    So, in closing, a person's sexual orientation IS very much a concern to all of us. Putting good as bad, and bad as good, will get you a ticket to hell right alongside the gays.

    God's word never changes. Only mans' word and heart changes.

  18. To be running on the fact that she is gay, is the wrong platform. You don't see the normal population running on their sexual orientation. Running on being gay is for people of low esteem that don't really have anything else to say.

  19. Like we need another democrat runing MD, and a gay at that? MD is becoming the laughing stock of the east coast. TAX, TAX, TAx and spend and spend more.

  20. I wonder who wrote that "speech" for her.?? The same ones who will "make it, big time" if she gets elected.


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