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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tractor-Trailer Accident Sends Car Over Bay Bridge

SANDY POINT, Md. —A collision between a tractor-trailer and a vehicle Friday night sent the car over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and into the water.

It happened around 8:24 p.m. on the eastbound span about 200 yards from the toll plaza.

"A three-car collision occurred on the eastbound Bay Bridge. It involved a tractor-trailer and two passenger vehicles. At this point, our understanding is the tractor-trailer struck one of the two vehicles causing it to strike the Jersey wall and it subsequently rolled over the wall into the shallow waters of the bay," Maryland Transportation Authority Police 1st Sgt. Jonathan Green told 11 News.

The car fell about 40 feet into the water with one person inside.


  1. I always make sure to let tractor trailers go ahead of me when driving on bridge and major highways. They drive like mad men.

  2. Phew! that lady was lucky. I wish they would tear down those bridges. Use a train service.

  3. Take a video and some pictures , then interview some witnesses .
    Get the traffic moving again. Should take a few minutes.
    For goodness sake it shouldn't take a few hours.
    We have the Dept. of Trans police , the state police , the county police and the DNR police . More police at the seen the is needed. It may be a good idea to open a donut and coffee shop on the bridge.

  4. maybe we could go back to horse and buggy....

  5. 8:55 AM.. When the workers are paid by the hour. The hour is their friend.

  6. You got to blame the Maryland transportation authority police for this fiasco taking so long to clear. They have no skills to do anything but right tickets way out of their jurisdiction. When they have to do actual investigation they are clueless and have to wait for the troopers to get there to help them. They should go back to toll cops and protect the toll booths and their money.

  7. been saying this for years those barriers are to small.

  8. Whoever designed these bridges were knuckleheads. The jersey wall on both spans are about 3 feet high - making it very easy to go over the side if one is hit like this young girl was. There is no place to go either to avoid an accident. The truck driver must have been on drugs, falling asleep, or thinking he owned the road because of his big rig. The victim must have been able to really think to escape and must be very strong. Unbelievable!

  9. @8:19....nearly all accidents involving trucks are caused by 4 wheelers !!! I have driven a 18 wheeler since 1978 and have had no chargable accidents !!! Go screw yourself !!!!

  10. Lucky it happened so close to shore and not out in the middle of the bay.

  11. Coming across that bridge on a Friday evening it is a fiasco trying to get everyone into 2 lanes. They have to inspect the bridge before they can reopen it.
    I agree with you. People will change lanes in a 4 wheeler and slam on brakes and expect the big trucks to stop on a dime. There was a reason they left that much space between them and the car in front of them. It was not so someone could weave in and out of traffic.
    People can yell all they want about the big trucks but without them the Eastern Shore can not survive. Everything is trucked in.

  12. Judging from the photo, the car was in his blind spot as he attempted an illegal lane change.

    1. Judging from the picture the truck was trying to get in the mandated right lane. Nothing illegal about getting where the law says you have to be.

  13. Mad men? These truckers drive more miles in a month than most of you knuckleheads do in a year. In crashes between trucks and 4 wheelers, 80% of the crashes are the fault of the 4 wheelers.

    So who should be outlawed again? Most of you are barely qualified to drive a car and you want to criticize a trucker?

    Act like they own the road? Which one stays in left lane and won't move? Which one tailgates and weaves through traffic? Which one gets beside someone and won't let them change lanes? Which one makes a game out of harassing another vehicle?

    Which one is in a hurry to get to the beach before it miraculously moves away?

    If you're gonna throw stones, make sure YOUR driving record is perfect.

  14. This photo was taken after the accident. Look at the right side of the photo on the bridge, there is a person leaning against the side. When large trucks break like this it causes the trailer to jackknife. That is why the truck looks like it is in the wrong. Just happy to hear the girl is ok. People, please take your time crossing any bridge.


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