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Sunday, July 21, 2013


We understand why Lore Chambers would file a grievance procedure after being fired in public by Ireton – after all, the City’s employee handbook says that it must be “for cause.” But that probably is not worth the effort, because under the “Disciplinary Grievance Procedure” Ireton gets to make the ultimate decision. Can you say “conflict of interest”? And it’s even worse.

Under that procedure, which is specified in part 0908 of the employee handbook, a terminated employee’s appeal is heard by a 3-member “Board,” whose chairperson is “a department head selected by the City administrator” – in this instance the very person currently serving by Ireton’s choice in the position that Ms. Chamber wants, Tom Stevenson. Ms. Chambers gets to appoint a member, who must be another department head (i.e., beholden to Ireton). The third member is a City employee appointed by the chairperson selected by Mr. Stevenson.

That “Board” hears the case and makes a recommendation to Ireton, whose decision “shall be final.” There is no alternative method if the employee has been terminated by Ireton (mayor), not that it matters one wit in this instance.

This is an absolutely absurd appeals process. Many cities have truly independent boards for this purpose, but Salisbury still has the Barrie Tilghman era kangaroo court. Ms. Chambers would be wise to lawyer-up ASAP and rely on the federal civil rights legislation.


  1. ""That “Board” hears the case and makes a recommendation to Ireton, whose decision “shall be final.”

    She still has the option to file a lawsuit. The city manual can say whatever it wants but they cannot ever take away an employees right to sue. It's like when a parent signs a permission slip for a child that waives liability. They are worthless. No one can sign away another's right to sue.
    Ms Chambers has to show she was fired without cause.

  2. The handbook has been in place for many years. It works and is a guide. We will end up seeing the race card just as in the TM case but the fact is, she was arrogant and hard to talk to. She should have no more been a city administrator, whose job it is to talk with the public and calm them down, than Ireton should be mayor. The lady was obnoxious....surprised she had the balls to fire her.

  3. anonymous 9:56, speaking from experience, it's a very costly process. Remember, the City has an unending pocketbook and to simply file a lawsuit the minimum it will cost is around $30,000.00.

    Municipalities should be held to much higher fines in the end for putting an employee through such financial strain. Mind you, the city is insured for such things but Ireton has an incredible past history, (even as a teacher) for being violent and verbally abusive. He got fired from a teaching job for that very reason. Another thing the local PRESS won't expose.

    The legislation must be changed and I encourage you to contact your local representative and insist such changes. Unfortunately, Shanie Shields was standing right there when it happened and she has chosen to take the easy way out saying its a personnel matter.

    Good Lord Shanie, start representing your district for once in your life and stop being so afraid of Ireton.

  4. Shanie is an airhead! People in her district better wake up. They won't though.

  5. anonymous 10:02, aka Chuck Cook, Let me explain a little something to you Mr. Brown Noser.

    IF THAT WERE THE CASE, why didn't Ireton terminate her years ago?????

    STOP feeding people a line of BS. Ireton PURPOSELY fired Lore' and handed her a lawsuit, plain and simple. He planned this long ago and guess who will pay in the end. That's right, the taxpayers!

    Ireton is out of control and we will continue to prove the man had options for many years and when it came down to it he purposely discriminated Lore' and put someone in Pick's place who is not qualified.

    Ireton DEMANDED Lore' remove her resume and she refused. That is why she was fired. He played her up in the DT's and when she put in that resume he threw one of his typical female retaliation hissy fits and terminated her.

    This will cost the taxpayers in a very big way and we can only hope that we can PROVE each and every one of them pre planned this so the taxpayers can remove Ireton immediately.

    It only takes ONE person to squeal and its over for him. Now, you have to wonder once again, are ALL of those people too afraid to lose their jobs just like those involved at MoJo's?

  6. Sounds like she's got a retaliation suit.
    From what I understand she was fired for applying for another position within the city.
    In other words she dared to apply for a position that Ireton had already pegged someone for so he retaliated by firing her. It's clear cut.

  7. 10:02-It's not a race issue and we won't be seeing that. The bottom line is that Lore Chambers had just as much right to apply for the position as anyone else without fear of being retaliated against which ended up happening.
    PERIOD-End of Story-10:02. Whether or not she was the best candidate isn't debatable at this point in time nor will it ever be because Ireton retaliated against her.

  8. Never met Ms. Chambers, but what I've heard about her tenure, I'd say good riddance.

    In no way am I supportive of the buffoon Ireton, but perhaps it's a good thing-one less incompetent to can if this city ever gets on the right leadership track.

  9. What teaching position was Ireton fired from?

  10. All the while Ireton has buried the pay study the tax payers paid $40,000 for.

    He is anti employee.

    I have no idea how the facts don't support the race card. Black woman, PhD, years of experience, given great reviews and a 24% raise just last year passed over for a white grass cop, with no education or experience.

    And I say this as a white guy who hates the way people insert race into everything. It looks like it applies here.

    Remember Joe asked how many department heads were black. The city is 40% black with zero black department heads, which I'd be fine with if the argument that no qualified black candidates were available.

  11. Do NOT ? this move . IRETON is a true commie he is just like obama he will put his goverment to get you !

  12. The US government (in general) is one huge conflict of interest in a lot of matters.The trickle down residuals are still present in the pre 1800 towns and cities like SBY.Those regs became so entrenched that a major OUTSIDE force must be involved in restructuring any given process.The incident in question may very well precipitate such change if the appropriate agencies become involved.

  13. I thought that Maryland was an "At Will Employment" state.
    If that is so , then you can fire or terminate an employee for a reason or for no reason.
    I'm looking at the law book as I comment.
    She would have to pursue the race card to be successful.

    1. I don't think she has to pull the race card at all. If any of you remember, Ireton said he hoped Lore Chambers would apply for the position if she so desired. He said this publicly. Now that she has applied by putting in her resume he fires her?

  14. Under state and federal legislation may be able to make the City pay her attorney's fee and get megabucks as well. Look for Robin Cockey and other "esquires" to come a knocking at her door.

  15. She should get an attorney from across the Bay.

  16. Have no basis for opinion about her performance in her job, but they were continually trying to get her more money. Suggests satisfaction with her performance.

    Mayor praised her in public few weeks back and noted his expectation she would apply, if accounts are accurate.

    She was on medical leave when fired.

    According to account here, was told to rescind an employment application for a job which on paper she was well qualified to apply for.

    Firing was impromptu, in the heat of emotion, by mayor.

    Mayor's actions were a catalog of what not to do. Clearly did not get advice of legal counsel beforehand.

    Good paydays ahead for several lawyers.

  17. First, she wasn't fired just to get a large settlement. She was genuinely upset, angry and teary-eyed when it happened. Second, Ireton all those involved TRIED to get her to go to the HR office. She refused multiple times. They tried getting her to go in her office, or Ireton's office and shut the door for privacy. She refused. She FORCED it to be a public event because she knew what was coming and wanted witnesses.

  18. As a woman and single mother, I had an apple out of this basket and the exit interview was short and sweet. I just said I was glad for the experience and filed it under wisdom and got a much better job. I'm certain this woman can find a better place of employment with 1/2 the grief. Let it go....better is coming. It isn't worth the grief. You really cannot fight the system if it is stacked against you. Hold your head up and know that things will get better b/c you are better than all the petty stuff. One woman to another.

  19. This women deserved to be fired , she did absolutely nothing when at work.
    What the hell is wrong with this country. If you don't do your job , you are out of here.
    My goodness , we owe her nothing and that's a fact.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like she's got a retaliation suit.
    From what I understand she was fired for applying for another position within the city.
    In other words she dared to apply for a position that Ireton had already pegged someone for so he retaliated by firing her. It's clear cut.

    July 20, 2013 at 10:11 AM

    Was the position ever announced for City Administrator? I would have to say no so why would she be putting in her resume if the job hasn't been posted?

  21. ""That “Board” hears the case and makes a recommendation to Ireton, whose decision “shall be final.”

    That whole grievance policy was changed under Barrie Tilghman's reign of terror. An employee she didn't care for won their appeal and she immediately changed it to where she had the final say.

  22. "Anonymous said...
    I thought that Maryland was an "At Will Employment" state.
    If that is so , then you can fire or terminate an employee for a reason or for no reason.
    I'm looking at the law book as I comment.
    She would have to pursue the race card to be successful.

    July 20, 2013 at 11:28 AM"

    There are exceptions including exercising a legal right. Wasn't she exercising her legal right to submit a resume for the position?

  23. If everyone walks away nothing gets better. Salisbury deserves good, competent leadership, regardless of color.

  24. In a previous publication it said Ms. Chambers was on FLMA but came in to submit her resume for the City Administrator's job. If these facts are true, Ireton could not fire Ms. Chambers while she is on FLMA per federal guidelines.

    For the life of me, I can't understand why we have such idiots running our local government.

  25. A case of Travon Martin Profiling...I bet He is related to Zimmerman

  26. Anonymous said...
    In a previous publication it said Ms. Chambers was on FLMA but came in to submit her resume for the City Administrator's job. If these facts are true, Ireton could not fire Ms. Chambers while she is on FLMA per federal guidelines.

    For the life of me, I can't understand why we have such idiots running our local government.

    July 20, 2013 at 4:55 PM

    What about the guy from the fire department that was forced on FMLA and then fired from the City. Ireton was behind that as well.

  27. 12:41. go to the H R office for what reason ????

    Why is she denied the right to apply for an open city position ????

    Get a clue

  28. "That whole grievance policy was changed under Barrie Tilghman's reign of terror. An employee she didn't care for won their appeal and she immediately changed it to where she had the final say."

    Doesn't matter what Tilghman or any other half witted person does, state and fed law still trump it.
    Tilghman like a lot of other "leaders" attempt to do this because they have a compelling need to inflate their importance and each and every time the courts have knocked these wanna be leaders back down to their real levels. In the end the tax payers have lost but now in this day and age of blogs they can be slapped down to where they belong by public humiliation and well deserved ridicule and shown that they are really nothings.

  29. A part-time mayor should never have the final say in a city employee termination.

  30. "She FORCED it to be a public event because she knew what was coming and wanted witnesses"

    Smart lady. She's been around him long enough to know what she was dealing with. Heck I watched the council meeting only one time and the way he performed and showed off and walked out is enough for me to know how he is and I live 2 counties away.

  31. Anonymous said...
    A part-time mayor should never have the final say in a city employee termination.

    July 20, 2013 at 10:52 PM

    I can't agree with you more.

    Now if the school board can get rid of the part time school teacher we would all be better off. Does anyone know if he is doing poorly as a part time school teacher?

  32. Stevenson named interim Salisbury city administrator
    May 16, 2013 |

    "Speaking to reporters, Ireton said the city will hire a consultant to conduct a nationwide search for Pick’s replacement. Afterward, he will submit three names to the City Council, which has final say in the matter.
    One of those will be current Assistant City Administrator Lore Chambers, if she gives her blessing, Ireton said."

    jcox6@dmg.gannett.com410-845-4630On Twitter @Jeremy_Cox


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