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Sunday, July 21, 2013

President Makes Surprise, Personal Remarks on Trayvon Case and Racism in America

President Obama made a surprise stop at today's press briefing to address the Trayvon Martin case. The president didn't field any questions in his appearance, but said he wanted to further discuss the context behind his comments made directly following the shooting death of the 17-year-old Florida boy by George Zimmerman.

After the February 2012 shooting, Obama spoke out about the tragedy, saying that Trayvon could have been 'his son.' Today, he added on to that statement, saying, "When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is that Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."

"When you think about why, in the African American community at least, there's a lot of pain around what happened, you need to understand that they're looking at it through a lens and a [...] history that doesn't go away," he said.


  1. And he wonders WHY white old people are afraid of "blacks" really when the shoe fits WEAR it OSCAMA.

  2. What does he hope to achieve by making such racist comments? Seems like he's trying to drive blacks and whites further apart.

  3. When African American young thugs stop the gang banging and robbing and killing the Majority of white/Hispanics/Asians/Muslims,EVERY-TIME they don't get there way, I will remain Lock & Loaded.

  4. That's why I asked the survey question the other day, is Obama dividing this country even more.

    Keep falling for it America. Keep thinking there's a race problem, when there's not. Keep your attention away from incredible gas price increases, major ju,ps in food costs, the lack of full time jobs, Detroit going bankrupt. That's right, you just come home after work and shut off the world. Keep that a/c at 76 degrees instead of the normal 68 degrees like we used to keep it. Americans are Idiots for FALLING for all of the liberal BS. That goes for the three women in the ladies room at MoJo's too afraid to speak out after the Mayor exposed himself. That's right Jim, SUE ME. Let me depose those three women and let's get it on the record. I DON'T THINK SO. Yep, they're too afraid to lose their jobs because of liberal leadership and just look at Lore' Chambers. Jim can do just about ANYTHING, so can Obama and O'Malley.

  5. Divisive comments from our President who is suppose to represent all of the people.

  6. I find it surprising that the black people in Chicago care more about the Floridian Trayvon than the 700+ black people that have been murdered in Chicago since this happened. Or the fact that 57% of black pregnancies end in abortion.

  7. 90%+ of the Black Americans that are murdered, are by their own people.

    Stop blaming whitey, look in the mirror Black America.

  8. ""When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is that Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.""

    Saying Martin could have been his son is another way of saying Trayvon could have been him 35 yrs ago?
    This really really makes a lot of sense-LOL! All this freak does is jibber jabber words to form something that doesn't even resemble a coherent sentence. No wonder he's a world class joke.

  9. He's just ticked that in his 'Choom Gang' days he hadn't yet been able to acquire gold teeth, ink, hoodie, and an over the counter source of a mix-yer-own high. Life is tough when you only get to attend private schools and Ivy League colleges.

    What an inspiration to overcome those disadvantages!

  10. 3:13-I find it surprising also that a rally is being held in Salisbury tomorrow for Martin. This is enough to make people throw up. When a little boy shot himself with a gun locally not so long ago the black community was mum. Not a candle one was lit for this innocent child. This child's life meant nothing to them. It's disgusting, despicable and uncivilized how they pick and choose which life is valuable to them. Those who attend that rally should be ashamed and need to hang their heads in shame for total lack of concern over that child. Anyone who attends is a sick person. He was a total innocent who due to irresponsible parents died.

  11. "He gave other illustrations, such as people locking car doors and clutching their purses when an African American man passes by."

    Well, BO, if the norm was not continuous black on white crime and thuggery, maybe us honkies wouldn't have to be so defensive when you appear near us.

    You all get your houses in order and learn to behave like civilized folks, and then we may want to help. Until then, we'll shoot Trayvons when attacked.

  12. the loud mouth black leaders are pimping their own people for profit. shame on all of them. they want to keep the black people, poor, uneducated and unable to make good choices for themselves. they want to keep the black people dependent and living on the liberal plantation. they don't give a rip about their own people and any color people. shame, shame, shame...

  13. I believe his comments to be a diversion to overshadow the revelation yesterday that the Tea Party was targeted by the Chief Counsel of the IRS who was the only IRS employee appointed by Obama at the time the incidents occurred.
    Thats what is called a "smoking gun"

  14. We all know he's just pushing his anti gun agenda to take away our rights given in the constitution. he couldn't give two craps about Travon.

    He doesn't mention all the mentor programs to help yutes he's cut, to fund Pentagon requests.

  15. There was news coverage of a black mob burning an American Flag in Oakland Ca. He did not condemn them for that.

  16. Every time this jackass opens his mouth, the country is diminished a little further.

  17. when the boston marathon bombings happened, the president urged all americans not to rush to judgement and not to hold the actions of a few "radicals" against an entire population of people (aka muslims). now, he is suggesting the actions of one man (zimmerman) should be used as an indicator of how racist america is. what can be more racist than talking about our country like that?

  18. It's odd. Can't look at a black person walking down your street because you might be profiling but be careful if you're in a black neighborhood because they might shoot you or at the least beat you up. But that's ok folks because that's been the norm.

  19. Rather than address the real problem he opts for the victim mentality.

  20. So Obama is saying 35 years ago he would have beat the hell out of a white man?

  21. He also said not to jump to conclusions when the Muslim doctor killed 12 solders at FT. Hood Texas. That was 4 years ago and there's been no court activity yet. What goes with that?

  22. We all know if George Zimmerman were a black man, we wouldn't have heard a word about any of this

  23. Joe, you are absolutely correct..this whole Trayvon/Zimmerman case is a diversion.. A diversion from the fiscally suicidal "Affordable Health Care Act", out of control government spending, Federal Government Agencies being used for political gain, invasive spying on the public..the list goes on.
    Too many Americans are sucked into the action centered go get em' "Reality" TV mind set and allow the more boring things continue (like that I listed above).
    Freedom is not free..it comes with a cost in time, the forgoing of immediate gratification, and knowledge of history... so that it is not repeated..
    Just saying...

  24. Anting to keep the race pot stirred

  25. When is this useless excuse for president going to be impeached?

  26. If my elderly aunts in Greece need to hide from your beloved Albanian thugs then you should have a little Obama crawling out of your very last bodily crevice. Pollack Bitch Merkel rapes Greece to prevent rail or pipe links with daughter Russia. Crawl back into your mafia fascist brow briser latrine and molest yourself!


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