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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Amazing: 14 year old girl set to graduate College with a 3.9 GPA

Yes, you’ve read the title correctly. A 14 year old girl is graduating from COLLEGE. Young Thessalonika Arzu-Embry, who lives on the Great Lakes Naval Base, will be graduating from Chicago State University with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.

Thessalonika actually started college at the age of 11 at the College of Lake County. She will end next month with the degree from Chicago State. With all of the talk about kids in Chicago not being prepared to succeed, this young lady is showing that there is a great deal of brilliance right in the heart of the south side of the city.

Thessalonika doesn’t attend regular high school like every other freshman her age. She actually wakes up early with her mother, Wonder Embry, and makes the commute from home at the Great Lakes Naval Station near North Chicago to Chicago State on the South Side of the city. On the way to school, Thessalonika and her mother study theory and talk about homework assignments.

Thessalonika dedicates all of her hard work to her mother, who keeps her motivated.



  1. Big Congrats young lady, best to you going forward!

  2. Congratulations to both this wonderful young lady and her wonderful mother!

  3. Great story. What an awesome job this mother has done. The children were homeschooled and obviously have learned more than most children with a 12 yr public high school education as evidenced by her GPA and her ability to excel at college level study at such a young age.
    Reminds me of some Amish friends. Though the children just attend formal schooling until the 8th grade those children are so much more advance that ours. By age 18 or younger they can have an intelligent conversation regarding not only politics, but other current events, finance and investing and other really important topics that are needed to become self sufficient adults within a community.

  4. There's nothing like a genius 14 year old to make everyone else look stupid.

  5. See YO, you do not have to play Victim like Obama wants you to doJuly 19, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    Inspiration to others and great job Young Lady...

  6. "If I Had A Daughter", she'd look just like Thessalonika, and would be putting her nose to the educational grind stone. Wait a minute, I forgot, probably from my decades of heavy doping, I already have two entitlies, that were just partying down in Mexico this spring, wasting more millions of taxpayer dollars, and for summer fun, I've sent them and all of their friends on an all tax payer expense paid vacation in Africa, the home of "MY" birth. FREE sure is fun for my elitist children, to hell with education and fiscal responsibility, let's party!

  7. The opposite of Travon, good girl.

  8. i'd have to see it in person to believe it. more likely propaganda because of the current ignorance being shown by minorities on their political prosecution of george zimmerman.
    wonder if she can spell, or read cursive writing? they may not be required at that school.

  9. If it's true! "Congratulations". That's something to be proud of.

  10. Congrats young lady .... finally someone smart enough to not vote the progressive /socialist ticket.

  11. Totally heart warming and wonderful post. This is what we need to see and hear MORE about.

  12. Great example about the power of parental influence. These parents put education first, have actively worked with their children and guided or disciplined their children to think and act the same way. They are very fortunate children to have such disciplined parents. They will do well in life and have a good one. I think this is the best gift a parent can give a child.

  13. Excellent.. It is wonderful to see someone apply themselves and succeed. But something is missing. I would have expected a 3.9 gpa to say "my brother and "me". Sorry if this offends somebody, but it offends me that our college grads are less than acceptable.

  14. the opposite of


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