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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Obama Issues Pro-Trayvon Martin Statement

After waiting some 17 hours since the jury issued its verdict, President Obama issued a written statement Sunday afternoon saying “a jury has spoken” but suggesting justice has not been done.

As anger seethes among those who reject the jury’s unanimous verdict that George Zimmerman did not murder Trayvon Martin or commit manslaughter, the president only indirectly called for protestors to refrain from violence.
And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son.



  1. Just saw Allen West on Fox. He stated that there are very high stats for black on white crime which seems to be ignored.

    If NObama really wanted to be respected and NOT start race wars he should call on all of that - not just cherry pick this case.

    George Zimmerman was doing a job in which he may have made a mistake but a jury of his peers deliberated for 16 hours and came to the conclusion he was innocent of malice murder.

  2. Didn't you see the video of one senator a bit back? Where as he said you never waste a good tragedy like this...

    Meaning you use it to your advantage and guess who is, Obama bin laden..

  3. There was most definitely a huge civil rights violation in this case. But the violator is dead, so filing charges is kind of pointless, isn't it?

  4. Had his (Martin's)Mommy and daddy cared enough in the beginning all of this hype would have never have happened. All of the actions of our children are learned at home and the starts with respect! Face if people this so called teenager (THUG)was in a gated community where he did not belong to start with. Trouble is the one that really needed to be charged is dead because of a poor choice on his part! Where were his parents when he was out looking for trouble to start with. Had they been the parents I had growing up all of this would never have happened because I would have been home where this young thug should have been! A jury of his peers have found not guilty so now why not move on and lay this crap to rest.

  5. Maybe Homeland Security can put some of their new found fire power to use on these protesters.. The jury has spoken. Had it been black on white or hispanic there wouldn't even be an issue.

  6. Didn't see anything about Obama issuing any such statemnet when 13 month old Antonio West was shot point blank in the face and murdered by a 17 y/o black teen not even a month after the Trayvon Martin incident.
    How many people even remember that incident ? In broad daylight a white mother walking her 13 month old white baby around the neighbor, she was shot in the leg, the baby in the face , the mother and sister of the 17 y/o then threw the shotgun used into a nearby pond and then the Conty Commisioner of Brunswick tried all he could to prevent the police from ever interviewing the mother. How was justice served to that baby ? I didn't see any outrage over that in the media, I didn't hear Obama telling the nation how if he had a son he would look like De'Marquise Elkins.
    This President is an abomination

  7. God I hate that bastard. They need to investigate themselves. Maybe in doing so, they could find that muslims birth cert. Or his college records. Or his 'real' ss number.

  8. or them two black teens who murdered a 12 year old girl for her bike. then stuffed her into a trash recycling bin. don't hear about crimes like that. why? because when blacks commit crimes, it's not newsworthy.

  9. I can't stand another day of Obama in office ruining our great country. 851AM is so right hit the nail on the head. All Obama stands for is TROUBLE!

  10. Obama only makes a statement when he can stir something up. It's his ghetto nature. He was born into it. Runaround mother, dumped him off with grandparents. No clue who his father is and given the goofy off the wall name name of BO. All this is typical ghetto. Thinks low of women and is fine with them being called hoes and the c word. The only thing he is competent at is lying.
    The fact is you can dress him up but he still of the low class and ghetto.

  11. If zimmermin had stayed in his car, as instructed, we would not be havivg this debate..unfortunately, we will never know what really happened that night, because we will only know one side of the story.
    The fact remains that a young man is dead and we will never what could have been...he could have grown up to be a gang banger or he could have grown up to be president.
    we should not debate guilt or innocence, but morn the loss of life

  12. >>>If zimmermin had stayed in his car, as instructed, we would not be havivg this debate<<<

    More to the point, if Martin had not attacked Zimmerman, we would not be having this debate.

  13. >>>If zimmermin had stayed in his car, as instructed, we would not be havivg this debate<<<

    Zimmerman was NEVER instructed to do anything by the dispatcher. Please listen to testimony, tapes, and evidence; NOT the news reports.

  14. 10:00-Zimmerman was NOT ever told to stay in his car. NOT EVER.
    The non emergency 911 dispatcher asked Z if he was following M. Z said "yes." Dispatcher said "we don't need you to do that."
    NOT EVER was he told to go in his car, stay in his car and as a matter of fact the word vehicle in any of it's form was not ever mentioned.
    Z. did return to his car though hand only exited again when dispatcher asked him for a location so to tell the officer on his way and Z. went out to look for a house number to the dispatcher and that's when he was jumped 4 minutes after he hung up and while waiting for the cops. All this was prove by the 911 recording and the background noise like the car door jingling when Z re-exited and the wind in the background.

  15. 10:00 A 911 operator saying "that won't be necessary" and them saying "stay in your car until the police arrive" are two different things. Have you even paid attention?

    He had every right to follow him, he didn't stalk him. Martin had over 3 minutes to find his way to his fathers house, call 911 himself, etc... we wouldn't even be talking about this. But, he didn't. He decided to circle back and confront him. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    The incident occurred 20 feet from where the 911 dispatcher told him "that won't be necessary". Go figure... facts work.

  16. It is a BLACK thing...you do not understand


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