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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Justice Department To Review George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin Case

The Justice Department says it is looking into the shooting death of Trayvon Martin to determine whether federal prosecutors should file criminal civil rights charges now that George Zimmerman has been acquitted in the state case.

The department opened an investigation into Martin's death last year but stepped aside to allow the state prosecution to proceed.

In a statement Sunday, the Justice Department said the criminal section of the civil rights division, the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's office for the Middle District of Florida are continuing to evaluate the evidence generated during the federal probe, in addition to the evidence and testimony from the state trial.



  1. Go ahead, make my day.

    You do this and there will be fallout everywhere.

  2. Where where they when OJ killed 2 white. People.

  3. Why is doj getting involved when a jury found him not guilty?
    This government will stop at nothing to destroy innocent people especially if they are white!

  4. what is this double jeopardy?

  5. I am really starting to hate these people. They got their arrest they got their trial the jury spoke and they are still not satisfied!
    Time they face the truth. The kid was killed due to his own actions. He's not unlike an overwhelming number of young black men who are striving to live a high risk lifestyle. If these people had an ounce of common sense they would address that problem so no more end up dead like Trayone.

  6. Again what do you expect from these ghetto boys obama and holder. Anything to stir up trouble. You can them out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of them. Pure garbage. I thank God everyday that obama is referred to as African America and not biracial because they can have him!
    If he is the best blacks have to offer than it no damm wonder black neighborhoods are a wreck!

  7. Good point did the FBI and the doing prosecute OJ after he was aquitted from the State trial....I Don't think so......so to me the government is being biased and racist to.

  8. U all voted for these ppl twice. So sftu and take it in the ass like the rest of us. You should be mad well before this. You should have stepped into action well before this.

    You are the problem not the govt. We all know how and what they do and you choose to ignore it. Funny how they will investigate this but they can't get any bankers. But bankers own the govt cuz the govt doesn't want to look incompetent and let out the bag to y messed up and let the banks control them.

  9. Eric Holder?

    The man who shouldn't have ever held office as he isn't even QUALIFIED?

    The man who investigated HIMSELF?

    He should have been fired. Should be fired.

    They don't tar and feather people anymore or run them out of town on a rail, but Eric Holder should me.

    What a total waste of tax dollars for his wage. Can we sue HIM for back pay?

  10. double jepordy. you can't be tried twice for the same crime. thats why the justice department is getting involved. well that and to divert attention from the laws eric holder and obama are breaking....

  11. I don't understand this. If Zimmerman was found to have acted in self defense, how is defending himself a violation of someone's civil rights? Of course, I never understood how OJ could be tried for wrongful death when he was aquitted of murder *shrug*

  12. Geez, will they just leave the man alone, he should have never been tried in court to start with - they found him not guilty, leave him alone, let him live his life. Obama and company just keep crap stirred up, ridiculous!

  13. Obammy is so pissed by what happened in the Florida Courtroom, that he told Holder to come down quick and hard ("fast and furious")

  14. The kid brought his fists to a gunfight and lost. Zimmerman and almost everyone would have done the same thing. bullets do not care what color you are.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. TM did, in fact, violate GZ's civil rights by attacking him physically and beating him. That was proven in a court of law.

    But there's no reason to try him for that, he's already been punished for the crime.

  17. family has already collected (april,2013)the bucks for wrongful death from the condo assoc. Guess that's not enough. But you can't get blood out of a turnip. The doj didn't find anything in a year & a half, why do they think that's gonna change. BTW I'm sick of all these people who seem to know what martin was thinking & doing at the time. One question: Did George break his own nose, lacerate & abrade his own skull?

  18. Sharpton is already guilty of ruining a life when he stirred a case around a girl who LIED against a police officer. He should be in jail.

  19. If any of you have been following the Amanda Knox drama you realize that Italy does not have a double jeopardy policy.If this actually happens,we may as well not have it either.

  20. zimmerman is hispanic, he is not white. this fact keeps getting washed under the table

  21. True GZ is hispanic. But since the hispanics ahve surpassed the blacks in numbers. it means he was indeed picking on a minority. Obama should keep his racist mouth shut . he is only a half and half himself.
    Where does he get off playing the race card. he is supposed to be the president keeping order and showing discipline. so much for his legacy.
    Just another Hitler.

  22. holder's just stupid. Famed Harvard Law Professor and brilliant attorney Alan Dershowitz said this type of situation isn't even in the scope of what the JD's function is.
    holder's another one I'm glad is black. Too stupid for me to claim him as my race-has not concept of his function and duties. They can have him.

  23. I don't understand what makes an unarmed child walking home from the store with skittles and an ice tea deserving of murder?? Can some of you help me here? He deserved to be murdered for standing his ground against an unknown, armed white man. Let's take race away. A child has no rights to defend himself from someone he doesn't know who is following him and confronting him. He didn't have to answer any of Zimmerman's questions nor identify himself. He wasn't breaking any laws so I wish people would stop referring to him as a getto thug. That shows your racist views about young black males. The justice department should intervene as that law should be abolished. Hope none of your followers ever have to bury their child for simply walking home. This is sad.

  24. Zimmerman wasn't following him 12:50. Did you not watch the trial? Martin attacked Zimmerman as Zimmerman stood by his vehicle waiting for the police to arrive.

    Zimmerman had lost sight of him according to his recorded call to 911. Martin came back around and punched him in the nose. (The incident happened right where Z said he was to dispatcher so it's obvious M was the aggressor who came looking for Z.) He fell back. Martin straddled continued to pummel him mixed martial arts style according to a witness who looked because Zimmerman started screaming immediately for help. Not only the witness but Zimmerman's wounds and Martin's lack of pre gunshot wounds except for abrasions on his knuckles and other forensic evidence back up this story and there is no other explanation so the law is one has the right to defend themselves if they are in fear of great bodily harm. It was dark, raining, Z had no idea of M's age nor if he was armed or not. M was larger than Z and had experience with street fighting whereas Z hadn't ever been in a fight in his life.

  25. "He didn't have to answer any of Zimmerman's questions nor identify himself."

    Actually you are wrong. He was in a private and gated community. When a guest in such a community you are supposed to be accompanied by the resident of the community by whom you are the guest at all times when in the public areas within the community.
    Not only was Martin who was not a resident of the community walking around public areas he was also walking on private property which raised more of an alert with Zimmerman. Girlfriend or whatever she was testified Martin was walking up on people's porches to get out of the rain. Sounds plausible until it came out in the trial that a burglary tool was found in some bushes where Z. said Martin jumped out of and attacked him. Hardly a coincidence.

  26. 12:50 It's disingenuous to say Martin was JUST walking home from the store. He wasn't JUST walking home because has this been the case he would have been home approx. 40 minutes before the shooting. 711 video shows the time he left the store. He was roaming around somewhere for 1/2 an hour before Zimmerman called 911 to report him. Now who knows. I guess it is possible that Travyon enjoyed walking around in a downpour maybe admiring the landscape or something but to say he was JUST walking home is a misstatement and not true. When he jumped Zimmerman he was literally 30 seconds from where he was staying. He had more than enough time (approx. 4 minutes) to get home but he choose not to.

  27. DEMAND ACTION by calling 202-225-6205 about the cover-up investigationsJuly 21, 2013 at 2:37 PM

    They are sidetracking us from the BOSTON INCIDENT, THE EMBASSY ATTACK, FAST AND FURIOUS, IRS scandal, NSA spying... and the list goes on..


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