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Sunday, July 21, 2013


Ladies & Gentlemen,

Salisbury News provides an incredible service by delivering news and information we feel interests the majority. However, when it comes to comments, you need to look deep within yourself and realize the task it takes to moderate each and every one of those comments.

To those of you sending in extremely racist comments in the hopes we'll publish them, STOP IT. 

There's so much talk about racism, black against white and so forth, how much better do YOU look here on the Eastern Shore when you attempt to think your cool, tougher or more redneck than the rest of the Country? Do you really want us ALL to have that reputation, similar to when former Governor Donald Schaefer made his remark about the Eastern Shore no one ever seems to forget. Yes, it's that lasting.

Show some respect and dignity. While we want you to be able to express your opinion, there's a fine line here in which we are going to monitor more closely and simply reject ANY comment we feel crosses the line. Learn to agree to disagree on BOTH sides. However, we are NOT your platform to prove just how ignorant you can be. 


  1. It's about time you saw these comments for what they are....ignorant. Thanks for stopping the nonsense.

  2. I think this case has gotten way out of hand. Zimmerman had a legal right to carry a firearm. He felt a threat on his life and took action. It seems the only ones that are upset are black people waiting to riot and kill white people. Zimmerman was found not guilty by a court of law. Obama Jesse Jackson Al Sharpton are racist. What if white people rioted when Oj killed that man and lady who were white.

  3. Can someone from the black community explain to me why often times a verdict from a white on black crime happens, that has NO racial bearing, that it becomes some idiotic free for all and all hell breaks loose. There is black on white crime everyday and sometimes the guy gets time, sometimes he walks. But you don't see the white community all huffed up and acting foolish over verdicts that don't suit us. I am so so sick of everything being surrounded by race. Zimmerman didn't shoot the kid because he was black.
    It's because he claims he was in fear of his life.
    Black guys don't beat and rob old white people because they are white.
    It's because they want to be a-holes and steal instead of working.
    White guys don't beat and rob old white people because they are white. It's because they are a-holes
    Black guys don't rape and beat white girls because they are white. It's because they are a-holes.
    White guys don't rape and beat black girls because they are black.....

    1. 11:42. Black people have a lot of built up anger and aggression. When an event such as this occurs it gives them the greenlight to vent. That's it in a nutshell.

  4. the whole trial was ignorant. it should have never happened. it is difficult to be an intelligent minded person when all you see coming from the white house and DOJ is blantent racism. we as a people are supposed to sit by and try and be civilized when our country is being torn apart by those who are supposed to run it. the rule of law is turning into a joke

  5. A poll on HLN states that 51% agree with the verdict while 49% disagree but all we hear from are the 49%

  6. where are the stories of black crowds beating whites everyday?

  7. how about black on black crime; as these are the highest statistics. now let's move on to the real problems we face; low employment rates, people at the poverty level more than ever before; government corruption; our privacy rights gone, our tyrannical leaders and on and on and on. get it???

  8. the trial is over. let it go. things are blown so out of proportion

  9. God has spoken.Nothing else matters.

  10. God Bless the Judicial System... in this case!

    If I remember he is only half white and Obama is half white so what is the big deal you bunch of liberal racist morons. I notice how blacks and white liberals forget about Obammies white half.

  11. The man is Latino!!! Why are still talking white and black for this case?

  12. I think what it is is that whites are sick and tired of the black hypocrisy and this anon forum gives the opportunity to vent. It's not possible to vent publically because then you become a wanted person by the likes of the race baiters.

  13. 937, based off the level of knowledge and intelligence showcased here, most of you would be too embarrassed to air your opinions publicly where you may have to actually come with some facts to back up your position, else risk facing widespread ridicule.

  14. 3:17-It has not a thing to do with being embarrassed but all to do with being afraid.
    You can attempt to sound condescending and superior all you want if that makes you feel good but the reality is it is dangerous to publically support Zimmerman. There have already been a few instances of violence against whites "for Trayvon." When you are dealing with a segment of society that any honest person will admit that have never evolved into civilized human beings you can never ever be too careful "You people" can ignore that elephant in the room all you want but it's there and it's real! You got it? It's called keeping it real.

  15. What facts are you looking for 3:17? Facts surrounding the trial and the evidence?
    CNN's Chris Cuomo said on Sunday that when they were putting together a panel of legal commentators for the trial, they had difficulties finding someone within in the legal community who felt the prosecution even had a case much less felt comfortable with it even being brought to trial.
    I watched a little bit of CNN's coverage and they did find some really weird chick named Sonny something or other who was like freaky obsessed with the prosecution to the point of reverting to a dreamy voice almost as if she were aroused when talking about them! It was so off the wall weird and even finally another lawyer pointed out right on the air that her husband's going to start being suspsious or something along those lines.

  16. Thank you Joe, for decent and level headed thinking.

  17. George Zimmerman for President!!Casey Anthony for VP!!What,why not?Both were found not guilty.What's wrong with them running for office?

  18. Great idea,but Zimm is only 29.A president has to be at least 35.


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