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Sunday, July 21, 2013

How Many People Think This Is A Joke?

Have you actually watched this segment on WBOC? I love how they go back to old "Survey Questions" from Salisbury News and create an actual SHOW about them. Nevertheless, we'd love to know your thoughts on this show if you've seen it.


  1. I saw that that same station now has a lost pet website-I wonder where they got that idea?

  2. I have seen it. Its stupid another group of liberals.They talk about is it ok to flash your lights to warn other cars that there are police ahead.

  3. Murph, was a great DJ from WZBH years ago. I have seen a few minutes from the show, and WBOC is grasping for straws. Terrible idea and format.

  4. I watched it once (part of it). FARCE
    didn't MAKE ANY since.

  5. What a waste of TV air space.

  6. I watched a couple preliminary spots they ran on the news.
    First I wondered who the heck they were and why their opinion on anything mattered.
    Then when I listened to his rhetoric, I realized that he was spewing propaganda and had the mentality of .. well its ok to take away our rights as long as we are safer..
    So I will not be supporting nor watching this.
    Their opinions and logic are dangerous.
    Waste of air time, maybe they should just fill the airwaves with more "paid programming" crap like they do ALL DAY on Saturdays/Sundays.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Bunch of crap and that voice of jessica from oc104 gets on my nerves...

  9. Seen a couple of snippets....Lame, lame, lame. So lame they should be issued durable medical equipment!

    Utterly indefensible waste of electricity to broadcast or view them. Would prefer the test pattern!

  10. That guy gives me the creeps. Have to switch the channel when that segment comes on.
    Very odd!

  11. First it was Jimmy Hoppa, and how these clowns! When will they learn?

  12. Unbelievably, embarrassingly, incredibly bad. The first time I saw it I thought it was just a bad joke or a bad commercial about "something". It wasn't. Not only the content and delivery, but the subject matters as well border on the inane. I watch it now for the same reason you just gotta put your tongue on that sore spot in your mouth.
    As for the other station, WMDT, somebody has GOT to tell that guy in the morning that it's time to get a "big boy haircut". Doesn't he watch tapes of the show? Doesn't he have any friends that will alert him as to what a complete idiot he looks like? He does a good job...but he's gotta lose the bangs that mommy got him at the barber shop when he was in grade school. He would look 100% more professional.
    Just so this isn't completely negative: His morning co-anchor on WMDT does a great job - maybe one of the best I've seen in years on that station. Not as easy to look at as Lacee Griffith (who is?!), but still does a fine job.

  13. Makes wmdt look like professionals.

  14. Personally...I didn't like it. I really don't think the show will be well received, and will be cancelled.

  15. They should have cancelled it the first day it aired - how lame can they get. WBOC and WMDT are so far from professional it is just ridiculous.

  16. While I may not like this particular program, or segment of such, WBOC does have more professional anchors than anyone else on the Shore.

    Mind you, I cracked up on a comment the other day when someone mentioned the people they regularly having no teeth or were clueless about the topic they were trying to interview people on.

    I laughed because I was saying something similar recently about how they can't even get legitimate people to interview. Its like they coach them first about how they should answer and because they're clueless they mess it up.

    It seems the more educated refuse to go on air. I did see a guy the other day who blew my mind with all he knew about the new Delaware hunting laws. He knew more than the reporter, yet the reporter came back after the interview and said, you know, he's right about this and that. Trying to make himself look good.

    I removed one comment attacking Lisa Bryant. Lisa is one of the kindest people on the entire Eastern Shore. I'm not sure why someone would ever go after her. The Shore should have more people just like her and WBOC is fortunate to have her on board.

  17. WBOC may have better anchors but by far WMDT has better content. Both could stand to do serious improvements, but at least with WMDT, I can watch some actual local news. Compare the two on any given broadcast day and you will see the difference.

  18. How long until they start to channel Dan Aykroyd & Jane Curtin?

    "Jane, you ignorant "

    Hope if this is their new day job they pick-up a P/T gig as fall-back.

  19. WDMT IS BETTER WBOC give it up your approach sucks change channels every time..your news comes on

  20. WMDT: Best local news coverage. WBOC: Best-looking morning team. But please...PLEASE...Lacee & Jimmy Hoppa: If you don't have anything intelligent to adlib after a story, then don't say anything. It's REALLY embarrassing. You try just too hard. It doesn't work.
    [Poor Jimmy...Stuck forever with his "Froggy 99" nickname (See: "Lily Pad", etc..) You want a future in TV? Then use your real name.] "Jimmy Hoppa is ridiculous.

  21. Murph for President! Martinez for VP!

  22. Too painful to watch. Too much of a liberal slant. Feel like throwing something through the tv set when they are on!!!! Insults my intelligence!!
    Hick version of point and counterpoint that they used to have on 60 minutes!

  23. It's a horrible show. But at least they are trying to have something locally produced.

  24. I think its a joke when Morticia makes some liberal comment and then they end the show with the line "A show that's not afraid to be controversial". What controversy? You can get liberal propaganda from any of the other MSM channels. If they really want to be controversial, say something conservative, or against the commie party line or something truthful about out lame president, THAT would be controversial!

  25. The segments I saw were "generic". Like something broadcast on WMDT. Who are these people? Cancel IT!!!! Oh and might I add it makes me incredibly happy to know that other people dislike Jimmy Hoppa as much as I do. He's a freakin joke.

  26. WMDT & WBOC have got to be the worst news reporting stations I have ever seen. I am retired military and have been exposed to various newscasts throughout the country. The Salisbury channels are amature and lacks content and clarity. I watch the news channels out of Baltimore and D.C. to get my news. WMDT & WBOC are training grounds for reporters to practice before they get to a real T.V. station.


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