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Sunday, July 21, 2013


In the wake of the Zimmerman not-guilty verdict, the media's outright lies, race-baiting, misinformation,shrillness, downplaying of events inconvenient to their narrative, and hysterical and dangerous stoking of racial animus have been in fifth-gear 24/7 for going on five days now. And they are just getting started. NBC's Al Sharpton is currently arranging for 100 weekend protests in 100 cities.

Cutting through the muck to the truth is therefore New Media's job; and here are ten things the media are either ignoring or downplaying in their partisan effort to turn a loss into a win…

1. There is Zero Evidence Race was Involved In the Shooting 

Early last year, as the tragic and fatal shooting of teenager Trayvon Martin was just starting to bubble up, the media falsely described George Zimmerman as "white." The name Zimmerman apparently fooled the media into believing they had a white versus black narrative on their hands. Once they learned Zimmerman was Hispanic, rather than change course, in order to cover up their mistake, the media put the pedal to the metal in pushing a racial angle.

This crusade, however, is anti-science. A thorough federal investigation into Zimmerman found absolutely no evidence that there was any racism in his past or in his motivations the night of the shooting.

During the trial, the prosecution did not accuse Zimmerman of having any kind of racial motive.

The one juror who has spoken out said the jury saw no evidence of a racial motivation.

The media's racial narrative is based on nothing more than partisan lies, speculation, innuendo, and a cynical alchemy conjured from nothing to enflame division and hate.

Moreover, it is reasonable to assume the media have been swarming Zimmerman's life looking for anything that might point to racism. But as of yet there have been no media reports (that weren't later debunked and retracted) reporting Zimmerman has been found to be a closet racist.

On the contrary…



  1. If it was a white guy in a suit walking through Zimmerman's neighborhood that night, none of us would be having this conversation. He started it and he finished it. Without his actions, it never would have happened, PERIOD. Now, if I don't like someone, I can take them down to Florida, pick a fight with them and kill them without consequence.

    1. Are you really that stupid or do you actually believe the tripe you wrote? No wonder this country is going to hell as fast as it is, people like this are breeding rapidly.

  2. just a reason to riot and steal things, lock and load.

    Hey police..."protect & Serve"

  3. If it was a white guy in a suit walking through Zimmerman's neighborhood that night, none of us would be having this conversation. He started it and he finished it. Without his actions, it never would have happened, PERIOD. Now, if I don't like someone, I can take them down to Florida, pick a fight with them and kill them without consequence.

    July 18, 2013 at 10:08 AM

    Probably, since white men in suits hardly ever rob or assault anyone.

    He started watching tray because he didn't know him and as a neighborhood watch member, it was his JOB to watch out for criminals.

    Tray started the fight, and Z finished it, before tray killed him and finished Z.

    Now, if you take someone to Florida and assault him and then kill him, you will most likely be convicted of murder. And rightfully so. You just can't grasp the meaning of self defense.

    I suspect you are a black racist by your statements. But regardless of your skin color, you are still a racist. That's why you see the wrong things that you do and cannot see the truth.

    I am really getting tired of trying to explain the facts to people like you who refuse to see them.

  4. "If it was a white guy in a suit walking through Zimmerman's neighborhood that night, none of us would be having this conversation."

    If Travon had been wearing a suit we would not be having this conversation either.

  5. 10:34 - I am white and not a racist. Zimmerman was told NOT to get out of his car. Try putting yourself in Trayvon's shoes for a change and maybe you will see my side of the argument.

    1. Do you do everything you are told to do? NO, you do not. He made a judgement call, he got out of his car. That did not give the little thug the right to blindside him and punch him in the face.

  6. Personally I am fed up with this story...I'll be glad when the Royal Baby is born so the media will have something else to discuss!

  7. Well if everybody carried a gun the 17 year old wouldnt have attacked him

  8. I am fed up also 11:27 and here's why. There is a segment of society who has elevated Trayvon Martin to martyrdom practically. Young people are going to see him as a hero figure and that worries me because his social media postings are all over online. To put it mildly they are quite foul. The last think we need are kids trying to imitate Trayvon Martin because they think he is a hero.

    1. The civil rights attorney for the parents didn't help much either when he said Trayvon is right up there with the likes of Medgar Evers. This kid isn't in the same class as Evers. Making a civil rights hero out of a thug? What are they thinking?

  9. 11:07 so getting out of your car makes you a murderer?
    I'd get in martins shoes buy I'm not a dope smoking thug!

  10. Oh LOL-10:08-Get out of your denial and face the facts! It's not rocket science. Young black men disproportional commit most of the crime in this country. In Zimmerman's neighborhood it was like 100 or nearly 100% of the crimes were committed by young black men.
    Don't be ignoring that elephant in the room! It's disingenuous.
    If in fact Zimmerman did profile-guess what? He was well within his right as a private citizen to do so.
    "a white guy in a suit?" Don't be silly. Why would Zimmerman be concerned with a white guy in a suit when it wasn't white guys in suits committing crime after crime including a home invasion in the neighborhood. That would be stupid. Zimmerman's not stupid; he knew who was wrecking havoc in the neighborhood.
    Blacks are always fond of saying they don't trust cops because of life experiences blah blah blah. It's the same with anyone. Things are based on ones life experiences.

  11. 11:07-You clearly did not watch the trial. Z. was not ever told to not get out of his car. This is more of the BS being fed by the shovel fulls to the uniformed and misinformed.

    Z. told dispatcher M. "was running." Dispatcher asked if Z. was "following him." Z. said "yes." Dispatcher replied "we don't need you to do that." Z. stopped following M.

    This in no way shape or form nor by anyone's stretch of the imagination be construed as Z. was told to not get out of his car.

  12. 11:07-Trayvon had more than 4 minutes to get home which was a 30 second walk from where he was. He chose to double back and go and confront Zimmerman who was standing right near his vehicle waiting for the cops to arrive in response to his 911 call.
    You really really really need to get out of your denial.
    Don't fall for the BS that Trayvon was afraid. If so he would have immediately hung up from the girlfriend and dialed 911 himself or run home or both. He did neither. He marched himself right back over to the "crazy ass cracker" and punched him in the nose. Trayvon Martin is 100% responsible for causing his own death. No one goes up to someone punches them in the nose and when they fall on the ground jump on them and continue to beat them. NO ONE! And if they do they very well could get a well deserved bullet to the chest because it's the way you deal with people so uncivilized that they resort to this type of violence.

    1. Thank God! Someone else watched the trial and heard it all. I was beginning to think I was hearing things.


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