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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Delmarva, You Gotta Love It

Click on image to enlarge.
Nice clothes line.


  1. Got to hand it to them - definitely living independently. They are totally independent. I even noticed that they do not have any utility lines coming into the house.

    A little paint, caulk, repair a few soft boards, and life goes on.

  2. Fruit of the Loom. Come Get Briefs.

  3. Love the generator & extension cord touch! Time to go fishin', Ma!

  4. There are a lot of areas in Salisbury that are deplorable check out Franklin St. Vine St. Washington St etc the whole area off of and on Eastern Shore Drive.

  5. Just maybe they are doing the best they can do with what they have.

  6. Is this Ocean Pines?

  7. with racing stripes!

  8. Easy to say for a cat.

  9. Is that JT's house?

  10. dittos 9:11, at least they're off the grid. note the generator, the porch chair and all the "stuff" being saved for, perhaps, selling, trading or just future use. this person may be smarter than we are because he's ready for whatever is coming our way. at least he's ready.

  11. They are probably happier than 90% of the population.

  12. This is Powellville

  13. Sometimes Joe just hits a home run - and this is just one of those occasions where a picture literally tells a thousand words.

    I agree with 10:17 - they appear to be ready for whatever life throws at them.

  14. Pass the Ballentine! Anyone out there old enough to remember that?

  15. Downtown Powellville

  16. Looks like they ought to spring for some new drawers, or wash the old ones more frequently...Uggh.

  17. I say Eden/Allen Rd

  18. I remember Ballantine! I was around 12-14 at Grandpa's 4th of July pig roast with all the relatives, Springfield, Illinois! Uncle Bill snuck me one; and when Grandpa saw me drinking it, asked if I wanted another!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Is that JT's house?

    July 19, 2013 at 10:16 AM

    No JT lives in a nice cozy apartment at Run Away Bay Apartments at your expense with a rental voucher. Air conditioning and a pool to use.

  20. That was obviously an old store. You can even see the sign pole on the second story window.

  21. Why don't you ask his brother why he has to live like that?? No electricity, no running water. This man has health problems and does what he can to take care of himself.

  22. What has this guy done to be publicly ridiculed on this site? I see him every weekday morning, presumably waiting for a ride to work. If so, I commend him, for he is not wasting my tax dollars like so many others. He always smiles and waves also, so maybe we should learn a lesson from those living the simple life.

  23. Reply to 6:06

    I think you are getting this all wrong as I do not believe anyone is making fun of anyone. Most of these comments are cheering for a time long forgotton. Many of the comments are favorable.

  24. 5:26 why is his brother responsible for how he lives? He's lived in the house for quite some time now.He seems quite content to be where he is. This is where he chooses to live and choses not to be a leach on society like a whole lot of other people in this country.


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