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Sunday, July 21, 2013

NAACP President: Zimmerman Verdict "Miscarriage Of Justice"

The president of the Baltimore City Chapter of the NAACP is calling Saturday night's acquittal of George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, "an incredible miscarriage of justice."

Tessa Hill-Aston released a statement minutes after the verdict was read.

"I am terribly saddened by this travesty and am afraid for the lives of black boys and black men everywhere. Tonight George Zimmerman will go home to his family and friends but there will be no comfort for Trayvon’s parents because their son will never be able to come home," Hill-Aston said.

"The jury has allowed a murderer to go free and has sent a message about the value they place on the life of black children. This a moment for us to calmly reflect on what we have witnessed but that reflection can only last for a moment because we must continue to work diligently to rid our world of the hatred, the racism and the sickening profiling that led to the death of Trayvon Martin.”



  1. When OJ got away with obvious murder in his trial back in the day, not one peep came out of these guys. Now that this guy gets acquitted for defending himself with a gun from a guy pounding his head into the cement they're all in a moral outrage, what hypocrites. If they truly want to "rid our world of hatred and racism" then they should retire. There are decent unbiased Christian black men that will look at each case on it's merits and each individual as a human being made in the image of God. And they are interested in real justice just like moral men from all races.

  2. Have they ever wondered why black youth have so many problems? It's because they are creating most of the crime.
    It is all part of the break down in family and the lack of any morals. Fathers in society are looked down upon in both society and the media.
    Its in all racial groups but predominately in the black community. Is it no wonder why the other races cannot get along with them! I believe the economy is also a factor in the high crime rate.

  3. "When keeping it real goes wrong: The Trayvon Martin story"

  4. Must stink when the shoe is on the other foot!!!

  5. Sounds like he needs to heed his own words..

  6. How very sad that SOCIAL justice is what these folks apparently want. EQUAL justice is the law of the land here in America. It's why our founding Fathers wrote EQUAL justice for all in those documents for they knew that when applied to all equal justice would be the fairest.

    The question now becomes - how much damage is going to be done by these vigilantes?

  7. I QOUTE " The jury has allowed a murderer to go free " Have we not seen this before , but it was white folks who was killed. Guess we are even now. So get over it and go back to the Baltimore city killing fields. Don't let us stop you all from killing each other. But do we hear screaming about the city killing spree that is going on right now. Heck no , all we hear is more shots..so go back to your killing and leave us alone.
    If these so called black leaders of all these "hate" groups would try to stop the violence in their back yards. Maybe we would not have the crime rate we have today in our cities.

  8. Obammy to the rescue of his core supporters!

    1. 12:01. I thought the Hispanics were part of his core supporters too. They should feel outraged as well for the betrayal.

  9. This is the kind of diatribe that causes racial tension. Where in the hell was this rabble rouser, Jackson, etc when the biased jury set OJ free. I am going to start a NAAWP so I can utter drbble like this

  10. Logic?

    Zimmermans mom is hispanic, his father is white = Zimmerman is white.

    Obama's father is black, his mother is white = Obama is black.

    Trayvon got his justice for attacking Zimmerman, Zimmerman got his justice with the NG verdict.

  11. Stand your ground should be the law of the land, maybe then we can take back our neighborhoods, streets, cities, and towns, from this "Black Plague", that has continuely prayed on defenceless citizens!!!!!!

  12. If any of you had watched the trial instead of just the news you would KNOW without a doubt the man is innocent. Thank God emotions did not decide this verdict. Yes my heart hurts for his Mom but he had four long minutes to return home instead of laying in wait. Thank the jurors for knowing the evidence doesn`t lie. Emotions,yes but for both men they both bleed the same color blood

  13. did white people riot after the OJ riot?

  14. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 14, 2013 at 1:59 PM

    Dear Tessa Hill-Aston, no need to be calling names and provoke people to lawlessnes. If you like to "demonstrate" in the city streets, you go right ahead. If you so worried about livelihood and well being of black men and boys, you should be in Chicago, city were 218 people were murdered just this year alone, mostly blacks. I don't see any of "elected officials" making any empathy statements about those victims and their families, so how come? Doesn't fit your agenda? And tell Al Sharpton before he goes on another march, those black kids in Harlem could use some of the 3 MILLION DOLLARS he still owes in unpaid taxes. Folks anyone stupid enough to believe this crap and going to streets to riot, reagardless of skin color, is either brainwashed or dumb, or both.

  15. Tessa Hill-Aston simply could not have watched an hour of the actual trial and still come up with that claim. "Leaders" educate themselves before opening their mouths.

  16. maybe if they had been better parents it would be differemt

  17. Race-mongering is all it is.. He really doesn't give a **.

  18. Just sit back and laugh at this. It's all an honest person can do is laugh.
    Overwhelmingly the black neighborhoods in Balto City are cess pools of crime and poverty. The City That Bleeds takes the statistics of black on black crime, black illiteracy, black illegitimacy and all other social ills to new highs.
    The NAACP has done NOTHING to advance blacks. The proof is glaringly staring everyone right in the face. Major problems within the black communities are getting worse by the year.
    When people hear things like 40+ shootings in Chicago in a weekend, all black they have a right to be suspicious and distrustful of young black men especially ones who dress the dress talk the talk and walk the walk.

  19. I agree 2:56. He was a troubled kid. He'd been in trouble for drugs, stealing, fighting.
    My mind just can not grasp that no one missed or even noticed that he didn't come home that night. He was autopsied as a John Doe late the next morning. I don't know of any parent in my circles who would not be frantic if their 17 year old didn't come home one night.

  20. The profiling may have come from the fact of eight robberies in that neighborhood, all by young African American males.

  21. Trayvon Martin got his justice - he was a hoodlum trying to kill someone that fought back and won!

    If we had 'Stand your ground' in most of rural America and especially the inner cities we could take our country back.

    The cameras already in place (that we don't know about) would show the actual events unfolding.....

    Wake up America - take back your country from the teat-sucking, non-producing, parasites!

  22. It's best to ignore this woman from the Baltimore City NAACP. She can't be taken seriously. Black kids are murdered everyday in her own city and not a word is uttered.

  23. The miscarriage of justice was that the race baiting aholes were able to bring this to trial when no one in law enforcement thought it should have been done.

  24. These people make money off of race baiting that's why they keep stirring the pot...Don't let them fool you they loved the verdict.

  25. I agree 7:53. They do it also to keep the focus off of the real problems within the black communities.

  26. What about all the white boy and girls that have been attacked, beaten, raped, killed, at the hands of black boys and men?

  27. This is funny! Where's this clown been under some rock? All of a sudden the clown's afraid for black boys and men because of this one incident? Black boys and men have a much more chance of being killed by each other. Obviously this person is a product of affirmative action because she sure can't think and reason intelligently.

  28. Reading and listening to the NAACP and the other race baiter's rhetoric and propaganda is always good for a laugh. They really can get the dumbed down going which is even funnier.


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