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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Marine Has No Regrets About Urinating On Taliban

Sgt. Joseph Chamblin says he was just doing his job in Afghanistan: 'Do you want the Marine Corps to be a group of Boy Scout pretty boys or do you want guys that will go out and kill the people trying to take advantage of your country and kill Americans?'

One of the four U.S. Marines brazenly filmed urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters says he has no regrets and would do it again.

"These were the same guys that were killing our family, killing our brothers," Sgt. Joseph Chamblin spoke for the first time about the 2011 incident shot in Afghanistan to WSOC-TV.

"We're human," he continued. "Who wouldn't [want to get revenge] if you lost your brother or mother? Wouldn't you want revenge?"

Chamblin, a scout-sniper and infantry unit leader was court-martialed. He pleaded guilty to the offense in December and was demoted.

"Do I regret doing it? Hell no," the 35-year-old Leatherneck said from his Richlands, N.C., home.



  1. Wish the guys pissed gasoline. Only thing I see wrong.

  2. wish i had diarrhea.

  3. I think he should have been promoted. The person who rated on him should have his butt kicked.

  4. This Marine had the stones to stand up for what he thought was correct.

    Hopefully, this will be a minor blip in his career.


  5. I think peeing on the Taliban should become a tradition. It's nothing compared to their treatment of females. They bury them with just their heads sticking out then stone them to death. I'm sure these woman would welcome only being peed on.

  6. These kind of acts should be Filmed but kept personal.

  7. It's not about disrespecting the dead Taliban, I don't care about them, nobody should.

    It's about proper military discipline and decorum. If our troops overseas are not conducting themselves properly we lower ourselves to our enemies' level (and with behavior like this, probably help make a whole new generation of enemies).

    1. I understand your logic 10:48 and what you said was correct, but in the heat of battle/war, revenge becomes the emotional wind down of the fear of death that was present only moments before. Get in a fight for your life some time and then see how forgiving you are to the person or persons who almost killed you just seconds ago. I've been there and I'll take my revenge regardless of any law or moral value I may have held in my more rational moments. Coming near death, possibly wounded, releases any and all inhibitions, without limits. A walk in their shoes might change anyones mind?

  8. Thank you 10:48am. Thank you.

  9. . If you were in a war zone and you constantly saw your buddies being shot, beheaded, dragged through the streets naked you might think about doing the same thing. Walk in their shoes for a day. See how you feel.

  10. 11:54 I hear you, but didn't they already get their revenge by, y'know, killing them?

  11. Idiot. Not smart enough to realize he shouldn't have allowed that to be filmed. Makes the Marines seem like they need babysitters.

  12. First of all, from a moral and decorum aspect, what they did was wrong. And especially taping it so other non-combatants could see it and become hysterical.

    Second, I am glad the marines were alive to be able to do that act. I am quite sure the marines would have received much worse treatment than having a golden shower on them.

    Third, crap like this should be overlooked, as it is wartime. Counsel him/them, demotion would be the harshest punishment I would recommend.

    These guys are protecting US while they are killing them. Whatever the reason for this war, good, bad, legal or otherwise, they are doing ALL OF US a huge favor by just being there.

    How many officials can give these men weapons and tell them to go kill these people, and turn around and give them grief about urinating on dead enemy is insane.

    But since we have a president who seems to care more about muslims, (the enemy), than his own troops, it is not all that surprising. Disgusting yes, surprising no.

    I bet there are a lot of military personnel who would like to piss on this president as well, but they don't like waiting in long lines.

    Semper Fi guys. I apologize for the treatment you receive from the very government you are protecting.

  13. There is a simple course of action available for anyone who feels compelled to criticize these guys. Sign up, make the cut, go to Afghanistan and show us how it's done.


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