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Sunday, June 09, 2013

On Eve Of Zimmerman Trial In Trayvon Martin Killing, New Video Becomes Public

SANFORD, Fla. — Experts dispute whose voice is heard in the background of a 911 call from the night Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.

A police detective, Chris Serino, wrote in an early report that he could hear a man yelling “Help” or “Help Me” 14 times. Prosecutors say the voice is Martin’s. Defense lawyers say it could be George Zimmerman, who they say was being pummeled by Martin.

Now, as Zimmerman prepares to go on trial on a charge of second-degree murder, a video has been released that the defense says could help authenticate the 911 call. But lawyers for Martin’s family say it doesn’t belong in court.



  1. does anyone know if those base ball players from benett and del mar got drafted they were suppose to go n the 5 thru 7 round good luck

  2. Judging by that picture, with t-von on top, I doubt he would be calling for help. This picture also shows an opportunity for him to run away, if he chose to, which we know he didn't.

    Matter of fact, t-von was sitting on top of z when he got shot.

    Wouldn't the person on the bottom need some help and therefore be the one calling for it?

    1. I think you've got it right 1:42am, plus I've not seen any images of George Zimmerman trying to look like a thug with a gun on line, but I've seen one of Obama's "if I had a son".

  3. 1:42 You can't use logic in this case, come on! Zimmerman was a beastly adult male, where as Trayvon was just a frail child. See his kindergarten picture for reference.

    They don't want anything shown in court that shows the real Trayvon. Neither of these two (Zimmerman and Martin) are in the right, the case should be ruled "accidental" and we should move on. But the media needs these ratings.

  4. When the President makes a statement concerning someone who could be his child, the case should be thrown out of the courts. Obama was using his office and race to influence an outcome. Maybe Obama will call for another beer meeting like he did with the Harvard professor.

  5. This isn't the Zimmerman/Martin altercation. It's from Martin's cell phone, who the defense believes is filming (not fighting) and his voice can be heard. Since no one can agree as to who is calling for help on the 911 tape, defense wants jury to hear Martin's voice and make their own comparisons.

  6. All this is about is making Blacks NOT go off the handle, Remember the L.A Riots this is ALL to Appease American Africans, Everyone knows Zimmerman is innocent, You bang my head on the sidewalk and i am going to bust a cap in your A// too.

  7. 10:29 AM

    Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering why there was a bicycle and car in the picture when he died in someones back yard.

  8. Of course the Martin mother can't be positive it's her son's voice on the cell phone. It's no wonder the kid is 6 ft under with the way the lies roll off these so called "parents" tongues. He was doomed the second he was conceived with "role models" such as these "parents."

  9. I am just sick of seeing all the "angelic" younger pictures of Martin in the media.

  10. Jury selection begins today.Everyone who you think will be there WILL BE THERE.Get my drift? From the very beginning the deck will be stacked to avoid any surprises.I for one refuse to watch the trial because I know the outcome.Zimmerman has no chance.

  11. 1029, facts don't matter to these people. You see that 142 has already tried and rendered a verdict on the case based off this still photo from a video that he doesn't have a clue about.

  12. Though I believe Zimmerman was completely justified I don't see this video's relevance. It doesn't matter who was calling for help.
    To me all that matters are Zimmerman's injuries-broken nose and bashed in back of head and Martins lack thereof- pre fatal gunshot wound- except for battered and bruised knuckles consistence with punching someone repeately.
    So far this judge seems inclined to only keep in evidence relevant to the supposed crime, unlike that goofy judge in Anthony who allowed things like Anthony's tattoo and partying to be allowed which had nothing to do with anything relating to a murder.

  13. 12:55 PM

    And I thanked him for the clarification. So hush.

  14. 418, no, we need buffoons like you that willingly jumped to whatever predisposed conclusion that comes to mind BEFORE you even consult the facts to "hush".


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