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Monday, June 10, 2013

A Leter To The Editor, Chris Nunzio


I'm wondering why everyone has been mum about Chris Nunzio's (Prince St School Principal's) trial outcome. I'm sure you are aware he was exonerated,but there doesn't seem to be any public outrage over that decision. Typically a refusal to take a breathalyzer test during a traffic stop precipitated by erratic driving does not go well in court. Apparently there is a double standard involved here.


  1. The man is a drunk and a jerk. You don't need a judge to tell you that.

  2. you are just now noticing this?

    All i have to say is your a dumb ass...

  3. This guy is one of the most arrogant SOB's ever to breathe the air in Wicomico County. Something about this doesn't ring up right.

  4. don't know that he was exonerated i read they dropped the charges and were getting ready to recharge him

  5. Actually, he was BUT the state is going to re-charge him. It was a technicality. Maybe that's why nobody has commented yet. And yes, justice will be served!

  6. Joe WHY????? have you not done a story on the DT's article Different Strokes that appeared front page Saturday. We need to keep those partners in the news.

  7. anonymous 9:30, I do not get the DT's. I also do not go to their Website unless tipped off that day by a viewer.

  8. 9:24 AM Is this a joke?

  9. He will be recharged. He has not been exonerated by any stretch of the imagination.

  10. Joe, the one thing I miss most on your site is your keeping the Daily Disgrace in line. Tom Claybaugh is out of control over there. We are beeing very poorly served by our newspaper. Please pay attention to them and help hold these creeps who control local spin information accountable.

  11. The perv is not outta the woods yet.

  12. 10:51 AM Live and learn - For several years I read on here that Greg Bassett was the ruination of the DT. "Fire him, fire him" the SbyNews readers roared,

    OK Greg is gone, now the readers think Tom Claybaugh is worse than Greg.

    IMO Sbynews has never kept the DT in line. The DT is liberal, as are most newspapers. and Sbynews is conservative. Both express their own opinions.

  13. Funny to compare Claybaugh to Bassett. Anybody who knows either of them knows that one is all about heart and the other one is all about greed.

  14. 4:49, which is which?


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