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Sunday, June 09, 2013


On CNN’s State of the Union this morning, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) told Candy Crowley that the IRS scandal involving targeting of conservatives had been “solved.” Crowley asked, “As far as you are concerned, based on the information that you now have, which in its totality is greater than ours, is this case over, have you solved the case of the IRS and how this came to be?”

Cummings answered, “Based upon everything I’ve seen, the case is solved. If it were me, I’d wrap this case up and move on.”



  1. What a MORON...COVER it Up.

  2. Cummings is an incompetent idiot!!!

  3. Unfortunately Cummings does not possess the intellectual capacity to objectively determine without bias, the entire scope of the IRS abuse. We the people cannot depend on Democrats in this man's category to honestly represent our interests, and to continue elect such people only compounds the situation.

  4. Darn, someone beat me to MORON!

    We are watching the destruction of democracy unfold before our eye. Concentrate a bunch of idiots, usually in a metropolitan area. They elect a MORON. The MORON is given a vote equal to the intelligent representatives and the Country starts to decline.

    Then at a point in time, when the Country direst need job; we reject the job creator in favor of the idealog who delivers job killing health care.

    Dear Mr. Cummings is it too much to ask for you idiots to step aside.

  5. Of course he would wrap up the case and move on, that would be just what his buddy "Obama" would want him to do. They are so corrupt I don't know it there is any hope left for our way of life in the future.

  6. Ok it should be apparent people that Mr. Cummings and a lot of his demagogue cohorts have been bought off by special interest dollars and cronyism.

  7. A reflection of the party.

  8. another Maryland moron. so sad...especially for us.

  9. He was elected to serve a lower standard of ethical people, Democrats. Every since he has been in politics he has been a racist. Check his record.

  10. He is a card carrying member of the American Socialist party. Fact.
    He is towing the line for the Obama
    Regime spewing the talking points for the low information voters.
    Diminish, deceive, defer and deflect
    from the seriousness of the issue.

  11. Dumbocrat-Md ... what morons voted him into office

  12. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 9, 2013 at 11:41 PM

    Dear Elijah, you resign first ans then we will move forward. Or if you have any insight in the matter, maybe you should be at the hearing on the stand, but maybe, just maybe at that point you wish to PLEAD FIFTH. Fire this MORON

  13. I watched a video of him, along with others, who were 'outraged' by the actions of the I.R.S.

    While he was feigning anger and other emotions he was at the same time patting himself and others on the back for their work on a committee that supposedly addressed similar abuse in the past.

    A whole lot of politicians need to go, starting from the top down.

  14. 12:02 He is actually a representative from Howard County. Either way he is a joke and if Republicans were in office his reaction would be way different.

    It is precisely why we need to get rid of all of them and start over.

  15. Right Mr. Cummings.. because after all "...what difference does it make now?..
    Move on.. yep just like Move On.org

    The in-patients are definitely in charge now...

  16. Why is it that Maryland elects morons to public office ?

  17. What an absolute clown. This is the IQ level of the automatically elected democrats in MD.

  18. His name says it all. Elijah, E-LI-A. Yes, the J be silent. This man has always been stupid. He was put in office by a lower class of intelligence, Democrats.

  19. Looks like he got a phone call from O'b.

  20. For that matter he probably also got a free phone from Obama!

    That's all it takes.

  21. 6-10-13

    Cummings is just as big an ASS as OweBama and Eric Holder. He`s a Democrat who wants to sweep things politcal leeches under the ORDERS of Curious George (OweBama)did against the LAW under the rug so a gaggle of incompetent blacks seem guiltless. I don`t think the Republicans are going to buy it. By the way, Cummings is a staunch supporter of the OTHER ASS, OweMalley,another fine example of Democratic leadership and skullduggery.

    Bob Aswell

  22. Cummings needs to be goings

  23. 2:00 He is Not a democrat. He's a registered Socialist.


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