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Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: Fruitland Taxes

Dear Joe. 

I was wondering if you could inform people or find out how Fruitland got their new taxes passed. The value of my house went from 240k to 176k an my taxes are higher. I spoke to a lady at the city office and she told me the rate went from .80 per 100$ to .96 per 100$. That's 16 cents or 20%. How they got away with such a drastic increase is beyond me. Thanks


  1. If I'm not mistaken you have something like 23 police officers plus a magnificent new police station. Someone has to pay for it.

  2. I can tell you how! Lee, Darlene, and the famous Dean ran for election and promised your water, taxes and everything you pay would go DOWN! NOT! To worried about the Falcons Lights shining in their eyes!

  3. They have 29 officers. Delmar, which is the same size, has 14. I think the appropriate number is somewhere in the middle.

  4. Increase them taxes Delmar.
    Make the residents "feel the burn" like Fruitcake land!

    1. Delmar MD is below the Maryland recommended rate and still gets everything done including a new town hall and police building. They are very cautious with our money. I will continue to vote for each and everyone of them as long as they stay on course. Way to go Delmar MD elected officials!

    2. I thought everyone was on here the other day saying that they need to invest in more police? Which is it?

    3. Being cautious with money does not mean that police protection should be reduced. I would be more than willing to pay a little more to be able to walk out my door and everything is where I left it. Tax money should be spent on needed services which include police services, clean water and sewer. I don't know where you got the idea that many of us do not want to be safe, but I hope this clears it up for ya....

  5. They raised taxes because values went down so towns income wouldn't go down. Unfortunately they probly won't reduce rates when home values increase. Don't understand why fruitland needs 30 police officers. They are already making money on the 2 camera SUVs they have set up running radar

  6. The Council had to have a Public Hearing on the Budget for the increase, that is the LAW

  7. Fruitland has 20 sworn officers, somebody needs to do some research

  8. with the fruitland police getting over 82% of the city's budget, that doesn't leave much for attorney's fees this year. well, maybe next year andy.

    1. 2:13, you need to go back school and learn how to read a budget. Where do you get 82%? It is nowhere near that. Are you just making this stuff up as you go?

  9. It happened when the council that the city residents installed during the last election voted for it. People like you, who don't care enough to go to these meetings or communicate with your representatives, let it happen.

    Since you didn't invest your time, thoughts, and energy into the city, you now get to invest with your dollars instead. Enjoy reaping what you sow!

  10. People need to calm down and look at facts before posting.. It really helps your case.

    Yes it sucks that my property value went down while my tax rate went up, welcome to the new America. I for one realize that the cost of running the town did not go down so a rate hike was probably required. I hope when markets recover they adjust it again but I won't hold my breath..

    ALso, a simple investigation, took me only 2 minutes.. Showed that Fruitland has 18 police officers not 30. Where do you people get your numbers. Focus on the problem people...

  11. with the fruitland police getting over 82% of the city's budget, that doesn't leave much after a 3% increase (first in over 5 years)for the working employees, for attorney's fees. better luck next year andy!

  12. They get away with it because the King of Fruitland says so,and we all know who he is!

  13. 2:19 Please! They are as cautious as a Turtle chasing a baby duck!!! They are a bunch of Nina Lane tax and spend Democrats!!!!!! And the leader works for the County and has paid council meetings at 11:00am I guess on his lunch break! Check that out Dick Tracy!!!

    1. Two of the five live in that neighborhood and it is a mix of Democrats and Republicans, although in reality, partisanship has no place in local government.

  14. Abolutely 3:03! Delmar, Maryland actually lowered taxes this year if I am not mistaken.

  15. 3:43
    No....we all don't know who he is. Enlighten us all. Well...me anyway.

  16. Ted ran in the last election. Fruitland grapevines say he wasn't getting his way. He left again.As a taxpayer my taxes get raised and I get to pay for Ted's absence. Thank you Ted. Thank you council.

  17. Unfortunately, all homes in Fruitland are assessed every three years at the same time. This year, which happens to be the lowest year of assessments since the recession began, caused the revenue from property tax to be significantly lower than last years revenue. Due to the decrease, a constant yield rate was used to provide level revenue for Fruitland. In addition to the constant yield rate, there was an added 2 cents to allow for employees to have a 3 percent raise. This is the first raise that employees have seen in 6 years. We also trimmed 2 cents off what was initially proposed by cutting some operational costs. It was certainly not a goal to increase the tax rate, however, not doing so would mean drastic cuts to services and would not have been a responsible thing to do.
    3:52: There have been many occasions that I have used my vacation time to go to meetings or functions related to Fruitland, and many hours that I donate in the evenings throughout the month. It is what I signed up to do. If you would like to investigate Dick Tracy…go ahead. I wish I could say that even a few residents donate a night a year to attend a council meeting but apparently they are too busy. Maybe if some of you commenting on here attended a meeting, you would understand the rate increases. You may also understand how we restructured the water and sewer rates last year and made it a consumption based system to lower the rates for the elderly and small family homes. In most cases, it lowered the bills by $50 dollars per quarter. We also eliminated the front foot assessment.
    I wonder if the person that wrote the letter to the editor realizes that their yearly Fruitland tax bill will still be going down by over $200 this year? I guess it is easy to be a keyboard critic. Remember….I pay the taxes and water bill too. It is in my best interests to find ways to make both more affordable. The difference between the keyboard critic and me is I chose to get involved give of my time. Last election we had two people sign up for the two vacant seats. One of them quit after a few months. The deadline to file for that open spot was Monday and from my understanding, we had one person file. Is it really any wonder that more people don’t do it?
    If you have questions, suggestions or ideas, the Council meetings are the second Tuesday of every month, 7:30 at City Hall. Planning Commission meets the first Tuesday at 7:00. We even have free coffee and the best water on the shore.

    R. Lee Outen

  18. If it's the best water why are so many still drinking bottled water in Fruitland? Mine smells like pool water.

    1. Not sure...I like the water, but still drink bottled water for convenience at times. You will never satisfy everybody...here is a novel idea...get involved.;

  19. The writer of this letter needs to understand that the reason taxes are so high is that Rick Pollitt was in charge at one time and that your taxes are still paying for the WalMart deal. Now Lee Outen is leading the charge, another Gov't employee (Wicomico County) who has always made his living off the taxpayer. No one should be elected or appointed to a Gov't job until they have worked in a private sector job for at least 10 years.

    1. First of all, I have worked private sector for the amount of time you suggest. Secondly, I am on Council, not a city manager, and lastly....why don't you sign up and put your money where your mouth is.

    2. You know...you obviously have no idea of what incentive was given to Wal.Mart, there is nothing to pay for. What is your problem with someone working hard for local government? It is a job. Why dont you sign your name since you seem to know all the answers.

  20. i find it interesting that there are those uninformed people that say "get involved". these people must have just moved to town. if you get involved you'll find out it won't do you any good. the only votes that count, or voices heard, are those of king lee, queen dodie and the court jester/police chief "don't call me i'm on vacation and the fpd needs more money" phillips. why do you think no one runs for council. if you're not in that little group then you're just a resident and don't count (except when they need your money).

    1. Sounds like the quitter Ted talking.How many times is this now, 2 or 3?

  21. ted hasn't been on as many times as ray (whose back again). and don't forget gloria who stays on for the big tax break she gets for her church (that doesn't have services)and property (her house).

  22. If you commit to do it, you shouldnt quit like Ted has done 2 or 3 times. It costs the city thousands of dollars each time. Hopefully he and his always looking back instead of forward mentality will not be seen again. More progress has been made in the last 2 years even without City Managers.

    1. You are wasting your breath. Ted is just mad because this council has done a good job compared to the prehistoric times when he was on there. Despit having to match last years revenue, which looks worse than it is, I think they have done well. Certainly not a circus like other towns. The Police Department Building and that crazy Sign ordinance was passed on TED's watch, not the current council. They are simply struggling with the hand that was dealt to them. FACT.

  23. where, the police taj mahal?

  24. 10:12 is right except for one thing. King Lee has strings....just wondering....who is the Puppet Master???

  25. 10:19am
    Fruitland's city manager is not an elected position but hired by the city council. Therefore, the city manager can be terminated at will by the city council. So.....the city council is running the show.

    1. The point was that you can't compare a council member to a city manager...they are not the same. The council does run the day to day operations.

    2. Sorry...typo, the council does NOT run the day to day operations.

  26. You know what is funny? There are only two or three people that attend meetings on a regular basis. It is quite obvious who is behind all of these negative comments. What motive would any of these council members have to try and screw over the taxpayers? None. I thank them for giving their time and it is too bad that the person that is probably making the negative comments is acting like a spoiled little kid when he is over 70 years old. There are 5 people on the council but there are only two that actually show up to every meeting and dedicate all of their time. Too bad they are being bad mouthed for being involved.

  27. There is obviously someone with an axe to grind. I think that the council has done a pretty good job considering how much mess they have had to deal with. I should go to more meetings than I do, but appreciate that there are some that are willing to give their time.

  28. After reading some of these comments and laughing, I think, as 5:14 stated, that it is someone with an axe to grind and is probably the town drunk code enforcement officer that got canned/quit for not doing his job. He should certainly have plenty of time on his hands now, because from what I inderstand, he took his drinking to another town and has got canned from there too. I am sure "the king" bids you farewell. ;-) lol

  29. Lee, your skin is awful thin to be a politician! Don't cry it will be alright! You still have your Gravy County and retirement when they throw you out of Fruitland! Keep having Lunch Workshop meetings I know Ed likes them cause he has a no work job too!


    1. Didnt realize that commenting twice to explain some obvious misunderstanding of our tax rate means that I have "thin skin". I dont consider myself a politician, but rather a resident that chose to be involved and I could really care less about your nonsense comments. I do not mind signing my name nor offering a phone number to further discuss this with you, but I am sure that you would rather hide behind anonymous and continue to misrepresent reality for whatever your motive is. If you care to call, since you seem so concerned, my number is 410-430-7594. I will continue to do what I was elected to do, sour grapes don't bother me. If you dont call, I hope you find some help for your issues, however, in all honesty, do not appreciate outright lies that accuse me of not separating my day job from that of my "volunteer" job. Have a nice day.

      Lee Outen

  30. Response to 1:34 PM Posting

    'They raised taxes because values went down so towns income wouldn't go down.'

    Response: I agree - the Fruitland taxpayers are now subservient to the municipality just like the former slaves were unto the plantation owners. Until Fruitland residents unite and kick the status quo political fools out - they will continue to suffer. And this also should serve as a wake-up call to Wicomico County residents also.

  31. It is nice that Joe allows people to post anon! He knows what happens when the "govt" has your name like the IRS! People cannot say anything these days without the fear of retaliation! Local Govt works the same we all know. Keep volunteering your time and keep raising taxes and maybe the Nina Lane crowd will be happy! I for one do not need any Fruitland Tickets! Ha By the way Chief Phillips is a Great Guy!

  32. 8:22am AMEN! You are point on! Until people wake up and get involved these same people told all of us when they were running for office were tired of taxes and water bills did just the opposite and people say nothing! Only 280 people voted and half of those votes were Nina Lane! As for the meetings the post was correct they do have a lot of "work session" meetings at lunch time, just go to the city web site and check out the minutes. As for the retaliation it does happen for sure! Wicomico County is ran by Tax and Spend Democrats PERIOD! Yes maybe we do need to CUT some so called SERVICES! Fruitland is the next Rental Capital of Wicomico County just do some research! Its easy to scare old people with Crime and Services! I for one am not buying it! The Crime in Fruitland is easy to track if you have lived there more than 5 years as most of the NEW council!

    1. Have you looked at you water bill? Mine went down by over $50. It is all according to how much you use now. Just conserve and your bill will drop. I don't want to pay for people that use more water.

    2. Then why don't you take some time out of your busy schedule, show up to a meeting, and say what you want. I am sure that ranting on a blog is the way to go about it. What an idiot.

  33. 4:51 I am not over 70. If I choose to say how I feel here, don't automatically think it's someone else.

    I was in a Fruitland establishment this past week where I overheard former council member Rich Tull tell someone to write his name down in the upcoming election.

    Isn't his house for sale? He tells everyone how he's moving. Hasn't he been moving for 2-3 yrs now?

    54 and proud of it!

    1. Why don't you sign up instead of criticizing someone that actually cares and will step up. For 54, you sure sound like a little crybaby. When is the last time you managed to attend a meeting? Sure you won't answer.

  34. He has been moving for EVER!As for the meetings during the day the web site will show they do meet a lot during normal people working hours! I for one do not have that much time off! Oh who cares I am just a "key board critic" that is a name they give people who want to remain anon! I do not want Audited or a ticket! 10:25 FYI he once turned in Mileage picking up food for the Recreation Department! Ha Sam's Club Trip You can't make this stuff up!

  35. Who has been moving forever? That is Richard Tull.I thank the council for caring enough to use their own time during the day to make a meeting work to discuss Fruitland issues. Why are you on here complaining about it?

  36. Someone mentinoned the town drunk code enforcement officer. Glad they got rid of him. Getting paid to ride around and do nothing.

  37. Anybody who says anything is a Cry baby or a critic! And for the record I will criticize when I see fit it is still America! I know the Democrats would love for everybody just to go along with their Tax and Spend policies! All you smart figure use this example: I buy X in May with my Y: In June X goes up and Y goes down or stays the same. I either have to use Y + something or don't buy! The Government just will NOT do that. They scare us with terms like "Protection" "services" "Elderly" Quit Spending!!!!! Or do what Obama does hell just borrow it!!!

  38. Again unless you are Urchin living under a rock why in the world would you attend a Fruitland Council Meeting? Say anything negative you will be vilified! They figure the vote at their lunch meetings and go through the motions at the scheduled meetings! Always Unanimous every time check the minutes! How does that work? I know a Democrat word they use Cooperation or crossing the isles! Unanimous EVERYTIME! That's like the House voting 435-0 every time! You cant make this stuff up!!!

  39. When the council meets during REGULAR people work hours ( not Government employees ) they will have no Complainers as you call them! Think about who can show up to voice their opinion at 11:00am? Another Government Employee! Ha!

    1. Because idiot, sometimes that is the only time to get. People to be able to agree to a time...PLUS...city staff is available without the need for overtime after hours....PLUS you have no idea how much time I aaccrue, but when you combine leave with your lunch break, I am able to make it work. What about all the other local governments that have their meetings during the day? Our meetings during the day are generally closed sessions to discuss personell matters. They are not open anyway. If you have a valid argument, which I have not heard one yet, call me on the phone number I gave earlier, come to a meeting (which are at night once a month so working folks can attend but do no). I am not going to justify myself anymore to a coward that cannot give a name and is living in a fantasy conspiracy world.


  40. I didn't think I would create such a firestorm with one question to joe. Hi my name is Sean. I'm 33 and bought a house in fruitland 3 years ago. I recieved my new assessment and was excited about a lower payment. Unfortunately it was not lower. I was not informed on fruitland government an plan to get more involved. Thanks for all the feedback and sorry If I started any problems

    1. Sean, I encourage people to ask questions. That is what led me to get on the Council. I make myself available to meet with or talk to residents most any evening...just give me a call. No need to apologize, it is not your fault that a common sense question you asked turned into craziness by someone that obviously has issues.

      Take care,


  41. Sean, Do Not feel sorry just watch for Speed Traps! And plan to take your vacation time at lunch because that is when they have their meetings! They do have one on Tuesday night but same old story: All those in favor? 5-0 unless one is absent then it is 4-0. There in never a descending vote! Check the minutes on the City Web Page under Council! You cant make it up! But be careful driving down Cedar Lane and stay out on Nina Lane police, council people and others live there!

  42. Let's get something straight here. I find it not only abusive but completely uncalled for making a statement about a public official stealing from their boss.

    Lee Outen is an honorable man who is one of the few local politicians truly serving his community.

    There is the right to your First Amendment but there is also something called the abuse of your First Amendment right.

    To that commenter who made such a false statement, man up and use your name. Show us any kind of evidence that what your saying is true. Until then, know you have been called out by me as a liar.

    1. Well said Joe. I have known Lee for many years and he has always struck me as a hard working family person. Shame on whoever has some kind of vendetta against Fruitlland to make unfounded accusations against someone without real proof. We need more people like Lee looking out for us in government. People to make tough decisions in the best interests of the community. Keep doing what you are doing Lee and the rest of the Council.

  43. The problem in Fruitland is there are too many rental properties now. Out of town landlords. There needs to be inspections and licenses issued to landlords. Renters are all coming to Fruitland since Salisbury limits 2 renters per house. They don't care about attending meetings.

  44. A user friendly web site is needed in Fruitland. Budget notices were once put up on their home page. I saw nothing this year. It took a while to even find the meeting agendas and minutes. Some of us cannot attend meetings but we like to check up on things on the web pages. But it is not easy to find info there.

  45. Although I didn't like the higher taxes brought on during previous councils and Rick Pollitt, at least they gave us more information than the current council. Why isn't the manager speaking up and managing the city instead of the council?


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