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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wicomico School System Feeds Children In Summer Food Service Program

The Food Service Department of Wicomico County Public Schools will once again participate in the Summer Food Service Program, with funding support from the Maryland State Department of Education through the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

When schools are not in session, many children do not have access to the good nutrition that school cafeterias provide during the normal school year. The Summer Food Service Program is designed specifically to fill the nutrition gap for children of low-income families when schools are not in session.

Meals will be provided from June 17-Aug. 2 on all weekdays except July 4. Meals are available to all children without charge. Acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.

The Summer Food Service Program of Wicomico Schools includes lunch service at three park playgrounds, and breakfast and lunch service at the Christian Shelter and Wicomico County Housing Authority.

Meals will be served at the sites and times as follows:

The Christian Shelter, 334 Barclay St., Salisbury
Breakfast: 8:30 a.m.
Lunch: 12 p.m.

Wicomico County Housing Authority, 911 Booth St., Salisbury
Breakfast: 8:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m.

Indian Village Playground (Wicomico County Recreation and Parks)
Lunch: Noon

Emerson Holloway Playground (Wicomico County Recreation and Parks)
Lunch: Noon

Doverdale Playground (Wicomico County Recreation and Parks)
Lunch: Noon

Snacks will also be served in connection with the media center summer programs at the following schools: Pemberton, Pinehurst, Delmar and Prince Street elementary schools. A snack will be served at 11:30 a.m. June 24-July 25.

Please contact the Food Service Department of Wicomico County Public Schools at 410-677-4442 for more information


  1. Do they pass out doggie bags for the days their closed?

  2. these places should be mandated to be open every day!

  3. Families of these students also receive food stamps. How many overlapping programs are we paying for?

  4. This pisses me off. Keep in mind this is not free and someone has to pay for it. Guess who? Guess again, it's the 49% of Americans who work for a living. 2:55pm is correct and there are overlapping programs that are a waste.

  5. That's what I don't understand, how can they say their children are hungry, when they have food stamps?! I mean don't get me wrong, I don't think any child should be hungry, but if the parent is crying wolf, something should be investigated.

  6. Ah come on, This is crazy!! What about Parent responsibility?!?! I am so sick and tired of paying for this crap!!! I am tired of working and paying for all of these people who don't work and want us to take care of them!!!

  7. 6:54 PM..Apparently not, you voted Obama in office two times, Now you tired of paying for these free programs? This stuff will go on for many more years.

  8. How does this work? How do they get the lunch to the kids everyday?

  9. 9:44
    Someone has to take them to one of the 5 places listed.

  10. It seems the county only cares about the children that are in the Salisbury area. What about the children that live in Parsonsburg, Pittsville, Willards, Powelville, Hebron, Mardela, Fruitland and Delmar? Sorry if I forgot any other towns. Im sure their logic at the county is people can come to Salisbury to get a free lunch.....that is if they could afford the gas to get there. If they can afford the gas then they could afford the food. Sorry surrounding towns your kids don't matter.

  11. I think the county should contract the school buses to bring the kids to to breakfast locations. I feel sorry for these kids. How would you like it if you were hungry and couldn't get to your food?!!

  12. 10:28
    These programs are in addition to food stamps which the parents receive. All during the school year taxpayers pay for free breakfast and lunch but there is no deduction from the food stamps the parents get. Ridiculous to pay for those children's meals twice. It now just continues during the summer.

  13. If schools provide meals to children during the school year, the allotment for the parents' food stamps should be reduced by an appropriate amount. What is the logic in having taxpayers pay twice to feed children who are in school? Why have summer food programs for kids whose parents get food stamps to provide for them?

  14. This is nothing new. New here maybe yet other states have done this for years. I remember lunch in the park it back in 85'. Many other counties in other states have this in the summer, in the park, in the city.

  15. 9:02 - Just for your FYI!!!!!!!! I SO did not vote for this idiot at ALL!! First of all I would never vote for someone with the name Hussian!! I will vote the person who loves our country and supports our Military!!!! Obama could care less about any of it!! Has already proven that!!

  16. 3:23
    New or not. What is the reason to give food stamps to children's families and then pay for programs like this for the same folks?

  17. go to emerson holloway ,indian village and doverdale @ lunchtime and see who leaves with lunches in their hands and it sure is not kids.


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