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Sunday, May 05, 2013

National Poll Puts Support For O'Malley At 1 Percent

The latest polling by Quinnipiac University puts support among Democrats for Gov. O'Malley in a possible presidential bid at 1 percent.

The national survey found that Hillary Clinton blew away all of the other names on the list of potential competitors in 2016 with a commanding 65 percent.

Coming in a distant second was Vice President Joe Biden with 13 percent.



  1. Wow O'malley even the Dems think you suck....

  2. o'taxie may think he is presidential material but he is so far from it. He simply doesn't have the experience or the smarts to run the country.

    If you think this country is in trouble now with the clown in the white house, o'taxie will completely destroy anything that obama hasn't destroyed. There won't be anything left.

    He can take all the trips to countries he wants, but the truth is he wouldn't know what to do in any crisis.

  3. omalley is a legend in his own mind. He's like the dork at the party who thinks everyone is laughing with them when in fact they are laughing at him. It was so funny at the dem convention watching him sniffing all around what he perceives to be the big shots of the party.

  4. See? He voted for himself!

  5. Can't believe there are that many idiots in this country.

  6. I'm surprised he rated that high!

  7. That high, really?

    Hillary the Traitor?

    Wow, we have some really stupid people in the world.

  8. Frankly, my dear, I would rather have him than Hillary!

  9. That's a switch. Hillary actually blew O"Malley away.

  10. That is even sad! He deserves "0" support, even in the state of MD.

  11. Things are bad now. I can't imagine how bad our country would be if this fool were elected. I can see it now, Ireton would most likely run for Governor. Huge nightmare all around.

  12. I would rather vote for a monkey than any of these liberal communist democrats. Even Hillary lied aboutthe four americans killed at the consulate. All these commie dems are just Obama clones. And Obama is the worst every time their his lips moves he is lying.

  13. hahaha lol roflmao and shove that rqain tax where the sun don't shine lol

  14. Hahaha... Poor Cookie and Liarton! The refer to him as the Boss!

  15. Anonymous said...
    Frankly, my dear, I would rather have him than Hillary!

    May 2, 2013 at 8:46 PM

    Ill repeat myself - WE HAVE some STUPID people in the country, Hillary and Obama should be in prison. What they did was far worst than Nixon!

  16. 1% for owemalley and 65% for Hillary .... that make 66% of Stupid democrat voters

  17. 1 % is too much!
    Those figures are inflated because his staff thinks they may get to ride along.
    (it's just his staff & himself)

  18. O'Malley, Obama, Bill Clinton all cut from the same mold. Ego maniacs who adore themselves and love power and the spotlight. All of the above have proven that they are more concerned with me first than making a real differance.

  19. This is a riot! The Dems in the state legislature who worship the ground OMalley walks on should be feeling so proud right about now.
    HaHaHa-Their man's a loser something a lot of us who have the intelligence to see his BS and lies knew all along!

  20. Only 1 percent with all that free sex and dope in his prisons?

  21. this shows there is still hope for the USA. People in in states other than Maryland are not moronic enough to want this idiot in public office. Apparently people in other states have recognized that he only does what he wants not what the people who elected him want.

  22. I'm guessing that the 65% Hilarious thing only happened because the people polled only had O'Malley equals to choose against, hence the high numbers. Hillarious, 65%, 35 others, 1%. Makes sense to me...

  23. The 1% is most likely Baltimore and the Washington DC suburbs of MD.

  24. How does it feel to have the rest of the country think you are an idiot? Marylanders may be stuck with you for the time being but nobody else wants any part of you. Come to think of it, they voted the obammy idiot into office twice as president and YOU are thought of less than him!

    Can't get much lower than that.

  25. He is the most repugnant Maryland politician ever. He is a full blown communist and has made Maryland as cesspool as far as decent moral values. He has no soul or code and will do whatever the special interest groups want. He is a despicable human being and a pure political whore.

  26. About the same for the Eastern Shore


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