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Sunday, May 05, 2013

O'Malley Signs Death Penalty Repeal, Cyberbullying Bills

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Gov. Martin O'Malley signed a measure Thursday repealing capital punishment in Maryland, as well as a bill that will strengthen the state's anti-bullying measures.

O'Malley began signing the bills at a ceremony around 10 a.m. Thursday. NAACP President Ben Jealous and Kirk Bloodsworth, a one-time Maryland death row inmate who was the first person in the United States freed by DNA evidence, were some of the many supporters in attendance.

Maryland is now the 18th state to abolish the death penalty.

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  1. So the criminals have more rights in Maryland than those who are raped and killed? Typical liberal ignorance.

  2. So everything Mike Lewis, Gary Baker, you and Jennifer went to Anapolis to do was for nothing? As for people who commit crimes and rape inocent indiviuals. Yes, in MD they do have more rights. As in any state they are innocent until proven guilty but victims of rape are guilty until proven innocent. It's all wrong.

  3. So Thomas Leggs is spared???

  4. that sonofawitch!

  5. thomas was spared when he plead guilty. WRONG, they didn't need a plea from him there was enough evidence. we all knew what happened.

  6. anonymous 7:51, there was NOT enough evidence for the death penalty with Thomas Leggs.

    It's amazing how many people who were NOT at the trial want to simply believe what rumors they heard.

    They did NOT have the DNA evidence to prove Thomas Leggs murdered Sarah Foxwell. Now, if ANYONE would like to come back on here and say what DNA evidence they had you are welcome to do so but let me assure you, I was at each and every hearing, (unlike all of you) and I know what evidence they had and didn't have.

    Once the Judge realized they didn't have what it takes to get the death penalty he recessed the case for two weeks to let them iron out a plea deal. Remember, it was an election year.

  7. I should add, there was never any doubt Leggs did kill Sarah Foxwell. The key point here is that the state had to have two of three levels of evidence to put legs away for the death penalty, two of which had to be dna or a video confession. They had neither.

  8. You have one sorry ass bunch of Politicians running Maryland.

  9. Make all crime legal...like MURDER...

  10. So exactly what will be the penalty for Maryland criminals when they kill a trooper, deputy or a correctional officer. As for correctional officers, if an inmate who is serving life w/o parole kills a correctional officer, just what exactly will happen? Maybe this POS governor we have should put an uniform on and work in one of his prisons, preferably maximum security, for about a month but that will never happen because it requires courage and honesty which are qualities our governor has always lacked.

  11. Is he listed on the bill as the biggest bully of them all?


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