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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Egyptian TV Host Riham Said Removes Veil During Interview, Clashes With Guest Cleric Yousuf Badri


  1. Brave girl. I hope she doesnt have to fear for her life because of this man or the other muslim men who believe she should have her head covered. I wish more muslim women would stand up against this abuse.

  2. You could see the man mad as heck because he is used to women listening based on their laws...

    I also think its funny how people believe in a religion where you can beat women and kill people who don't listen or join their religion...

  3. Wake up people this S/it religion is trying to take over America, its called "Sharia Law".

  4. 2:00,its wake up liberal women about Sharia law,because they dont think men do terrible things to women who dont obey.

  5. Good-looking woman. You have to wonder why any man would want to wrap her up so she couldn't be seen and appreciated. I just don't get it - destined to be an infidel, I suppose.

  6. She's cute... tell her to come to America and she can take anything off for me.

  7. Beautiful and brave, brave, brave!

  8. That woman looks like the decendant of a captive from the Barbary pirates.

  9. shouldve shot her right there.

    if you were being interviewed and the reporter flipped you off and started waving their genitalia in your face, would you be offended?

    this was blatant disregard for rules and tradition and was nothing more than a premeditated slap in the face.

  10. No what she did was put a hypocrite on blast on national tv. She should have actually b#%ch smacked him.

  11. 9:55 is wahck worshipper of the most bloodthirsty whack diety ever in the history of the planet. Its too bad that muslim women get set on fire and can't even go outside without a man saying its okay, but Hillary can't control herself in her high praise of the peaceful and kind worshippers of that dog diety allah. She WILL sit and listen to someone call Christians in the U.S. military "monsters". THESE are our "leaders" now. If I have offended anyone, well, come and get me.....bring lots of help....


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