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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Radio Host to Lead Armed March on DC July 4th 'To Put Gov't on Notice that We Won't be Intimidated'

Libertarian activist and radio host, Adam Kokesh plans to lead an armed march on Washington, D.C. this Independence Day.

Launched as a group on Facebook, the "Open Carry March on Washington" hopes to get 1,000 supporters to march into the nation's capital with loaded rifles.

The group plans to meet at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. From there, they will march across the Memorial Bridge into Washington, D.C. and continue down Independence Avenue.

While Virginia permits open carry, Washington, D.C. does not issue any permit/licenses to carry a firearm.



  1. That would be awesome if these morons actually get a felony record for being stupid.

  2. NICE thought, good gesture but won't happen...

    They being the cops or govt will stop you like a fat guy with a bucket of chicken on super bowl...

    You do know it is against the law to have a gun in MD? you do know it is against the law to even show your gun in MD? you do know it is against the law to carry a gun unless you have a permit?

    They will arrest you and take your guns and you won't get them back and you will lose ALL GUN RIGHTS after that...

    unless you plan on shooting the son of a bitch who tries to stop you or take your guns, you won't make any difference...

    You can protest all you want, you saw where that go everyone, that's right NOWHERE, it got us NOWHERE...

    Just like how EVERYONE IS EXPECTING some knight in armor to show up and sprinkle magic dust and fix everything... NOT GOING TO HAPPEN...

    Just like how EVERYONE is sitting back waiting for someone ELSE TO DO THE WORK FOR THEM... THAT WON'T HAPPEN...

    This is it folks, nothing left but for us to do the do... walk the walk... or it won't even matter...

    The first thing you should be doing is educating yourself but no, you're too fat and lazy taking my hard earned money to live free...

    Well your time will run out to, obama only wants people on welfare and benefits so you need them, then when every last job is gone or given to a rich uppity piece of shit, they will take it from you and whom-o thats how they will control you... you don't like it, you don't eat... The ones who work while you suck them dry will only work for so much, or so less, they will only work for so long and what if all the jobs go overseas for tax benefits? then you free ride is over and ooops, you're now a slave...

  3. Count me in + hopefully those idiots up there will try yo stop us...

  4. Careful, 3:00PM. I agree with your sentiment, but this could be just the provocation that Obama and his minions are looking for. Emotionally, I like the idea of an armed march. Strategically, not so much...

  5. That day the cops will be waiting at the bridges to stop people carrying guns in there vehicles.Have you forgotten commerades,we live in a police state.

  6. Au contraire, 4:02! This is exactly what we need! Or don't you remember when we ALL brought pot and smoked it at the concert in front of the cops knowing they didn't have enough jail room for all of us? Well, do you think they'd dare open fire on us at this one??HA! They know they all want to see their wives and kids that night! They wouldn't dare. But, if they did, they would probably lose to the long rifles that could pop their heads right off those vested torsos!

    I love our Constitution, and hate to see it raped, and will go there and stand with my brothers. If you stay home, you deserve your slavery to your self inflicted confinement.

  7. 2:58 hoping you meant DC

  8. It's a ridiculous idea. Not that it may not be necessary.., but at that point it won't be a demonstration it'll be much more serious then that.

  9. When an armed drone glides over, the alleged march will be over. If you think 5-0 is gonna let you waltz in there with loaded weapons you've lost your mind. Just like the VN protests where most of us were there just to smoke reefer and meet the ladies, until the blood flowed at Kent State and the Pentagon. It got very real after that.

  10. where do I sign up? Have Gun will March

  11. Does anybody smell a rat here? Maybe this guy is the enemy and is trying to put gun owners in a bad light. Stand fast, don't fall for it.

  12. i don't believe when the rubber hits the road those that talk a big game would actually go.
    I go along with 4:02. pick your battles carefully. this isn't the one.

  13. Obama Not So Good MotorsMay 7, 2013 at 6:00 PM

    I agree with the march but the idea of carying loaded rifles is.not good. It coild.turn ugly in split second. Why give Obamanistas another excuse for their actions? Besides cops will be on lookout for Marylanders and will be pulling vehicles over. We should use different strategy here - we on Maryland side should bring fake guns and water pistols and when they try to make an arrest, you can laugh and say for whar? Being armed with water pistol?

  14. 6:00...laugh and say what? A cop will put 16 rounds into you for pointing a CAP GUN at him. Water pistol? He'd RELOAD and shoot you 16 more times. I'm sorry. Shoot AT you 32 times. Hit you once. And claim he smelled marijuana and was in fear of his life. Get "Trooper of the Year". We need TEN THOUSAND armed men. Remember, Washington and Jefferson bet EVERYTHING THEY HAD, including their lives, on the hope of wresting control of our country from people just like the ones "leading" us today. And they won.

  15. Obama Not So Good MotorsMay 8, 2013 at 9:09 AM

    Imclain 10:10 you been watching Rambo movies lately? I'm glad Washington and Jefferson won, but that was before inventions like airplanes, tanks, radio, radar, machine gun and list go on. If you go there with intention of having a shootout with cops, what will you accomplish? Maybe you get shot, arrested, labeled as terrorist and put in jail. Maybe you get arrested before you even get there and your guns confiscated by cops. So, if you get very lucky you might get back home without your guns. I like the idea of the Marxh and Protest, but not with carrying loaded rifles, that is a bad strategy. For crying out loud can't yoi see this administration is just looking for a reason to justify their actions and by doing this you playing right in their hands?! We need better plan and different approach and.there is a better, more effective way.

  16. 9:09.....yeah. Lets try VOTING theses anti-liberty, tax soaking, self important leeches out of office...It would be a chance for the cops "who would never support facism" to show their colors. Or not. But 10,000 armed and committed men would be a force not easily reckoned with.. Being afraid has never worked out for freedom and liberty. Imagine the reaction across the nation if people saw the military and police gunning down hundreds of citizens. People like you would sit back and say "See? I told you so". OTHERS would say "Hell NO!!" There were a lot of people who didn't want the USA to enter WWII, even after Pearl Harbor. One of your relatives was in that group, I'm sure. I never did like Rambo movies and I'm not so sure you are really that "glad" that Washington and Jefferson prevailed. Just keep voting...I'm SURE -- POSITIVE -- that YOUR guy is gonna lower taxes, respect the Constitution, reduce the boot-on-your-neck government, and control the ever-growing police state. Absolutely positive. And don't forget to keep cheering the decimation of the rule of law, which if you haven't noticed, doesn't apply to the makers of the law or the enforcers of it. Perhaps some Roman history would do you well....just STAND for something. Other than ambivalence, acquiescence, and intellectual surrender.


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