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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Can I Have A Diet Coke With My 4 Course Meal?

As we traveled to Virginia Beach for the weekend I couldn't help taking the above image. 

While it makes some sense, isn't it a bit ironic cruising down the road in a gas guzzler trailing a Prius behind you? 

Mind you, they are light weight but it just cracked me up. 


  1. I guess it is how you look at it, I see someone that is driving their HOME around with a light car dragging behind it, heck if your generator breaks on the RV you can hook up to the Prius, smart move in my book.

  2. Democrat environmental activists.
    Hypocrites ALL!

  3. Did you know you can park that gas guzzler at a camp ground, with all the amenities, much cheaper than staying in a hotel/motel?

    Are you aware of food allergies that can be a life threatening problem with one of my children? So that gas guzzler also gives me cooking privileges which eases the allergy concerns and is cheaper than mist restaurants.

    Our Prius is than used for day trips in the area. Works out great for our family. Quality time with the kids 24/7.

  4. 10:22 Once you work in the price of the motor home, maintenance, depreciation and gas it far exceeds the price of a hotel. Plus in this case an extra car.
    Not a smart use on money.

    1. Maybe not 10:45am, but it sure beats sleeping on those nasty hotel beds, on those even nastier pillows and in those stinking, stench filled cigarette smelling rooms. Give me my motorhome/motor coach where I control what I eat and how it's prepared. As well the people that I choose to have around me 24/7. Spending a few more worthless American dollars makes a lot more cents to some of us that choose to travel in our personal home away from home, on wheels.

    2. You can stay in rooms with refrigerators. I always do to cut down on food expenses while on the road.

      And if you can afford a RV, then you can afford to stay in a decent hotel. Most of which are now entirely smoke free.

  5. I can stay in a lot of motels for the price of a rv.

  6. Smart move 10:22.Pay in excess of $100,000 for a motor home to save $75 a night on a motel room.

  7. You guys are a tough crowd, must not like to travel much. That's cool stay here on the Eastern Shore while others go and explore the rest of the world.

    I understand where you are coming from 10:22, people that are not in your situation would not understand.

    Have fun seeing the back woods parts of the country that these guys only dream of, no hotels.

  8. Don't you have one of them Joe?

  9. 1:19 - Sorry about your situation.We,or at least I did'nt realize that WAS your home.Now it's perfectly clear.You've made your point.

    1. Thank you 3:01pm for your depth of understanding. Is it me, or is this just getting deeper? Anyway, your dispassionate understanding of my financial situation defines you, as well as myself. Again I offer you, a diminished pretence of gratitude.

  10. I guess everyone ruled out the possibility that the RV could be rented

  11. Many people park the RV at a site then use the car and go and do things. Cars are a lot easier to deal with in some parking lots. We have a travel trailer and it's a pain to haul because of the length of it. It used to be cheaper to rent an rv site and go and do things but with the price of gas no days hotels seem to be cheaper but you also lose the ability to do your own cooking and such. Not to mention what is a vacation without a campfire at least one night.

  12. You can park an rv pretty much anywhere, including areas where there are no hotels close by where you want to go and see the sights. And you have the added privacy that you can't get with a hotel.

    And there are some people who have the money to afford a rv and don't want to be near other people. To each their own. If you have never did anything like this, you cannot appreciate the benefits that come along with such vacationing. Likewise, if you are too poor to afford this type of traveling, it wouldn't appeal to you. Everything is not for everybody. Taking a cruise is cheaper than a regular vacation where you would have to rent rooms, buy your food, and buy gas every couple hours and miles.If they can afford it, and are enjoying themselves, good for them.

  13. What a sin. People don't know how to be content these days. Always got a bug to move about. Sounds like Adult ADD/ADHD to me.


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