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Monday, May 13, 2013

Dog Found 5-12-13 UPDATE

Good morning Joe, 

This chocolate lab was found yesterday in Kensington Woods. He's wearing a camo collar. Can you please repost. He's a very sweet dog and I'm sure the owners must be worried! 


  1. You are so kind to take the dog to your home and post this. Reiley, the 14 year old yellow lab was not so fortunate this weekend. He has never spent a single night away from family and is extremely well cared for. He was accidentally left in the yard of his Willards home, and not for long, either. SOmeone picked him us and took him to the humane society. He and his family have lived in the neighborhood for 10 years, so it would have been easy for someone to be helpful to this young family and give a call or take the dog in and post here.
    Instead, he spent the weekend in the pound. His frantic owners called the "Humane" Society 6 times to try to check on him. He is medicated for his hips and they were very worried. The HS had time to take his photo and post it on their site, but couldn't take the time to return a call. A county council person told them that problems with the HS are ongoing. Reiley was reunited with his very anxious family first thing this morning, but such unnecessary heartache was caused by an agency that is supposed to be in the business of customer service. Why not charge $50 for owners who want to retrieve their animals after hours under circumstances like this? And, to pick up an old dog 1/2 a block from his home and drive him to the HS instead of trying to find his owner, really?
    I am so very glad that this dog is a much luckier fellow. Hats off for the random act of kindness.

  2. Great post, 9:20. I've been saying for YEARS how corrupt that place is. Wouldn't surprise me if Humane Society workers are out collecting pets and bringing them to the shelter to increase revenue. Charge families a fortune to return their pets. Jerks. I vowed never to step foot in that place again and from here forward I will rescue my pets from neighboring counties.


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