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Monday, May 13, 2013

Psychologist Dr. Paul Fick Says Obama Psychologically Damaged ‘Beyond Narcissism,’ Offers Details To Press

Psychologist announces availability to media to explain how he came to the conclusion that Obama has severe psychological damage.
Members of the media are invited to interview nationally prominent psychologist Dr. Paul Fick, who has announced a detailed report on the psychological condition of President Barack Obama.

Dr. Fick is a very experienced, clinical and forensic psychologist. He has completed a lengthy, detailed, scientific study of President Obama. The result is the announcement that Obama is severely psychologically damaged, according to Dr. Fick. He is willing to provide full details of his research, evaluation, findings, and recommendations for therapy.

“Some observers have claimed that Obama appears to be narcissistic. He’s way beyond narcissism. Yes, he has narcissistic symptoms, but he also suffers from paranoid tendencies and oppositionalism. This combination makes him a dangerous and destructive president, filled with carefully hidden anger that he is exacting upon America, which he consciously and unconsciously hates,” Dr. Fick explained.



  1. Wow...How clearer can it be why Obama is destroying this country. We have to get him out of the White house.

  2. Second that.
    The man was raised Muslim, ate DOG for god sakes, mentored by communists after being abandoned by his father and pornstar mother. Groomed in prestigious private schools that he never belonged in and loathed.
    Unfortunately too many Americans, living their undignified lives, relate to him all too well.
    He is a megalomaniac, like Marx, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, even Castro.
    You Dems getting the picture yet???
    You've been hoodwinked by a professional fraudulent chameleon thats hell bent on the fundamental transformation of the U.S.
    It's just not the transformation you thought he meant.
    Sorry you couldn't see through the disease like the other half of America!

  3. I wont mention any names but you need not look far in local politics for a perfect example.

  4. IMO Hillary Clinton shares the same personality disorder both will stop at nothing to impose their idea of what society should be on the world. they lie,cheat,steal and murder to achieve their agenda. They have no conscience or soul just raw hunger for power.

  5. this is what happens when you are in over your head. doesn't surprise me one iota.

  6. I think most people in politics have this disorder. Democrat or Republican.

  7. IMPEACH the communist Muslim. Some members of congress seem to have the gonads to at least sort of mention it by using the term "The I word" in the MSM. Here let me help, IMPEACH THIS SICK LYING BASTARD NOW before more innocent people get killed.


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