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Monday, May 13, 2013


Although many law enforcement agencies and FBI uniform crime report statistics state crime is down, public perception is that crime has increased. Especially violent crime. 

Unfortunately, statistical data does not represent the fact that we as citizens are still at serious risk of random crimes. Criminals today are more brazen than ever before. Active shooters and home invaders are a serious threat to our safety. Moreover, serious drug abuse such as heroin and methamphetamine are on the rise and has been steadily increasing over the past 5 years. Unfortunately, our state governor and elected officials in Maryland have decided for us that gun control is a priority, has made it more difficult than ever to legally purchase a firearm, has legalized marijuana, has eliminated the death penalty, and made it more difficult to obtain a firearms carry permit.

Many criminals are opportunistic. There are steps you can follow to enhance your safety:
Keep doors and windows locked at all times. This includes your house and car. Many criminals patrol the streets looking for open doors on vehicles. An open door at your home is an invitation for a home invasion. 
Don’t open the door to strangers. This seems like a simple premise but people still invite people into their homes without knowing them. 
Be aware of your surroundings. When walking to any establishment or to work keep your wits about you. Don’t text while walking, look around for potential threats. 
Don’t keep valuables in your vehicle. 
The more home and business protection you have the better. Criminals typically look for homes that are less protected then more protected. Get an alarm system, get a protection dog, get good doors and door locks, get cameras, and lastly get firearms training. 
Don’t hangout with drug users and/or dirtbags. Some drug users become so desperate for money that they will steal from lifelong friends and relatives. People with problems make their problems your problems. Don’t invite these people into your home. You may come home to find your home burglarized. 
Keep firearms locked away from your children when you are not there to supervise them. Keep your firearms locked away from mentally unstable family members. 
If you are shopping for a firearm, get good advice. Firearms with lasers are a top pick for those who think it will assist them in protecting themselves. Lasers , like any other mechanical device, are subject to fail. First get night sights (you need to see your sights in the dark), then a weapons light (you need to see your threat), and lastly a laser if you so desire. A laser is a nice toy but, is not a replacement for good training. 
If you have a firearm, get training with it. Taking the firearm to the range and shooting at static targets is fine but does not accurately represent a violent encounter. During a violent encounter, your adrenaline will be pumping which decreases your accuracy and field of vision. During a violent encounter, in order to be safe as possible, you will be forced to use tactics in order to keep your business, family, or self safe. We offer home invasion, armed robbery, and active shooter training which addresses all of these threats. Training can be obtained at www.ustasc.com

We now offer trained protection dogs that will protect you and your family. For more information, see our website at www.ustasc.com.

CEO, Tactical American Security Consulting, LLC.

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