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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bloomberg, Obama And Liberal Media Muzzled About Gun Crime Decline

New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg has not made a peep about gun control since news came out that firearms-related deaths were way down. President Obama has ignored it and continued to pursue more gun-control laws. Their reaction shows how this news screws up their agenda to keep the decline in gun-related homicides a secret from Americans so that they can pass restrictions on the Second Amendment.

The Justice Department released a study Tuesday that showed firearm-related homicides in the U.S. annually declined 39 percent from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011. Nonfatal firearm crimes declined 69 percent from 1.5 million to 467,300 in that time frame.

Mr. Bloomberg, who is usually very vocal on any gun-related news, fell mute. Neither he, nor his usually very active organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns, has said anything gun related this week. A spokesman for Mr. Bloomberg’s group did not respond to a request for comment. If the news had been that a bunch of people were shot, you can be assured that Mr. Bloomberg would have been in front of the microphones.

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  1. slick, slime weezels every one.

  2. Obama Not So Good MotorsMay 12, 2013 at 3:40 PM

    Let's call it what it really is - NOT GUN CONTROL - IT'S PEOPLE CONTROL. And We the People Need To Stand Up Against This Any Way Possible.

  3. Look, two nuts sitting together. These two people along with obama, need to find their own country to live in. They don't belong in America.


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