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Sunday, May 12, 2013

SPD Press Release Update

10 firearms and ammunition turned in Saturday during 1st annual Gun Turn In Day.


  1. What a crock. It just goes to show that this anti-gun government is everywhere. Any police department who would participate in this will also follow orders to disarm the public. Open your eyes people. Prepare.

  2. wonderful news!!

    now maybe if those thugs that stole 50 guns from seaford the other day would be so kind to turn those in too??


    what a joke

    btw. never again will anyone in my family darken the doorway of any Gordy Mart

  3. That is quite funny, only 10 firearms. That's like peeing on a house fire. Gun turn ins don't work, especially on the conservative Eastern Shore.

  4. The instructions stated that no ammo would be accepted. So, which is it?

  5. Ten guns, huh? The taxpayers really took one for the team this time.

  6. If anyone is interested in turning in their guns, contact me!
    Especially if they have extra ammo.

  7. Anonymous said...
    wonderful news!!

    now maybe if those thugs that stole 50 guns from seaford the other day would be so kind to turn those in too??


    what a joke

    btw. never again will anyone in my family darken the doorway of any Gordy Mart

    May 12, 2013 at 11:59 AM

    Hmmm... Gordy Tiger Mart... please do tell??

  8. Gordy Tiger Mart was giving gift cards to the people that turned guns in.

  9. with these 10 off the streets, crime will surely go down.


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