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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Citizen's Concerns - Wicomico Capital Improvement Budget - Court Expansion

Hello Joe, I read the article this morning about the new offices proposed for the States Attorney. I'm not quite sure what the problem is but I can tell there are some underlying problems. I'm sure everyone knows that there is a process that is followed for when the county needs to have work performed. If it appears the cost will be over a set amount then  a bid process is followed. A set of specs is drawn up and sent out to contractors who are on the County's bidder list. The bidders are asked to submit a bid, usually to the procurement office, with a deadline date for the submission. The bids are then opened by procurement on a set date. Many times the bidders attend to see who is awarded the contract. If the bidders are not in attendance then all bidders are to be notified as to who was awarded the contract. If there are concerns about the process - then procurement and the county attorney should work these out according to procurements procedures set forth in the procurement guidelines. From what I gather from the article, one of the bidders had some questions and asked one of the councilmen what he should do. I believe Councilmen Culver was correct in referring the bidder to the county legal department. In the article it even stated that the council felt that the process was not flawed and did not need to be re-bid. Yet five of seven council members felt  that Councilmen Culver should receive some sort of punishment for something that not one of them could or would say what he had done that was wrong. Two of the council members , Sample-Hughes and Prettyman, even went as far as to say that Councilmen Culver should have received a harsher punishment but yet again, neither one would say for what. (This is why I say something else is going on here.) These two did however appear to lead readers to believe that someone had leaked out information in the past and implied that it could have been Councilmen Culver. If these two have something to say then they need to grow a backbone and say it and not just make insulting innuendos to a fellow council member. In fact, I feel both these council members owe Mr. Culver an apology for their insinuations. I also found it odd, but in character, for Mr. Strausburg to make a threat of suing  anyone for trying to stop the project. Now why does he believe that anyone would want to stop this project? I'm sure if there was anything improper going on then he would want to bring it out in the open and correct it. Just out of curiosity, does it appear to anyone else, other than myself, that for some reason there are people on our county council and in the administration who want to keep Councilman Culver away from this project? Perhaps some of your readers can enlighten us.
                                                             John Palmer


  1. From what I can gather from viewing PAC 14 coverage - the developer protesting the award - his bid was more incompliance with the guidance specs than the bidder who was awarded the bid.

    In my opinion - he has a right to protest and the county council should perform a rebid.

  2. Perhaps Mr. Culver said more than just, "Call the county attorney." In fact, this wouldn't be an issue if that was ALL that was said. Don't be a pansy and believe that this was much ado about nothing. Many people know that Culver likes to run his mouth. Maybe when he's acting as Councilman he should learn when to keep his mouth shut and let the process and laws in place operate as stipulated. If he didn't violate his position this wouldn't have happened. Wake up!

  3. I don't know what a censor is but that is what the article said Hughes wanted and Prettyman wanted Culver to step down for his position. I'm not sure if that means his council position or his VP office. Regardless, those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I hope this council doesn't turn into what the city council was before the election. Thank you.

  4. Palmer Gillis was instrumental in getting Ireton re-elected and Jake Day elected. Now he is getting special treatment from the County Council as well. Hmmmm

  5. I watched that council meeting and it seemed to me that the county attorney didn't think Culver did anything wrong. So, it appears that Prettyman is working a personal agenda against Culver. Apparently she doesn't get along well with the other members and is seen as a problem. She is an example of why term limits should be imposed. Whatever it is that is driving this, it is becoming increasingly apparent that she is a cancer on the council. On the bidding process, it did appear flawed and that the fix was in for the Gillis group.

    The other bidders had some good points. It was disturbing to see Strasburg so angry and threatening to sue...thought he was all about transparency in government.

    The same players always seem to be at the heart of most problem - and no Ms. Prettyman, I'm not speaking about Bob Culver.

  6. Unfortunately if the taxpayers only knew one half of the story there would be a Wicomico Tea Party on the Wicomico River within a few days. Not only regarding this issue but the simple daily operations of this wonderful county government. They only tell you what they really want you to know - but one thing for sure, the Wicomico County Good Old Boy System is alive, well and operating at full throttle. What a shame that no one has the spine to stand up to this system.

  7. Mr. Palmer,

    Before you go shooting off your mouth with your opinion in a letter to Mr. Albero, maybe you should get the entire facts of this situation. I have seen this behavior from you before and most of the time you have come to the wrong conclusion.

  8. "I hope this council doesn't turn into what the city council was before the election."

    Which was a helluva lot better than it is now. Don't believe me add up the increases in living here over the next year. We don't need to revitalize downtown. We need to recitalize the entire city!
    What's it gonna cost? Hmmmmm.

  9. John Palmer:

    And now, the rest of the story.

  10. It is clear that the term "an inconvenient truth" should be the motto of the Wicomico County council and Administration. It is abundantly clear a small, tight group is in control of this county and the hell with the rest of us. The truth just gets in their way.

  11. maybe this is a wake up call for All Citizens to wake up and wise up and be much more vigilant regarding our county council members and all other elected officials. for some reason it seems once they're elected this power seems to go to their head. they think they are privileged and don't have to be accountable to anyone. they can be bought and they love accolades for everyone.

    i'm not painting a wide brush for all pols, but I am painting a brush. we must remain vigilant and hold all pols accountable. always seek for the truth and follow the money. do you agree with this? if so; be a watchman with me. truth - what a concept...

  12. Prettyman is so in love with herself that she really is ineffective.

  13. Hats off to John Palmer and the rest of Voice on their work getting the Cap imposed, if it were not for the cap we could not afford to live in Wicomico County. Maybe Mr Culver should respond and offer an explaination as I am sure he knows the whole story. Mr Strasberg should tread litely when talking about suing people it seems as if he has forgotten who he works for.

  14. anon 9;11 am
    There were two bidders protesting the bid not just one.

  15. I just watched the video of the council meeting whereby the competing bidder voiced opposition to the process.

    I agree - his points are valid in that his proposal was 'greener' than Gillis's proposal. The Court & personnel would be served better by the higher bid, and, the square footage would have been more aligned with the specifications. All citizens should watch the video of this meeting and draw your own conclusions. Either way - the selection process appears to be flawed.

  16. The county council is just as corrupt as the city council. They know when parcels of land are going up for sale and how much, and they use their family, friends, or themselves to buy it up before the information goes public. What is Creamer there for? Didn't he retire once??? I'm shocked at Mat Holloway's behavior going along with something as uder-handed and illegal as this bid was. Strasberg is a know nothing, and doesn't like to be questioned about his decisions. He has a personal vendetta on Culver, because Bob called him on several issues. Since then, Strasberg has him in his crosshairs.

    I agree, the public better wake up and watch these councils very closely. They can't be trusted.

  17. A big tax increase is coming bend over Wicomico County.

  18. Sure sounds like someone has a big grudge against Prettyman and Strausburg. I thought this was about the bidding process and not specific people. Didn't the other six members of the council vote for the one who got the bid? Why aim for only those two?

  19. Got to hand it to SBYnews, they are on their game. Check out The Daily Times - no mention or coverage for these types of events. SBYnews is truly the Fox network affiliate for the eastern shore.

  20. 4:15 - I don't see all of this as a grudge - there are serious issues involved. Strasburg was visibly angry at that meeting apparently at being questioned. Bob Eaton is a well respected attorney with a long history of government lawyering. He knows as much if not more than county attorney Baker. The council was a mess that night...as someone else said - they need to get a backbone.

    As far as Prettyman - other than for a very small handful of people - she has more than worn out her welcome. The fact that she can't get along with her fellow council members speaks volumes - that isn't a rumor - that's a fact. What we need are "statesmen" not someone with a who can I destroy today mentality.

  21. Just finished watching on PAC 14 that meeting. Seems Joe Hollaway put a motion forward & Bob Culver second it to say the process was flawed. The other 5 members voted against it and each said they didn't see that the process was flawed.

    Then, the only council member to vote against the lease was Bob Culver. All six of them voted to accept it.

    How many comments on this site is from Culver. Does he have it out for all the others. I do believe he is the culprit in all of this. Always acting like the victim. Bob, you need to grow up and stop using the blogs to bash your fellow council members.

  22. Seems Culver is jealous of Prettyman. What gives Bob?

  23. It's laughable that Culver is jealous of anyone. Culver is his own person and speaks his mind without hesitation.

  24. Matt is the County's new Jim Ireton. It sounds to me like Culver told the aggrieved constituent to raise his questions with the county attorney. Right answer. This appears t me to be the same bullying that Campbell had to endure when she tried to shine light on issues about things like the Bricks and the WWTP...name calling, threats, etc. Those interested in making sweetheart deals when in government are usually very hostile toward those who try to lift the veil and let in some disinfecting sunshine. If that's what happened, thank you, Mr. Culver.

  25. 7:51 - I agree with your observation. Sounds like Stevie made the 9:29 post. Bob does speak his mind - and deals with the fall out from doing so. Right or wrong, he seems TRANSPARENT while Stevie and company like to work behind the scenes so they can maintain deniability. At least with Bob you know what he truly thinks. Wish that could be said of the others who find TRANSPARENCY uncomfortable.

  26. Take a look at the areas top contractors and developers and you will always find a direct connection with Government. If the Gov doesn't like the bid winner, it will bid it again and again until they get the outcome they want, or have promised. The decision has already been made at the moment a project the project was thought of. If PG wins every local project, don't cry out to him, compliment him on knowing how projects are won before the bid ever hits the streets!

  27. Yes. Where is the Daily Disgrace on this matter? What are they doing over there? Why do they always lag behind this news site when it comes to reporting things people are actually concerned about?

  28. Stevie caved in on the Bennett high school issue after she was pressured, I have to think hard to vote for her again. I also believe in term limits, so maybe I answered my own question?

  29. Has anyone bothered to look Culver up on the MD Judiciary Case Search? His OWN MOTHER had a Protective Order against him. Joe- why are you scared to post this? It's the truth. Transparency???? Yeah, right.

  30. Some years back I watched a local town manager just east of Salisbury, open up a sealed bid from Waste Management company and called his wife's friend who worked at BFI and gave them the bid so they could submit a lower bid. Good Ole Boyz still alive and well here on the eastern shore.

  31. Yes Culver has had a family issue about his mother and with siblings - as have several other prominent Salisbury families and many other families too. Aging parents, family inheritance and poor decisions can cause all kinds of issues for families. Even people with considerable means often put mom in a nursing home because they don't want their life disrupted. It is easy to judge others. However, the correct thing is to remember these are intensely personal matters that the public only sees from the outside. Family matters should be off limits in politics. If you want to judge Culver on his family actions, be ready to have your family dynamics scrutinized too - including how you raised or didn't raise your children, how you get along with members of your family and how you conduct yourself in your private life. Where is the line going to be drawn? Maybe Joe isn't afraid to bring this up - but is showing more class than the person who made the post.

  32. I watched the PAC 14 meeting and I don't think Bob Culver did anything wrong. He told the person to contact the attorney period. That was the point person to contact and that was the correct response.

    The other council members should be very humiliated by their actions. They were wrong to vote so underhandedly unless they were profitting by the deal.

    I respect someone who speaks their mind whether I like their opinion or not. I know that person will stand by their convictions and an open and fair conversation can be undertaken. Not so by the other council memebers. They lie to your face and then do just what they want. Just like the city council does.

  33. It's becoming apparant that Matt Holloway and Jake Day are birds of the same feathers.

  34. So where is this video! I looked on Pac 14, and saw 4/16, but there's nothing after that. Has it been scrubbed from the internet? And if so, WHY? Where is it? What date meeting is it?


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