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Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 5-24-13

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Salisbury Fire Department Enjoying Lunch At Taylor...":

The public doesn't know that even though the fire department got those 12 additional paid firemen through the free money grant that they had more than enough paid firemen alread. During the night half of the shift there is 3 medic crews on at stations 1, 2 and 16 and there is a paid fire crew for the engine and a paid fire crew for the $1 million dollar tower truck at station 16. The paramedic crews on the ambulance run all night long while the two fire crews get to sleep at night unless the engine is chasing ambulances. The engine crews don't self dispatch themselves at night because they want a whole night of uninterrupted sleep so they can go to their next full time job fully rested and wide awake. The self dispatching themselves on ambulance calls is done during the day so they can brag about being a busy fire department and running 12,000 call per year. In reality those 12,000 calls are mainly EMS calls which are running the paramedic crews ragged. Don't let the firemen full you when they spout off they are a busy department that runs 12,000 calls every year. Those 12 paid firemen they hired were to staff fire truck and not paramedics for the ambulance. The staffing went on the fire engines while the ambulances were slighted again and always have been. The paramedic crews have always been short staff even when they were granted permission to hire new paramedics they refused to and hired firefighters instead. New state of the art radios with more of that free grant money. What a joke. With all the paid firemen staffing the fire trucks the volunteer firemen are starting to realize that Hoppes and Co. are doing their best to run the volunteers out of town. This has been his motive ever since he became a paid fireman himself. With all the paid firemen taking every piece of equipment to the calls there is no need for the volunteers to show up and just stand around. When the rare opportunity arises for the volunteers to be called on they may not show up and I don't blame them. They are treated like second class citizens and they are only used to clean up. Mayor Ireton made a big mistake when he promoted Rick Hoppes to fire chief. The volunteers made a big mistake when a few of them voiced their support for Hoppes as their fire chief, especially after they didn't support him the first time.


  1. I hope that whoever wrote this is still in school. I would hate to think this was written by a high school graduate.

  2. 10:43 I understood it . What are you the queen spelling B.

  3. Above comments obviously Fireman, This happens in EVERY state where EMS justify Fire Fighters jobs Meanwhile ALL the FF do is Bad Mouth EMS....GROW UP.

  4. Excellent commentary and it is the truth. What's the problem 10:34 AM I clearly understood the point so you must have been offended because it affected your livelihood. My thoughts is that it was better written than most of your firefighter friends when they post their comments on here. Did it ever occur to you that not all concerned citizens have all the time in the world to proof read every comment they post. At least it was clearly legible.

  5. This is an interesting view by one of your readers and they are entitled to their opinion. The facts are quite different though. For nearly 3 years fire station 2 operated without a daytime Duty Crew because of frozen vacancies, furloughs and injuries. There had been a daytime staff there since 1968 to handle the responses of the North and East sides of the City. Station 2 handles on average around 900 calls for service annually. There is a dedicated Volunteer membership that handles the calls at night and on weekends. The grant which allowed the City to hire the 12 new firefighters made it possible to open station 2 again from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Volunteer membership had made it clear to the City and Fire Chief of their support of this action long before it became reality.

    Only 5 of the new positions were dedicated to Station 2. The remaining 7 were distributed to upgrade understaffed units at stations 1 and 16. These units had been operating with 3 members most of the time and the national standard is a minimum of 4. What you failed to say is that all of the new and existing members ride the ambulances on a rotating basis. They are cross trained in fire and EMS.

    The Salisbury Fire Department does respond to approximately 12,000 calls for service each year. The breakdown is around 8300 EMS and 3700 Fire calls on average. Calls are dispatched by the Wicomico County 911 center and SFD units are permitted to self dispatch. If the officer feels the unit is needed to assist or is close to the call they will respond. Fire units are automatially dispatched to automoble accidents, shootings, stabbings, heart attacks and other serious calls for help. Fire units often respond to calls where there is no ambulance available and begin treatment until the next closest ambulance can arrive.This is a national standard by the way and nothing new to Salisbury.

    Emergency responders are no different than anyone else. They have to eat at sometime during the day. Quite often they dont have time to cook and they stop at local establishments to grab a quick meal on the run. There are no guarantees that they will get a lunch or dinner until the calls slow down.

    The department did receive a grant for new portable radios. The first half of the departments radios were replaced several months ago and upgraded to meet the new Federal mandate for digital radio technology effective Jan. 1, 2013. The first radios were purchased with Volunteer and City funding. The received grant will save the City taxpayers thousands of dollars for these radios.

    I hope these facts will help your readers undersatnd what is really going on. The department has a dedicated membership of Volunteer and Career personnel that respond 24 hours a day to calls for help. To the untrained eye looking from the outside it may appeared unclear as to what going on. I would encourage anyone to stop by the stations and vsit. Ask questions,become educated and if your interested apply to be a Volunteer. Thank you for listening.

  6. and what does this have to do with them eating at Taylor's..sounds to me that someone just wanted to go on a rant and hear themselves talk

  7. I wanna be a fireman who makes good pay , I wanna be a fireman who sleeps all day.

    This is typical of all far depts.
    pay or volunteer.

    Soda machine is full of beer , jack daniels in the frig. Wow I love it. Who needs work , not me , suffer in silence you guys who are not firemen. We have it made in the shade, nothing you can do , got to go now , I need my nap.
    Hope I spelled everything right , don't want a backlash , Don't need no college fighting fires and pillows.

  8. If you think you can handle the actual job itself 11:37 then I suggest you go and apply!

  9. ok so with that being said. Quit. If there are no volunteers then maybe they will realize the benefit you are providing.

  10. So if EMS more then doubles the calls of fire fighters shouldn't you have double the amount of EMS. And from what you said most of the fire fighter calls are more a call for EMS.

  11. Hmmm 11:37, I wonder what you do for a living?

    Probably just a wanna be. What, couldn't pass the test to become a firefighter or EMT? I would be more than glad to assist you in your training if you think you qualify or are capable. (That includes having a clean background check) Just ask for Norbie or any of the other instructors if you have the guts.

    As for the crack about alcohol in the workplace I challenge you to visit any station around and see if you find it. If there is, I assure you its very isolated.

    And no, you may not need college to fight fires, but you do need to train constantly and keep your skills fresh. And I know for a fact that those guys do some sort of training every shift on top of, calls, equipment checks, pre-plans, etc. You can ask to do a tour of the station and do a ride along if you so desire. Better you see for yourself than form a biased, unjust opinion.


  12. Anonymous said...
    So if EMS more then doubles the calls of fire fighters shouldn't you have double the amount of EMS. And from what you said most of the fire fighter calls are more a call for EMS.

    May 24, 2013 at 12:19 PM

  13. Norbie you barely passed yourself. Are you a training officer? No. Are you any kind of officer? No? How long have you been in the fire service and you have never obtained any rank? Not much ambition there my friend. Now go back to thinking about where you guys are going to buy your dinner from.

    1. you're an idiot . not all jobs or something you want to just go ahead and try to get to the top at. once you become an officer and a fire department there's a lot more responsibilities headaches and so forth. staying just a firefighter you get a good pay you still get raises and a whole lot less responsibility and b*******. plus the higher you go in rank the less chance of actually going to the fire you have which every firefighter news is the addictive drug in the reason why we do it Plus getting the satisfaction of knowing you help her save a life or somebody's prize possessions or their property. getting to the top is not always what it's cracked up to be my friend.

  14. 1:18

    Barely passed what? Please enlighten me.

    And I'm sure your ambition extends to the fact that you have no balls to put your name on here.

    What are your credentials?


  15. 12:25 Didn't you leave Salisbury for OC because there were much fewer calls and a lazy streak.

  16. Schadler said:

    Thank you A/C Bryan Records for explaining the truth. We have both been in the Fire/EMS service for 34 years both as volunteer and paid. Bryan is correct there are times that we have to get a quick meal due to call volume. As for sleeping all day please let me know where those jobs are. As for Norbie I've known him since he came into the fire service and gain his education. The reason he left Salisbury is simple O.C. pays a much better salary and he still works a second full time job in the EMS field as I do to make ends meet. If you think we make too much money I encourage you to pay for the schooling and try it. Remember we work 24 7 365 taking shifts when everyone else is home on the holidays with their families in all type of weather and so on. We only get the rare thank you for saving lives so if you don't like us next time you need help don't call.

  17. Norbster looks like someone hit the nail on the head by your response. Chill dude.

  18. Anonymous said...
    So if EMS more then doubles the calls of fire fighters shouldn't you have double the amount of EMS. And from what you said most of the fire fighter calls are more a call for EMS.

    May 24, 2013 at 12:19 PM


  19. Obviously this must be an anti- fighter campaign. I posted something earlier as a compliment to the Salisbury Fire Dept. that did not publish. All I know is when you need them they are there and fast. I've seen them save lives. Who cares what they do in their down time as long as they can perform the way they do!!!

  20. I'm afraid no one has hit any nail on any head. This "person" seems to think they know me and my background but they have shown nothing to back up what qualifications they have to judge the local fire service or me.

    Grow a pair, don't be anonym"ass".

  21. The voters made a BIG mistake when they didn't reelect Campbell. You wouldn't have had this mess on her watch. Ireton might have had a nervous breakdown, but the taxpayers would have been protected. You threw away a majority that cared about you...not cronyism.

  22. Mr. Schadler didn't you get fired from Ocean Pines for doing something you shouldn't have been doing? Please don't speak about the truth when there are a lot of things concerning truth that causes you to lose credibility. You left Ocean Pines and ended up in Allen? Nice career move.


  23. 5:07 Maybe you should grow a pair since you just used anonymous. Funny you don't want others to use it but you feel it is ok that you use it.

  24. 12:02

    My bad, I forgot to put my name. But I would assume most of those who have read the previous posts would have known who it was.


  25. Anonymous said...

    5:07 Maybe you should grow a pair since you just used anonymous. Funny you don't want others to use it but you feel it is ok that you use it.

    May 25, 2013 at 12:02 PM


    By the way what is a Norbie? It's not a real name so it is still anonymous.

    And whoever Norbie is the truth hurts doesn't it? Otherwise you wouldn't have been making all those comments.

    Norbie are you a member of the Salisbury Fire Department? Do you live in the City and pay taxes? If no then you shouldn't be commenting with your expertise on this Salisbury matter.

  26. So Mr. Records are you saying the 3700 Fire calls on average are actual house fires in the city?

  27. The Salisbury Fire Department does not run 3700 fire calls. Those so called fire calls are actually how many calls the fire engines responded on ambulance calls. Mr. Albero knows these fire engine calls are not necessary for the most part and if he would have been elected he would have put a stop to it. No matter how you explain it or define it these types of responses aren't necessary and if they were there has to be a better way of doing it in order to save money and the wear and tear of the fire engines. Do you really need a massive fire engine and 6 to 12 people or more on an ambulance call?

  28. Who is the EMS Chief in the Salisbury Fire Department? Are there any EMS officers in the Salisbury Fire Department? If there are 8,300 EMS calls in Salisbury then why are there 6 or 7 fire chiefs SUV's and Crown Vics and no EMS chiefs vehicles? I am not a mathematician, but this math seems to be a little fuzzy or someone doesn't know where their priorities are. What is more important a supervisor for a cardiac arrest or a supervisor for a little mulch fire?

  29. Remember this, and I post it for all the liberal pansies. There are whole lot of big, fat aced, on welfare for life, human slugs who call the 911 3 times week because, at 450 lbs and growing, they are having "trouble breathing". The LAW requires a response. And drug addicts who call 911 because their "back hurts". 3 times a week. And the law requires a response. The firefighters and EMT's know these people by first name. They don't have any REAL problem, other than a need for drugs, conversation, or attention. And, although I'm not positive about this, I think the law says when an ambulance is dispatched, a fire engine must also respond. You or I get CHARGED (above and beyond our taxes we pay) for an ambulance ride. But when you have never worked in your life and never had a check with your name on it, you can call 911 every day and get taken to the hospital for free (free to YOU -- the working class picks that tab up for you, too, like everything else in your life). Before you start hating on this dose of the truth, ask ANY firefighter or EMT. They aren't allowed to complain. I will do it for them. Cut these 3-4 times a week "emergencies" off (from everything, for once in their life), and calls would drop DRAMATICALLY. Or charge them with abusing 911 and jail 'em. Do SOMETHING. For the taxPAYERS, for once.
    Just once.

  30. 4:14 PM there probably hasn't been 3,700 actual house fires in 50 years total.

  31. lmclain said...

    And, although I'm not positive about this, I think the law says when an ambulance is dispatched, a fire engine must also respond.

    May 26, 2013 at 10:02 AM

    If you aren't positive then why did you even make this comment. Your comment is far from the truth and when people make comments like this people seem to believe it. You are also wrong about when someone dials 911 the law requires a response. If it was the law then why are the fire departments scratching on many of the calls and not getting fined or jailed. If you say this is a law then please cite the source.

    You are correct in saying that most of the calls are unnecessary. I would guess that 90% of the calls could be a transport to the hospital via personal vehicle. Many people use the emergency room as their family doctor. If the liberal pansies start fining the slugs for calling 911 when they aren't needed then the call volumes would drastically fall and the need for paid firemen, EMT's and Paramedics would not be needed. Can you imagine the savings in your insurance premiums if the insurance companies would refuse to pay for most ambulance transports. Salisbury as well as all fire companies have the ambulance service so they can charge insurance companies for revenue. Fire departments billing insurance companies is one of the biggest scandals in the United States. It fits right up there with Obamacare.

  32. Ok where is Schadler? I think someone called him out and he ran like a puppy with his tail between his legs.

  33. Perhaps the point was vague...when someone calls 911 for a "medical problem", the fire dept must respond. THEY don't get to make the decision as to what medical problems they can ignore...

  34. all tha farmen were in taylors. I was there. I saw them. they were there again on friday, with 2 trucks.

  35. lmclain said...
    Perhaps the point was vague...when someone calls 911 for a "medical problem", the fire dept must respond. THEY don't get to make the decision as to what medical problems they can ignore...

    May 27, 2013 at 8:01 AM

    There is no law or no code that says the fire department has to respond on a medical call if 911 is called. Fire trucks are for fires and ambulances are for EMS calls. EMS stands for Emergency Medical Services. Emergency is the key word. A tooth ache for 2 weeks doesn't warrant a 911 call at 3 am. That is 911 abuse. These clowns that call 911 know that they won't have to pay for the ambulance because they don't have to pay up front. If they called a taxi they would require the $5 up front. That ambulance call is going to cost the tax payers $600.

  36. I know for a fact that Kent Schadler got fired from the Ocean Pines Fire Department when he was a paramedic. He got caught turning in a fake sick note for time off. That is like cheating and stealing. I a surprised MIEMSS didn't take his license away for this. Maybe they did and the Allen Fire Department hired him anyway. This in itself causes him to lose all credibility. He should not be allowed to work or volunteer anywhere because of this.

  37. Why did the Salisbury Fire Department need to buy 3 brand new Ford Explorers? Didn't they just buy a brand new Crown Vic for Gordy? It couldn't have had that many miles on them? Are the numerous chiefs taking advantage of the take home vehicles and using them for their personal shopping? Does Hoppes need a brand new Ford Explorer? What a waste of good tax money and you see why they need to raise our tax dollars. By the way what happened to the brand new Crown Vic that was bought for Gordy? How many miles is Hoppes and Tull putting on those vehicles. What about the numerous other take home vehicles. How much mileage is put on those vehicles. Where are all the take home vehicles going? I understand 1 take home vehicle is being driven to Delaware every day. Does any of the chief or employees live in the city limits?


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