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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Women Escorted From Mall For Wearing “F--- CANCER” Hats

Two sisters were escorted from a mall in King of Prussia, Pa., on Sunday because they were wearing hats reading “F--- CANCER” with the “C” in the expletive replaced by a pink breast cancer awareness ribbon, the Philadelphia Daily News reported.

Zakia Clark, 29, and Tasha Clark, 27, said that they were wearing the shirts to honor their mother, Jackie Underwood, who had passed away on May 14 at the age of 51 after a battle with breast cancer.

The women, both from Philadelphia, were at the King of Prussia Mall with a group of friends and relatives, shopping for a dress for Zakia’s daughter to wear to their mom’s funeral. After two-and-a-half hours of shopping, the women were approached by a security guard in the mall’s food court.


  1. i told you guys this would happen. you said i was overreacting. when those stupid "i love boobies" ribbons came out, you all thought they were cute. kids were allowed to wear them to school because it was against cancer. well, this message is against cancer. wheres the cute now?

  2. Good. And I am also sick of the "Boobies" t shirts and bumper stickers as well.

  3. Just look at the source , need I say more. Just part of their vocabulary!

  4. I would hope those guards and one cop were reprimanded at least, and maybe fired.

    I don't see where that family did anything wrong. I don't believe that guard was 'offended' by their message on their caps. I think he just used it as an excuse to overstep his bounds and use an authority he does not possess.

    After the owner called and apologized to the family, he should make another call and tell those guards to leave 'his' mall. Permanently.

    Aside from their first amendment rights, they were wearing those items in remembrance of their mother and helping other cancer victims with the proceeds from the sale of those items.

    You may not like the caps and shirts or what they say, but you should respect their right to say and wear them.

    If you keep giving other people's rights away, one day they will come for yours.

  5. 10:28 It is funny you use the word "respect" in conjuction with the "F" word. Also, I would love to see how much of the proceeds of the hats actually go to cancer research...you can bet its pennies.

  6. Anonymous said...
    10:28 It is funny you use the word "respect" in conjuction with the "F" word. Also, I would love to see how much of the proceeds of the hats actually go to cancer research...you can bet its pennies.

    May 24, 2013 at 10:39 AM

    why is it funny? have you ever known a cancer patient? have you ever seen first hand the effects of cancer? have you ever watched a family member die from cancer?

    if you had, you would say fuck cancer too. sorry if that offends you. seeing someone eaten down to the bone by cancer offends me.

    I don't know how many 'pennies' went to cancer victims from the sale of these items, and you don't either, but I would bet it's 100% more than you gave.

  7. There are many people who die in horrible ways every day. It is very sad for their families to go through it. Thee are better ways to express your grief than by wearing an obscene shirt or hat.

    These ladies were asked to remove the hats and they refused. It would not have been a hardship for the hats to be put away until the women were out of the mall and could wear the hats in an area where they would have been more welcomed. They weren't wearing a shirt that could not have been easily removed, it was a hat.

    The ladies were given a choice to keep the hats on or leave the premises. They chose to keep the hats on. That was their choice.

    The only reason to be mad at the mall personnel is if they allow other similar obscene items to be worn. If they don't allow it from others then these women have nothing to complain about.

  8. If they don't allow it from others then these women have nothing to complain about.

    May 24, 2013 at 12:59 PM

    I'm glad the mall owner has shown more compassion and common sense than you and others have shown.

    Before I say good morning to anyone I will get a public poll first to see if it offends anyone.

    We all know what itty bitty feelings some have.

  9. I too lost a parent to cancer and vividly remember the day I had to pull it together to go to the mall and shop for a dress for the funeral. Not in a million years would I have thought to wear a piece of apparel that had an obscene word on it. Think of the many children that asked their parents what that said or meant. I understand firsthand the heartache of losing a parent to cancer. However it doesn't give you the right to lose your senses and offend others with vulgar language. If my 5 children were at the mall and I saw someone with obscene language on their hat/shirt, etc. you'd better believe I'd be asking security to get involved as well. Cancer is horrible...insensitivity to others is horrible as well.

  10. 12:45 Yes, the "F" word offends me and so do ignorant people who wear it on their clothing. Cancer is not an excuse to be rude and inconsiderate.

    You should know how much of the money that you donate goes to the actual cause. I do.

  11. Wow, the limp wristed hypocrites are out in force today. You people must get offended very easily, every day, or you stay home a lot. Make sure you turn your tv's and radio's off as well. If children are old enough to read, they already know what the word is and what it means.

    If it was the spoken word you might, might, have a case. But certainly not the written word when all you have to do is avert your eyes.

    But it's ok, I understand....

  12. 4:03 Why don't you go to work and wear an f word hat. See what happens. There is a reason people are offended by it and it's really sad that you can't see that.

  13. Anonymous said...
    4:03 Why don't you go to work and wear an f word hat. See what happens. There is a reason people are offended by it and it's really sad that you can't see that.

    May 24, 2013 at 4:35 PM

    This didn't happen at their workplace. But you're right, with all the much more important and bigger issues we face everyday, I don't see the big deal about a baseball cap. I guess others like drama more than me.

  14. 6:25 You are still missing the point. Come on you aren't that clueless are you? If there are more important issues we face everyday then why are you bothering to comment on this one?

  15. I'd give those wanna be cops a LOT more credibility if they started throwing people out of the mall for showing me half their ass. THAT is a lot more offensive to my family than any hat can be....

  16. 8:30 PM

    Jesus loves you..

  17. Well those two dummies wanted attention for wearing such profanity and they got it. They should've been thrown in jail.

  18. Private property. End of discussion.

    1. Intended for the public 10:33! End of discussion.

  19. What if these people were white rednecks with the confederate flag on their shirts and caps. Would you people want them to remove their offensive coverings? Why or why not?

  20. End of discussion is right. Another mob rule restricting the rights and freedoms of others. I bet you're proud of yourselves. They are not allowed to express themselves, but you are and over ruling them in the process. Ironic really. Immoral persons passing moral judgment. Hypocrites all.

  21. Hypocrisy, eh? How would you have reacted to this story if the people in question had been removed for wearing shirts that said "f*&# Jesus"? Extreme, I know, but tell me you would be okay with the property owner allowing them to stay. It's private property, and you can and will be escorted out for violation of the dress code. It's perfectly legal. What's so hard to understand about this?

  22. the OWNER did not escort them out, monkeys in a guards uniform did that deed. the owner called and apologized. what ESLE don't you understand?


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