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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Be Careful Traveling East Bound On Rt. 50

East bound Rt 50 just BEFORE Willards


  1. Welcome to summer. MSP making money for the state.

  2. No surprise here... It's expected.

  3. Obey the law and you have nothing to worry about.

  4. Do some real police work

  5. anonymous 11:11, Are you serious? That is real police work.

    Don't think for a second officers don't find drunk drivers in the morning hours.

    The law is 55 mph. Going above the speed limit is breaking the law. A drivers license is a privilege that can be taken away.

    While, (to me) it's a shame they tend to bank on holiday weekends and or weekend traffic heading to the Beach, there should be a separate police force that just concentrates full time on speeding and that INCLUDES school zones.

  6. Annual event - at least since 1998. They using the bucket truck this year?

  7. MSP = Overrated ticket writers with guns.

  8. I agree with Joe 100%

  9. they need them in more places
    the poeple that speed on 50 can be dangerous

  10. maybe people should do the speed limit

  11. cherry picking season

  12. speeding-smcheeding. Target the tailgaters and unsafe drivers. Going 62 or whatever in a 55 is not dangerous.

  13. Last friday on my way to work i saw them in 4 different places.
    i live in salisbury and work in berlin. thats ridiculous lol.

  14. It is the slower lower eastern shore...pretty much every multilane highway south of MD is 65mph and in FL 70 mph. either Marylanders can't drive over 55 or it is a money making scheme.

  15. I have seen them on that left hand grass right there, a good way for them to get run over or cause a pileup. There are safer places to set up, the tourists don't know their regular spots anyway.

  16. MSP is not supposed to be out of their vehicles when pulling people over. they are to pull you over in their vehicle with lights and sirens. if the man running radar is not the man who wrote the ticket then you will beat it. because the man running radar is the man that is accusing you he needs to sign the ticket since the ticketing officer is the one who goes to court. like in the bucket Truck case incidents that I have be twice. the guy stayed in the bucket truck and a different officer wrote the ticket. well the guy in the bucket truck wasn't at court the ticketing officer was and he was not able to say whether or not that the radar gun was properly set up before use. this officer also did not see the speed it was not able to verify other than the fact of what he was told by another officer which believe it or not it still here say while coming from one cop to another.

  17. Isn't there some state regulation that requires a stationary vehicle/object to be at least 15 feet off of the traveled surface of a highway? I think so.., but, let's face it these guys are above the law aren't they. Regulations and rules don't apply to cops or politicians.

  18. I would agree with Joe, if they would do the speed limit too.
    MSP is routinely seen exceeding by 20 on Rt. 50.
    Don't do as I do, do as I say.
    Hypocrites all.
    Little do they know the risk involved in using that radar gun repetitively! Kinda like karma when they get cancer!

  19. they have radar just east of the Vienna scales also.

  20. 1:41 PM

    what about tickets issued from planes?

  21. Seriously bothered by some of these comments. Lets speak with the families of all the people who have died on route 50. Please, tell them that speeding is no big deal.

  22. I wouldn't warn you, I would let you get the ticket. You speed, you deserve it. Doesn't matter how they catch you, your dumb @@@ just got caught. DEAL WITH IT!!!

  23. 2:39PM,
    I see your point, these comments are heavily weighted against the leos. However, the bigger picture is they[the comments] show the public's growing disrespect for law enforcement officers and their truculent attitude and 'above the law' mindset. One can only assume that this rationale is expected from administration.., you know, like Obama's thugs.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Seriously bothered by some of these comments. Lets speak with the families of all the people who have died on route 50. Please, tell them that speeding is no big deal.

    May 24, 2013 at 2:39 PM

    Um, don't read them?

    Speeding is no big deal. It only becomes a problem when travelling much more than the flow of traffic. Or some bone head makes an unsafe lane change or some other bad move.

    Highways are designed and built for speeds greater than the magically produced number of 55. It is a money maker of the guise of safety. How other people survive in other areas with higher speed limits is still a mystery isn't it?

    Speeding alone rarely causes an accident, much less a fatal one. There is always another action involved that causes the crash.

    If someone is going 80 or something like that, then they deserve and should expect a ticket. But routinely you see people, police included, going ten miles over with no ill effects.

    You don't really get anywhere faster, especially in this area. But they have to justify their highway robbery some kind of way.

  25. Anonymous said...
    I wouldn't warn you, I would let you get the ticket. You speed, you deserve it. Doesn't matter how they catch you, your dumb @@@ just got caught. DEAL WITH IT!!!

    May 24, 2013 at 3:18 PM

    Have a nice day, jerk.

  26. 11:08 I agree with you do the speed limit or 5 to 6 mph over and you will not be bothered. All of us locals know where they set up so it is just their way of getting the tourist.

  27. idiot or not I represented myself and beat it

  28. Welcome to the Eastern Shore, we need the money

  29. "Obey the law"? Coming from the police, that's hysterical. When was the last time you saw a state cop doing 55? The law is made for the serfs, not the lords. And I thought it was rather funny that 2:37 (probably a cop) calls the poster an "idiot", then concedes that he is "somewhat correct". Who is the real idiot? And I love it when the public masters reveal their true feelings about the people they "serve". For those interested in the truth and old enough to know, those roads were designed and ENGINEERED for 70 MPH. The politicians (public servants, too, is their claim) LOWERED the speed limit to 55 to "save energy" (and to make tickets a lucrative revenue stream for the State) back when they were trying to convince us (40 years ago) that the world be out of oil in a couple of decades. We still have decades of oil and the revenue stream is one of most lucrative EVER created by politicians. Politicians doing what they do best --- lie and take our money. And cops wielding radar guns and calling themselves "heroes". And no, I don't have any points on my license, either, so don't play that cop BS in your cop reply.

  30. If you don't want to warn people, why post the picture and location?

  31. A minor point, but you don't get cancer from laser speed detection. The reason they aim at your front tag is twofold. It reflects the laser nicely, but in some cases is also tied into a laptop that can tell Barney all about the owner of the vehicle. Suspended, wanted, etc. Welcome to todays tech.

  32. My problem with this is I travel to the western shore for work and I see these same MD leo running at better than 75 or 80 mph while trying to get where they are going. But they have no problem writng you and I a ticket for doing 66 mph. How many citizens have been killed so far by MD st police traveling at a high rate of speed? How about they go fight some real crime! I'm sure every other major crime in the state of maryland has been solved and we are now down to this! For all you leo lovers and liberal aholes. wait until you need one of these government thugs to come and help you! Then you'll wake up and realize what a fool you have been!

  33. they should be in Annapolis doing background checks for guns; been waiting 10 weeks now and MD. is a 7 day wait. Once I do finally get it I'm contacting a lawyer about the slow process...this isn't the flintstones era and this long of a wait is inexcusable!

  34. The problem with the Willards location is they are doing it from the left side of the road where there is no shoulder. The confused motorist try and quickly pull over on the left and slide to the bottom of the ditch.

    The ones who try and pull over to the right quickly cut off the motorist in the right lane causing them to slam on the brakes.

    Its like a Benny Hill skit every time they do it there.

    They need a little more common sense in choosing their location before another one of them gets run over again.

  35. common sense and leo's will never go together! just do what they are told and don't ask no questions! got that?


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