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Sunday, May 05, 2013

96% Of The FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists Are Muslim

And the other four percent is a single animal rights activist. I blame Islamophobia for this shameless terrorist profiling. Also reality.

Interesting that with all of the obfuscation about domestic terrorism and Christian terrorism and Jewish and Lutheran and Episcopalian and Amish terrorism, 30 of 31 on the list are Muslim.

It’s easy to stand in front of a malleable press corps and claim that terrorism is not the exclusive domain of Islam, but when it comes to actual facts, they haven’t arrived at manufacturing charges….yet.



  1. Government is going to do nothing about it.
    They handicap America by allowing them in to start.
    I guess it's about time for citizen's to do their part on a more local basis.
    Visit your local mosque. LOL!

  2. Imagine that... but what would you expect from the muzzies

  3. Of course. I love it when the liberals try to bring up McVeigh and Kaczynski trying to make it seem like there are as many white terrorists as Muslim terrorists. It just shows their ignorance.

  4. well, don't tell tsa. they'll think we're profiling.

  5. 7:41:
    Good point! Those 2 AND so very long ago.

  6. Now this does not surprise me, so....why don't we just keep on letting these idiots into the country. They want to blow something up, send them back to where they belong and let them blow each other up. Really makes me mad when we have warnings about what they plan to do and our government ignores it and then things like the Boston bombing happens. Really looks like we need more government in our lives doesn't it?

  7. Look into the McVeigh bombing a little farther and you will notice there are some Muslim ties to that group. So I wouldn't be quick to say they were Christian right wingers.

  8. Don't tell Fienstien, Pelosi or Judge Sotomayor they will call it racial profiling

  9. 9:16 Wow. Thanks for the info. I had no idea! I just did a simple google search and there several sources tying McVeigh to muslims.

  10. One of them is in the White House

  11. Hey Ronnie , you got it right.

  12. Surprise, Surprise!

  13. Ban all religion!

  14. Just as long as they aren't undocumented workers!

  15. We may find out after his term that our own President was involved in the Muslim world more than we knew.

  16. Gasp. I'm shocked!


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