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Sunday, May 05, 2013

Muslims In Maryland Petition Schools To Close On Eid, Like On Christmas, Yom Kippur

Schools are usually closed on Easter Monday and Rosh Hashanah—why not Eid al-Fitr?

That’s the question Mimi Hassanein, a resident of Brinkow, Md., asks herself every time the Eids fall on a school day. The two most important Islamic holidays —Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha —are traditionally spent praying and feasting with family and friends. But Hassanein says that every year, her grandchildren and other Muslim youth in her school district are forced to choose between their religion and their grades.

“Of course it’s hard when they miss a class and have to make up an exam,” the grandmother told the New York Daily News. “But it’s like asking them to go to school on Christmas.”

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  1. Considering how Leftist and Progressive Mayrland is you can bet that this will pass. Do you have any idea how huge a Mosque they are currently building in Howard County?

  2. 3:01
    Are you talking about the one around the Cooksville area? I hadn't heard that they got approval about that. I thought it was still in the planning stages. I heard people were trying to fight it. You have to wonder where they get all the money for these huge buildings. I guess if they are like the boston bomber they can just use their money for the mosque and welfare for the rest.

  3. I'd tell them to go screw themselves or go home. They come to our country, they play by our rules!

  4. What is going on in this country unbelievable.

  5. No! Your in America pal...if you don't like it, your people and your religion can go back to whatever rock you crawled out from!

  6. Stop closing schools for all religious holidays. Only closing for Christian holidays has always been wrong.

    1. It's the American way drew. Love it or lump it!

  7. Absolutely not! The way women are treated is a violation of human rights standards. Honoring them with a holiday is condoning their views on women.

  8. Drew they no longer close the schools for Christian holidays. They have a winter break in December and a Spring break in March/April. It was the liberals that wanted that changed so they changed it. Now they can't close schools for other religions either.

  9. And these people are against dead pigs and naked women. Give me a break!

  10. Look muslims, if you don't like it, don't go to school here, stay home or better yet return to your motherland.

  11. 5:53
    If you ask them this is their motherland. Allah created the earth where the sun sets into a muddy pond.

  12. Cancell all holidays! Then kids will learn to thank muslims.

  13. Muslims are as useless as illegals we don't need either.

  14. Today, there are officially no days off from school for the reason of a religious holiday. If anyone wishes to enact an additional day off on any certain date, they would have to provide a specific, non religious reason for the closure, and it would have to be voted on by the county.

    Get in line.

  15. No religious holidays. nothing special for muslims.
    do you honestly believe they would allow a Christian holiday to be celebrated in their countries? the answer is NO. as a matter of fact, they hate Christians and Jews and burn their churches and synagogues. they behead and slaughter the infidels (all those that don't have their beliefs). I think that's all the info you need.
    again; NO

  16. Just a thought here....I wonder if they close schools for Christmas in their country???

  17. Go home if you want your national holidays. Why should we change ours for you? Do you take off on ours? If you do, consider that your celebration.
    Our national holidays have been changed too much as it is. They're not even "on the day" anymore.

  18. It is sad to hear all the hate on this blog sometimes. This is America, all of or ancestors were from somewhere else at one time or another. they came to America for a better life. why cant we just be respectful of our differences. Everyone deserves that yes it is true when entering America you should come here legal
    , pay taxes, hold a job, speak the language. but at the same time honor your culture. Perhaps instead of close school just be excused cause as we all know we are no longer aloud to recognize religion OF ANY KIND in our schools anymore.

  19. 11:15 am. you are very naïve.

  20. 11:15 You are correct. Our ancestors were from somewhere else but when they came, they didn't ask us to change our believes to their way of thinking. And they didn't come here to blow us up either.

  21. GRLNXTDOOR said...
    It is sad to hear all the hate on this blog sometimes. This is America, all of or ancestors were from somewhere else at one time or another. they came to America for a better life. why cant we just be respectful of our differences. Everyone deserves that yes it is true when entering America you should come here legal
    , pay taxes, hold a job, speak the language. but at the same time honor your culture. Perhaps instead of close school just be excused cause as we all know we are no longer aloud to recognize religion OF ANY KIND in our schools anymore.

    May 4, 2013 at 11:15 AM

    No, what is really sad is the stupidity of soft hearted liberals like you. If you are a girl, I hope that you will be forced to wear that rag around your head with only holes for your eyeballs. You will lose all of your rights as a woman and an American. You deserve what you will end up getting.

  22. MUSLIM GO HOME!!!!!!!

  23. If O’Malley can figure out a way to tax this, then it will pass!


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