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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

50% Ammo Tax In MD?

If you can't ban 'em, tax 'em.

Lawmakers looking to more tightly regulate firearms in the wake of the Newtown school shooting and other massacres are moving at the state and federal levels to introduce new taxes on firearms and ammunition.

The proposals range from the modest -- a proposed 5 percent tax in New Jersey -- to the steep -- a proposed 50 percent ammo tax in Maryland. The bills follow efforts to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and expand background checks, measures that have had mixed success at the state level.

The taxes -- much like so-called "sin taxes," like those on cigarettes -- serve a dual purpose. They can deter buyers, while using the extra revenue for favored programs. In this case, the sponsors want to direct the money toward mental health services, police training and victims' treatment.

But firearms groups say a "sin tax" on firearms wrongly punishes law-abiding gun owners. 


  1. I now have signs on my front door and rear deck that reads "Due to the Democrats increase to ammo costs, no warning shots will be fired".

  2. How stupid can they get?!! Just drive to Delaware! Then, Maryland gets no revenue!

  3. Government sanctioned THEFT!

  4. Omalley is a dirty politician looking to make money not make the State safe.
    Poor Gas on Fire, what an idiot.

  5. 11:10, I'm sure they thought of that. Stores will be required to check ID's. Any there are far better loopholes than traveling to DE. ;)

  6. I own a home 1/2 mile from the Delaware State line in Delmar Md. I can find anything I need in Delmar, Laurel, or Seaford. Keep it up O'Malley, Conway, Cane, and Mathias.

  7. Gun shows in other states don't check id either. What idiots!

  8. We the people in MD need to push ASAP to get this sob OUTTA office. WTF is he doing....

  9. Delaware must be loving MD's stupid liberals. DE is an answer for us on the shore but Southern and Western MD folks will have to drive to their neighboring states which are further away. Liberals sure know how to destroy a local economy.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. They keep wanting to pass BS laws but not work on important issues like why were losing jobs and why no jobs are coming here.

  12. Get your pitchforks, tar and feathers, torches and anything else you can find and take these people out of office.

    Fire them. Then vote some people in there who will listen to what the people want.

    Every state. Finishing in D.C.

    Then start of the police depts.

  13. O'Malley and Conway have to go!

  14. 11:57
    Maryland is not that big of a state. Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania are only a stones throw away from most places in Maryland.

  15. It was just a matter of time until they got around to taxing something you like.

  16. you need to get rid of Raskin and Cardin the main ones for these dumb bills

  17. Now are local dems finally getting it? Everyone in this county has to go to the ballot box and punish Conway and Mathias for the sins of their party, only in this way will Annapolis get the message.

  18. "Anonymous said...
    How stupid can they get?!! Just drive to Delaware! Then, Maryland gets no revenue!

    March 12, 2013 at 11:10 AM

    Have you been asleep? I am sure Delaware doesn't have any ammo either. .22LR's are hardest to find. Can't take our guns so the government is buying up all the ammo. Why do they need millions and millions of rounds of ammo!!

  19. Guess they are figuring on lots of resisters.

  20. I will never ever vote for another Democrat as long as I live.

  21. 1:41 .22lr is coming in at Walmart, just have to catch it right. I secured a pallet, not from WM though.

  22. Anonymous said...
    1:41 .22lr is coming in at Walmart, just have to catch it right. I secured a pallet, not from WM though.

    March 12, 2013 at 2:38 PM

    I've been every day this week, I got the last box of 333's 2 weeks ago and they said they haven't had any since. Gander Mountain had them on Friday for 50 cents a piece in a 50 count box. What a rip off.

  23. 3:24. A friend scored 3 - 225ct for $9 in the late afternoon at fruitland. Another friend scored a 333 this weekend. Gander raised prices to meet the market, WM hasn't.

  24. I'm hoping pretty soon an organization with a few decent attorneys starts looking at this MD gun fiasco as nothing more than a poll tax, i.e., discriminatory against poorer people with a constitutinal right to a gun, but being blocked by excessive administrative forms and fees.

  25. It is just like gold. If you didn't buy years ago, you are out of luck. Thinking of selling some of my stash before leaving MD.

  26. The only solution is the one recommended by Thomas Jefferson. Slaughter them. Bleed them. Hang them. Let history show that the greatest country in Earth's existence knew exactly what to do with wanna-be Nazi's and dictators. You can seek the approval of men like Jefferson and Adams or of sissy girls like o'malley and obama. But you WILL be picking, sooner or later, and with the weapons and ammo build-up of our own government, I'm thinking that they know which way we'll go....and they are getting ready as fast as they can borrow the money to do it.

  27. You can seek the approval of men like Jefferson and Adams

    Thank goodness for us that these two, and others like them, did not ask permission to do the right thing.

    They organised, planned, supplied, took and suffered great risk both personal and financial, to win our freedoms.

    The American people, as a whole, has become too complacent, lazy, scared of their own shadows, wanting bigger and bigger government to take care of them, and unwilling to take responsibility for themselves and their own safety and freedom.


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