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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Congressman Andy Harris Reacts To The Path To Prosperity: “Much-Needed” & “Responsible”

House Budget Balances in 10 Years without Raising Taxes—Senate Proposal Never Balances but Raises Taxes

—Today, House Republicans released their budget entitled The Path to Prosperity: A Responsible, Balanced Budget. It ensures that Washington finally lives within its means like hard working taxpayers all over Maryland are forced to do every day. The budget offered this year shows an even greater commitment to putting America on a path toward fiscal responsibility by balancing within ten years. House Republicans have passed a budget each of the last two years, something the Democrats in the Senate have failed to do any of the last four years.

“Washington owes the American people a responsible budget that balances and fosters a healthy economy that creates good paying jobs,” said Congressman Andy Harris. “This budget is a much-needed approach to get our country on sound financial footing and rein in our massive debt.” Unlike the President’s budget, which did not receive a single Democrat or Republican vote last year or achieve balance, The Path to Prosperity would balance the federal budget within ten years.

Leaders in Washington for too long have been deflecting blame and passing the burden of America’s crushing debt onto someone else. The Path to Prosperity recognizes the need for the federal government to play a positive role in peoples’ lives by strengthening the social safety net. This budget makes sure these programs are available to those who need it, at the same time preserving them for future generations. It cuts wasteful spending, while continuing to prioritize what is important. This budget fixes our broken tax code by leveling the playing field for workers and businesses alike to foster job creation – and rewards, not punishes, success.

“Earlier this year the President got his massive tax hike. Now it is time for us to control government spending,” Harris noted. “We welcome President Obama and Senate Democrats to the table to deal with America’s crushing debt so that the country we pass on to our children and grandchildren will be as free and prosperous as the one our parents and grandparents passed on to us.”


  1. The problem with a budget that balances in 10 years, is that each year the goal post moves forward. Over time, new budgets get enacted that keep us from being balanced.

    The fact of the matter is, I can spend trillions today and claim that the savings will come on year 10, when I don't spend a dime. We all know that this approach doesn't make any sense.

    We need to push Harris to secure IMMEDIATE measures, because this year's spending is the only thing that we can really control. Shame on him for trying to sell this balanced budget as a solution to anything. It's really just smoke and mirrors that spends more next year than this year.

  2. how about balance the budget this year. why is this so hard to accomplish

  3. 1:38 - imagine the whining if they stopped giving away Obamaphones, welfare, and section 8 housing?


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