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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

In Just The Last Week In The Land Of The Free...

It's a pretty sad state of affairs in the Land of the Free when they have to pass a law making it illegal for the government to assassinate its own citizens.

Yet that's exactly what's happening.

Late last week, US Senator Ted Cruz introduced Senate bill S.505, "A bill to prohibit the use of drones to kill citizens of the United States within the United States."

More than likely, this bill isn't going to go anywhere. It'll get shuffled around to various committees and be largely forgotten. But the fact that it was introduced shows just how far things have fallen in the US.

Again, do they really have to create a law to prevent the government from killing its own people?

Curiously, it's interesting that this particular legislation stops at outlawing the assassination of US citizens on US soil... as if the Griswolds on their European vacation are acceptable targets...

Or that the bill specifically prohibits using drones to kill US citizens... but nothing else.

This is really amazing. But it's just the tip of the iceberg.



  1. The ambiguity of the current Neo-communist regime makes this a must.
    Obama/Holder have to be held to account preemptively. If not, they will squirm, delay, distract, deceive, distort, disrupt like they have done for 4+ years.

  2. This bill needs to be pushed to the forefront by whatever means are necessary.

  3. "...whatever means necessary", huh? Might I suggest attching it to the gunsight of an AR-15 and holding it REAL CLOSE to their face, so they can read the fine print, which in a perfect world would say "we'll give you 10 seconds to clean out your desk and be on the elevator outta here". Then say out loud, 6....7....8...(start at six)...

  4. It's a pretty sad state of affairs in the Land of the Free when they have to pass a law making it illegal for the government to assassinate its own citizens.

    Or that the bill specifically prohibits using drones to kill US citizens... but nothing else.

    You know, that is a very clear and pointed way of expressing exactly what is happening.

    Am I the only one who is amazed we would even have to have this type of conversation with our 'leaders'?

    If that were to happen and the government called them terrorists, felons, threat to the national security, mass murderer or any other such label as they would deem sufficient, would that make it okay to most Americans?

    If they were viewed as "deserving" to be killed, would the American people look the other way?

    Have we become that conditioned to accept this governmental murder of fellow citizens that we would not be outraged? We would just scurry on home, thankful we were not the target?

    Something is very wrong with our country. If this does not convince the entire United States citizenry of what we have become and where we are headed, I don't know what to think.

    We get arrested, beaten and even killed for standing up for our rights.

    What more has to happen to convince some of us that something is terribly wrong?

    Is this how other groups of people in history felt, acted, as they were led away to slaughter?

    I'm at the age where I really don't mind dying that much. I'm not in any big hurry either, but if it's not to be a natural death, if it's going to be one caused by a push of a button by someone looking at a monitor, or by the police or military during their sweeps, raids or whatever you want to call it, at least let me go out fighting.

    Don't take my weapons and lead me to the alter like a sacrificial lamb.


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