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Thursday, January 17, 2013

O'Malley Budget: Construction Projects, No Tax Hikes

Governor Martin O'Malley has introduced a $37.3-billion budget that contains no proposed tax increases or sales tax extensions.

"None in this budget is submitted," O'Malley replied when asked is he is proposing any tax increase

The governor says a discussion of an increase in a gas tax, or gasoline sales tax to pay for transportation projects will come later.

"We suffer from our state from a chronic under investment in transportation, and I've had conversations with the Senate president as to how we address that, and I offered my ideas last term, and that still remains a problem," O'Malley added.



  1. He just dosent get that being more business friendly would attract more business alas more tax revenue.

  2. "None in this budget is submitted,"
    ...soon to be amended.
    MOM comprehends neither fact nor truth.


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